To my dedicated readers (whom I send much love)
I regret to say that my computer decided to crap out on me. I could go into detail about how, but all you need to know is that something in there popped…and I need to replace some hardware…which won't be easy seeing as how my financial situation sucks balls right now.
I'm sorry, I won't be able to update for a while. I don't know how long that while will be though. I appreciate your reviews. I really do. And I'm so very sorry.
School also starts for me in a few days. Depending on my classes I don't know how often I'll be able to update then, if I get my computer back soon that is.
Don't worry!! I will finish this! I will finish this come hell or high water. I swear. And I hope you'll wait until I am able to.
Once again, I'm really, really sorry.