Reviews for Mansion by the Sea
irreplaceable-fullmetal-heart chapter 3 . 12/24/2017
Damn. See, now that I'm reading this at older age, even if readers didn't like Axel/Tifa.. cheating? That's FUCKED UP. Even if someone feels a person deserves it. Cheating is something I hate. The most grimy, foulest and disgusting thing you can do to someone. If Tifa wasn't such a bitch I'd feel bad for her, but I don't really. But I can't be like "yay! he's cheating either! XD" because then it makes it hard to ship axel/roxas TTvTT you know the saying, "once a cheater always a cheater" so if he would cheat on someone else with roxas then he would cheat on roxas with someone smh...

P.S - But Roxas is a hot piece of ass and he axel are my OTP, so this is a guilty pleasure for me! I want the back story as to how this all started.
irreplaceable-fullmetal-heart chapter 2 . 12/24/2017
I just realize while rereading this chapter sora took off his shirt by the pool in chapter 1 but then in this chapter he has his shirt on, but then not on because he was half naked LOL. I just noticed that little mistake, but idc! This chapter was HOT (thank you riku u sexy bitch!) and hilarious! XD
irreplaceable-fullmetal-heart chapter 1 . 12/23/2017
Ugh I can't stand Tifa! She's such a BITACH! X(

P.S - LOL reading this story all over again because it's one of my absolute favs! Too bad it will never be updated EVER again in my life time TTvTT
blterhune chapter 19 . 9/17/2016
Good God woman! Why did you have to stop? I was hoping this was completed, but disappointingly it is not! Please come back!
irreplaceable-fullmetal-heart chapter 19 . 3/14/2014
I'm so angry! 1- seph makes me want to strangle him. 2- This turned me on so fucking much and i can't find any good leonxcloud fics beside this one and 3- there's no more fucking chapters, I have no idea if you're even writing about this anymore ;(
irreplaceable-fullmetal-heart chapter 17 . 3/13/2014
TTvTT Cloud... whyyyyyyyyyyyy? Oh poor leon, they are my new fav. I just love their relationship, it's so kawaiiii! please hurry and fuck cloud (hardcore) make him scream leon! *blushes* Sorry i sound like a perv, but I am, sadly!
irreplaceable-fullmetal-heart chapter 13 . 3/12/2014
I just got into KH fanfiction and let me just say yours is the best I've come across. You can tell how much Riku actually cares for sora and it's so sweet. I was fangirling. I actually just bought the KH game and KH 358/2, roxas and axel are my fav in your story and did i mention your characters are fucking hilarious? Like there was a scene where Leon.. I think, was scratching his balls and he forgot cloud was there (I was dying) and then when sora did that Z snap thingy (I was on the floor and couldnt stop giggling for minutes) anyway, I just love this story and hope Roxas gets a great ending and is treated like a prince by axel. his life hasnt been the best. That's about all, i will now continue to chapter 14 ;)
TheDreamOnElmStreet chapter 19 . 2/26/2014
I'm really enjoying this fic. it never gets boring and I'm so excited you incorporated Vincent! I hope you continue :) best regards
Titania.queen.of.fairys chapter 19 . 5/9/2013
Finally! It's getting somewhere in there relationship.
That Panda You Know chapter 19 . 11/9/2012
Awesome chapter and awesome story! Why did you stop it, when Cloud and Leon finally got it on! :(
Guest chapter 1 . 6/28/2012
WOAH! Hahahaha interesting discription on Tifa hmmm this is awesome!
JadeDawn chapter 19 . 4/28/2012
Oh my god. I know you haven't updated for... Nearly five years, but, for my sanity, it would be awesome if you updated. ;-; Your story's made me laugh, and even made me eager to read the next chapter. Please, for the good of humanity, I'd love to see an update. Pretty please? ;-;
Guest chapter 19 . 4/9/2012
StringBean chapter 1 . 2/7/2012
"Rite of passage?" Sora repeated. "What are we, Kairi, Aztecs?"

Best. Line. Ever.
S.RAYN chapter 19 . 9/23/2011
I love this story, thats why its my second read through after what 4 years? Anyway, pretty intense, I was grinning the whole time which is what I do with really good fanfiction. :)
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