Author has written 9 stories for Naruto. TAURENLEAF Primary: Blahblahblah! (below) DON'T MAKE UP CONVERSATIONS SECONDARY! And by the way, everyone, Secondary is dead. Dead due to the disease, IamStupid. This disease is very smart (hah), you see, only people who are mean, leave their friends alone with fanfictions that can only be done with them, MEAN, think a certain word that begins with N is not offensive, play online RPGs (COUGH-MAPLESTORY) nonstop, and are MEAN, can be infected with this. This is only contagious through believing made up conversations, so don't fret, my friends, you are safe. Secondary:My own life's too cool for all you people! XD And umm... Primary's REALLY REALLY REALLY mean! (Primary: What'd you say? Secondary: NUTTIN!) Tertiary: Lalalalalalala. Sing a song. Pick a long. Way. Double spacing? Primary is weird. Tertiary! NOT EDITOR. (heart) Naruto |
Crystal Jaganshi (36) | FaeSoDivine (14) | Oh Dee (22) |