Author has written 7 stories for StarTrek: Voyager, Highlander, and Supernatural. I digress; therefore, I am. Due to the unfortunate actions of a few ethically-challenged individuals, I am removing my Supernatural fanfiction from this site for the foreseeable future. It’s a choice I regret being forced to make, but it is one I’ve considered for long enough to be sure it’s the right thing to do, at least at this time. For those who are interested in reading the rest of Skin Deep, I will be finishing it. If you want details on how to access it, go read the one chapter that's still there. At the moment, I'm not be removing either my Highlander or my Trek fics. I'm not anticipating changing that decision; but then again, I didn't anticipate removing my Supernatural fics either, so there is that. But for the moment at least, non-SPN fanfic will stay here, and I might even add others if I ever find myself with a spare moment to do so. Ha. That was a joke. Like I have spare moments ... But anyways. That's the deal. I regret having to make this change and apologize for any inconvenience it creates for my readers; but it is an unfortunate reality that sometimes the needs of the many are screwed by the actions of the few, or the one. (Which is a bastardization of a Trek quote that Sammy would no doubt recognize, even if John doesn’t.) So thanks for the time you’ve spent reading my fic, I here's to meeting again on the flip side. |
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