Sorry that, once again, this has taken so long. I've been busy moving into my flat in St. Petersburg, and getting to know how the uni works here and so forth. But I do have constant wifi, and quite a lot of free time, so hopefully will have lots of time to write. Hope you like...

Sirius was bored. Not that this was unusual, he was, after all, in prison with little to keep him occupied. But today his boredom turned him to something productive (to his mind at least), annoying Bella. Over the past few weeks, this had become a frequent pastime, and he had developed many efficient tactics. Some of his personal favourites included reminding her of 'cute' things which she had done as her child (not that there had been very many, her mannerisms had always been more evil than cute), making fun of her hair, listing all of the non-pureblood wizards in the Ministry of Magic, thinking of amusing nicknames for Voldemort, and shouting down the corridor to Rodolphus that she had been talking about him in her sleep. But today he had a new plan.

"Hey Bella?"

She ignored him, she was well used to his tricks by now.


She continued to ignore him, staring blankly at the wall opposite.

"Bella Bella Bella Bella Bella Bella Bella Bella?"

Finally irritated to the point of action, she spun around to face him. "What?"

"Guess who I saw the week before I came in here?"

"I haven't the faintest idea." She drawled, her tone making it clear that se hadn't the slightest interest in finding out.

"No that's not the game Bella!" He whined, harnessing his inner six year old (not that this was particularly hard). "You have to guess!"

"I'm not guessing, Sirius!"






"Oh for Merlin's sake, just tell me!" She exploded.

Excellent, this was much more like it. Sirius paused for a moment, savouring her anticipation, before letting the answer drop into the silence. "...Your sister."

"My...sister?" Her interest was piqued now, but her expression was scornful. "There is no way that Cissy would see you!"

"Not her. Your other sister."

"I don't have another sister." Her tone was flat, emotionless, and she turned away from him to face the wall.

"Really? Because I'm pretty sure I saw her. Are you sure you don't remember?"

She ignored him, but he pressed on. It was only a matter of time.

"Oh Bella, do I really have to remind you? She goes by Andromeda, Andromeda Tonks."

He knew that the Muggle name was likely to tip her over the edge. He was right. She rounded on him, eyes blazing. "That filthy blood traitor lost her right to call herself my sister when she disgraced our family! You will not mention her name again!"

Conversation closed then. And, in Sirius's opinion, mission accomplished.