Author has written 33 stories for Doctor Who, Star Wars, Sherlock Holmes, and Sherlock.
Heya, this is my awesomely long profile page and I'm Braceface_Freak. My best friends' Pen Names are AzureFalls and PixieDust493.
BTW peps, if any of you guys are interested in meeting other fan-fic writers on line, getting or posting writing tips, being inspired, all that stuff that we LOVE doing then go and check out this site.
I am a full time Hunter, Sherlockian and Cabin Crew. As well as part-time Jedi and Potterhead.
All About ME!
My name is Amelia.
Got my name from my brother, when I used to have braces, and it's just stuck, even though I've been brace-free for ages now I can't bear to change it, its my essence!
Where I am:
I live in good, old Great Britain where the weather's devastatingly awful! Oh look it's raining!
I Love:
My friends; writing lists; walking; Tae Kwon Do; aerobics; reading; singing in the shower; travelling; London; Oxford; the sea; rain; winter; autumn; my ipod; music; my room; tea; Spain; Spanish; Youtube; Tumblr...The list goes on and on and on and on...
I Hate:
Sunburn; people who are over-confident; being bored; people coming into my room without permission; coming back from holiday; Size Zero; Americanising the English language; heights; rap music; being tired; coffee; Embarassing Bodies; exams...
Favourite Music:
Damien Rice, Muse, Missy Higgins, Marina and the Diamonds, Vienna Teng, Lily Allen, The Script, Hans Zimmer, Lucie Silvas, Florence and the Machine, James Blunt, Adele, Mumford and Sons, Slow Moving Millie, Ed Sheeran, Paloma Faith, City and Colour...
Television Programmes:
Friends, Code Geass (anime), Doctor Who, The Mitchel and Webb Look, Mock the Week, Have I Got News for You, El Cort de la Ciutat, Miranda, Tintin, the Big Bang Theory, Sherlock, Supernatural
Anything by Shakespeare; particularly A Midsummer Night's Dream; Macbeth; and Sonnet 130.
Anything by Austen; particularly Pride and Prejudice (the first classic I ever read) and Sense and Sensibility.
As well as Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, the Dark Materials Triology, The Great Gatsby, Artemis Fowl books, the Guardians of Time triology, Harry Potter Series, Sherlock Holmes, Les Miserables, The Other Boleyn Girl, Tintin, Abhorsen Books by Garth Nix, Smiley Vs Karla triology
Edward Scissorhands, Sleepy Hollow, Alice in Wonderland, Star Wars, Stardust, Hot Fuzz, Moulin Rouge, V for Vendetta, The Lord of the Rings films, The Last Unicorn, Sherlock Holmes, Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, Pirates of the Carribean, Inception, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, Nativity
Favourite Fandoms and Characters and Ships:
Favourite Fandoms and Characters:
-Star Wars- Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade, Han Solo, Shada D'ukal, Talon Karrde, Obi-Wan-Kenobi, Wedge Antilles, Ahsoka Tano, Satine Kyrze, R2D2, Chewbecca
-Sherlock Holmes (in any guise)-Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Mycroft Holmes, Moriarty, Molly Hooper (BBC), Sebastian Moran, Greg Lestrade, Anthea
-Harry Potter-Tom Riddle, Ron Weasley, Bellatrix Lestrange, Draco Malfoy, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Narcissa Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom,
-Supernatural-Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Mary Winchester, Bobby Singer, Castiel, Ruby, Anna, Gabriel, Ellen Harvelle
Favourite Ships:
-Star Wars:Luke/Mara; Karrde/Shada; Obi-Wan/Satine; Han/Leia
-Harry Potter: Sirius/Remus; Dumbledore/Grindelwald; Rowena/Godric; Neville/Luna; Tom Riddle/OC
-Sherlock Holmes: Holmes/Watson; dark!Molly/Moriarty (BBC); James/Grace (my OC) and Moran/Moriarty (non-romantic); Mycroft/Lestrade (BBC)
-Supernatural-Mary/John, Sam/Jess, Dean/Cas, Ruby/Anna
Fic Recommendations
-Blur by PixieDust493-The first Yaoi fic I ever properly read, the imagery and vocabularly is wonderful.
-Bordeline by Draug419-A sexy and wonderfully written Sirius/Remus Maurader era fic..short but unbelievably sweet
-Casting Moonshadows by Moonsign-The most beautiful Remus/Sirius fic I have ever read! Everyone should read it! Absolutely everyone!
-Just One Last Trip by AzureFalls-A rather addictive and dramatic Doctor/Rose fic, had me on the edge of my seat.
-Shattered Remembrance by Jedi-2B-AMAZING! And unique take on the Luke/Mara relationship! FABULOUS!
-Torn Together by Jedi Trace-One of the few Karrde/Shada fic out there, it's so AWESOME by brain exploded!
-Toy With Me by PixieDust493-The first Vampire Knight fic I read, and again it's absolutely stunningly written.
-Words Miscommunicate by Agent Jaid-A wonderful, suspense-filled song-fic based on a wonderful song.
-Have You Ever by Lady Moonglow-One of the best fanfictions I have EVER read! It is, without exaggeration, perfect.
-There But For the Grace of John Watson by SkyFullofStars-An amazingly tension-filled, angsty fic and one of the best I have EVER read. Quickly will become a fave.
And her follow-up 'Boys of Baker Street.'
-A World Upended by SfumatoSoup-Completed fic that had me hooked from beginning to end. A fabulous read.