![]() Author has written 12 stories for Naruto, Pirates of the Caribbean, Taken, Dragon Ball Z, Transformers, Criminal Minds, Hetalia - Axis Powers, Left 4 Dead, Misc. Movies, and Bleach. Name: G Age: 25 Gender: Female You can find my sister here as KRenee. You can find my mom here as DawnIsMe. I have a friend here too. You can find her as NatalieHornbeck If you want to read my original works (non-fanfiction), you can find me on Figment as Regina Baker: If you want to follow me on my personal blog (the only thing I can sometimes update regularly), you can find me here I hope you like my stories! My projects: Judgment Night: In-progress and being worked on. We're in the latter half of this story, so expect a climax in he future, hopefully sooner rather than later. This story is yet another collaboration between myself and KRenee. I mention this in the disclaimer, but while I have it listed as a crossover, the plots of DBZ and Bleach are, for the most part, irrelevant to this story. What makes this story a crossover is the use of characters and concepts related to both anime, for example, Grimmjow as a main character, and Vegeta, Gohan, Goku as supporting characters, concepts of Hueco Mundo, Juritsu's abilities as a half-Saiyan (for those of you than don't know, Juritsu is Gohan's twin sister), etc. So please don't complain that "This has nothing to do with Bleach!" or "This has nothing to do with DBZ!" GET OVER IT! This plot is ORIGINAL. If you've got a problem with this, then don't read it. For the rest of you, please enjoy the fic! The Fated: Currently on hiatus. This story is a collaboration between me and my sister, KRenee. It's the official sequel to her story, The Arriving, which you can find here, and something which I highly recommend you read; she's an amazing writer. It is a re-write of a re-write, neither of which have ever been posted, thank god, because they were absolutely horrendous. This story, however, is amazing, and I've had a ton of fun working on it with my sister, when we can coordinate our schedules long enough to actually WORK on something. Left Behind: This story is currently on hiatus until I finish writing Judgment Night. I am approaching this with a "write on at a time" strategy, so I apologize, but you'll have to bear with me for a little bit longer This story was inspired by Leapingspirit's Separated. I know the first chapter here is insanely similar to theirs, but I assure you, this isn't a ripoff. If you haven't already, I highly recommend you go read Separated. Yaoi fan or not, it's an amazing read. Antics of the Caribbean: Currently on hiatus. Crash and Burn: This is on hiatus as it is going to, once again, be scrapped and rewritten. Note that this is the first story of a trilogy: the crossovers in this part of the series is DBZ and Naruto, and it's mainly concepts and little hints here and there of DBZ in the world of Naruto. Transformers: Robots are Obvious: Currently on hiatus. Criminal Crumbs: Currently on hiatus Haunted: On hiatus. May possibly discontinue. As of 04/23/2015: I'm coming out of hiatus, for the most part. I said previously that my life is taking a series of turns. Ironically enough, shortly after posting that last update, my life took a TURN. But long-story short, I'm moving to Mexico mid-May. Now, because of this abrupt change of pace, I may very well end up disappearing for a little while as I adjust to life out there. I will try to keep up this roll I'm on now that I've begun working on Judgment Night again. The good new is, I'm really on a roll with this, and coupled with my motivation to actually finish a story, I hope that this will be finished within the next couple of months, if not much sooner. I posted up Chapter 12. Chapter 13 needs to be proofed, and KRenee and I have already started writing Chapter 14. Maybe if I do this right, I can space out the postings enough to avoid catching up with myself and causing everyone to wait. So in the meantime, I'll hold off posting Chapter 13 for at least a few days, maybe a week. Now with that said, you might be wondering about Left Behind. I assure you, I am not discontinuing that story. Currently, it's on hiatus. And what I'm hoping is that, once I've completed Judgment Night, I'll be able to turn my attention towards that and keep the writing ball rolling. My strategy this time is to try and avoid working on too many projects simultaneously, as that proved to be overwhelming. I'll work on one at a time in the meanwhile. The other thing I should mention is that I'm transitioning to what will hopefully become a fairly lucrative freelance writing career. The good news is, this means I'll be doing a lot more writing for the sole purpose of continuing to hone my craft, not just in fiction writing (or in this case, fanfiction), but also nonfiction, academic, blogging, and etc. I've posted links to my Figment profile, as well as my blog, above in the profile, and I implore you to go check out my other things. Constructive criticism is welcome. The bad news is, once I start taking on more and more projects, I'll once again have to put writing my stories on the back burner. I'll try to pump out as much as I can before that, however. As always, I am eternally grateful for your patience and support. No, I haven't forgotten that you are all waiting for the next chapter. I only ask that you bear with me for a little bit longer. Thank you, - G |