Author has written 49 stories for Lord of the Rings, Bourne series, Bones, Supernatural, Daredevil, Dark Angel, A-Team, Hawaii Five-0, Warrior, 2011, Captain America, and Avengers. Right then, what to write?... I'm Supernoodle, not my real name, you might have guessed, and I'm from East London (that's the dodgy side that you see in Guy Richie films, not the nice bit that generally appears in films staring Hugh Grant). I grew up watching Knight Rider and the A-team on TV and remember a time before we all had a computer in our house, mobile phones and digital TV (how on earth did we manage?) I stumbled across fanfiction about twenty years ago... Such a relief. I never realised there were other people out there with same H/C kink as me. And although I am struggling to write a "serious" novel and be a "proper" writer, I've been writing stuff like this since I was a little kid and all I know is that its good clean harmless fun and I don't think I could stop even if I wanted to! There are many fabulous writers posting on this site, some so good it sickens me, and I'm striving to be one of them, so any and all feedback and constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. I mostly write in cannon, because half the fun of fanfic for me is to try to make the characters as "real" as possible - that and the fact that you get the opportunity to explore all the things that you desperately wanted, but that never actually happened on the show or in the movie. I guess its like a Choose Your Own Adventure kind of thing. I don't write slash - so if that's what you're after, move along - there's nothing to see here. Not judging, just not writing - I'm a H/C gal all the way! Lastly, you'll notice I have a few unfinished fics on here, and I am sorry to leave you hanging - I try hard now not to start posting stories until I'm sure I know I can finish them, but the trouble is, once I'm bored with a TV show, I no longer feel the urge to write out all my angst, and I lose steam. I used to love Bones, Supernatural, Hawaii Five-O, but they're all leaving me cold these days... Blame the show writers, not me :-) Right, well that's about all I have to say for myself apart from I hope you all enjoy reading my silly little stories as much as I've enjoyed writing them. TTFN x 1. Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. 2. As much as I wished I owned the amazing characters that appear in all of the writings below, I don’t... I just like to play with them. |
Community: | Hurt!Dean and other things that make me squeeeee! |
Focus: | TV Shows Supernatural |