Author has written 5 stories for Warriors, and iCarly. I like the word mimsy. It sounds beautiful and broken. It makes me think of fields of poppies that put you in a comatose state and of frost on Plexiglas windows. It makes me think of you and of me and of how I always break things. (but only so I can fix them, so I can squash this bubbly happiness that rises like bile in the back of my throat when you see through my bluffs, so I can stop hating her because you love her and I’ll never be more than a consolation prize to you, so I can at least keep a piece of you like I could never keep a piece of him, and, god, I think I might almost love who you might me and who he sometimes was) pronouns are important, just like every other word I’ve ever whispered, hoping that it sparks a fire My name is Effie Mot. TheT is silent. ("Why don't you talk, Effie? Don't you have anything to say? Doesn't anyone care?") I'm looking for the mot juste, the oh so perfect word that will never grace my lips, to describe you and me and all that I see when I close my eyes long enough to see stars. (I am currently rather obsessed with the Hunger Games trilogy (more specifically Peeta) and will probably start writing for that fandom.) Things to expect in the not so near future iCarly oneshots; Sam centric because I see myself in her and she has a story that needs to be told. Hunger Games; something with Peeta and Katniss, probably about her realization that she actually does love him. |