Author has written 10 stories for Harry Potter, EastEnders, Vampire Diaries, and Hunger Games. You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you. ~ Ray Bradbury I'm a university student struggling to keep myself in the world of fantasy, but reality just keeps creeping in. The craziest characters in the world of fiction attract me, mostly because I'm more than a little insane myself, but I also write a lot of more serious stuff about mental illness (mostly original, so it's not on here), I just find it a fascinating subject. I'm also deeply sadistic, I love messing up characters' lives, or writing them at their lowest points, generally I find negative emotions easier to write well. But I'm not opposed to a bit of crackfic, or humour. Humour tends to creep in everywhere, even in my more miserable fics. What can I say, I just like a good laugh!! My favourite fandom is Harry Potter, but I also like NCIS and Eastenders, and will probably write something for those fandoms in the future. |