Banzai! My second story. Please read and review!

Your Mom

(Slightly) Revised on: October 19th, 2008

Sasuke was bored. Not the kind of bored when you think you have nothing to do, but actually do. Sasuke was bored to DEATH. If he didn't find something, anything to occupy the time, he might suffocate from boredom. The Sharingan user decided to flip through the channels on his 3-feet TV, a present from one of his rabid fangirls.

"Breaking news! The Aburame family have disappeared into a strange tranc-"


"Oh Rai-sensei!"


"Rai-sense- OH NO! Daara of the Gessert, what are you doing here?!"

Tune in next week for the shocking conclusion of "The Young and the Eyebrowless."


A group of thugs in a circle surrounded two tough-looking guys wearing dog tags.

"Yo mama so poor I saw her kicking a can down the street. I asked her what she was doing, and she said she was moving!"

The crowd oohed.

"Your mama so old, someone told her to act her age and she died!"

The crowd awed.

These "Your mom" insults perked Sasuke's interest. He continued to watch.

"Your mama so ugly she got arrested for vandalizing a mirror shop!"


"Oh yeah? Take this...

"...Your mom."

The crowd went wild. They screamed and acted like those two words were the ultimate diss.

Maybe it is. Sasuke contemplated. Suddenly, he had an evil idea...

Konoha was in for a rough day tomorrow...

Sasuke walked silently to the usual meeting spot for Team 7. He was irritated because he wanted to finish this mission as quickly as possible, so he would have enough time to test his "theory." But maybe he could test run it on his team mates...

When he got to the meeting spot, he saw that Sakura and Naruto were already there.

"Sasuke-kun!" the pink-haired ninja waved happily to her crush. "Good morning Sasuke-kun!"

Naruto grinned at him. 'S'up teme?"

Sakura bonked Naruto on the head. "BAKA! Don't call Sasuke-kun that!"


"Yes Sasuke-kun?"

"I don't care."

"But Sasuke-ku-"


"Yes Sasuke-kun?"

"...Your mom."

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