Reviews for The Bracelet
SlitherIn00 chapter 103 . 7/23
LOVE! This whole epic story is 10/10 amazing.
AccioBubblegum chapter 103 . 7/16
this was such an amazing story... I spent my whole day reading it and it made me feel all types of emotions! honestly the author made me feel so conflicted... I didn't know who to ship hermione with, theo or draco? I was kind of leaning more towards theo but I was still more than satisfied with the ending. I found out that you made a one-shot based on this story that showed us the more... private parts of theo and hermione's relationship. I really really hope you can publish it on FFN! I cant access it on LiveJournal unfortunately :(

anyways im rambling but I just wanted to say that this fic is honestly so well written and the plot is so unique!
Malfoy-Whitlock chapter 103 . 6/28
Hi! I’ve read this all through and want to try and give some feedback without being rude or hurtful to the author. I’m grateful that fanfic authors share their works with the world, and congratulate the author of this story on the writing being so clear and professional. The vocabulary, grammar, readability etc is really excellent. For me personally I found it too longwinded, both Draco and Hermione seemed to change personality a few times and it felt unbelievable that neither of them could be as thick and naive as they were from about a third of the way through this. I know love makes us blind etc but not that blind. Also, the ring and bracelet idea was fantastic and I loved its first use, but then while it’s second use seemed realistic, it went weird then. I found Theo’s character confusing and inconsistent.

I think all in all, you’re a fantastic writer, but this particular story became overly complicated and long, so it lost its realism and credibility. I’m sorry to say that, I have no intention to hurt anyone’s feelings. All said with true appreciation that you write and make these things available for us fans. I’m looking forward to reading more of your stories! Ohand you’re AN’s make me chuckle heehee!
Karensshi1 chapter 103 . 6/27
Omygash! i cant believe I have slept on this fic! i have this in my library for a long time but didnt bother to read because it was an old fic. i dont like older fics but wow this just blew my mind! I finished reading the 103 chapters in one day!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/24
I like that Hermione has a bit of a cruel strike towards Ron lol, I'm excited to read the next chapter :)
girlyb chapter 1 . 6/24
I have read this several times over the years and always love it. So very well done. Thank you for making Draco a complete pain in the ass. As he should be. I hate it when people write him nice. Or nice too fast, lol.
mimisemily chapter 1 . 6/22
I could not put my phone down for a couple days while I read this. Amazing story, I love every part of it. I had this in my Library for the longest time and never got around to reading it, what a dummy. READ IMMEDIATELY! Soo good
PenelopeMoss chapter 20 . 6/20
I’m really enjoying this so far! I love how you’ve kept Draco in character for so long. I love to see him as mean and petty as he is in canon, but with the hope of still being redeemed later on. The meaner he is at the beginning, the sweeter it is when his character begins to shift!
GlowDust7501 chapter 103 . 6/9
I enjoyed this story a lot... I did have a few points where I was so frustrated with Draco’s idiocy that I wanted her to end up with Theo, but it did make their relationship all the more tangible and real. It was also really cool to see you progress through your pregnancy, and the ANs were endlessly amusing. Thank you for writing this!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/1
The author of this trashfic should realize that some of her readers maybe impressionable enough to allow this glorification of rape actually shape their worldview and may even seek out abusive partners. She's definitely old enough to know better.
Garbage works like these is what gives dramione a bad rep in the harry potter fandom.
Guest chapter 81 . 6/1
'Gay jokes about potter would never get old'...LOLOLOLOL i found that line so funny and also you are an amazing writer cant really understand why people would not like what you wrote
Guest chapter 69 . 5/30
Amazing how you've made Hermione the MOST disagreeable character in this story. She sucks as a person and in 69 chapters she hasn't changed one bit. I love the story, love the angst, love Draco, love Theo, love Blaise, but Hermione...

She has none of the qualities that make Hermione Granger the "Golden Girl"; she isn't smart, she isn't empathic, she most definitely is NOT selfless, she's not even that brave.

I'm finishing this story because the plot is amazing, but I really hope there's some character development from here on out.
SJlovesbooks chapter 77 . 5/29
Hermione is not known for her indecisive or Vindictive behavior like shown in this fic. I found her quite irritating and dramatic related to her relationships with the boys.
I felt confused by her acts through chapters.. she is going nowhere with her attitude.

This is the 1st dramione story I've read so far and disliked it. Still want to complete this story though.. maybe it'll redeem itself by epilogue?!
Writer.Donut chapter 103 . 5/24
awww, this was sweet!
MadlyMoon chapter 103 . 5/17
This was the very first fanfic I ever read. I read it back in 2010, I don’t even remember how I came about it; I also have never considered the possibility of Dramione. You opened a whole new world for me and it’s been Dramione for me ever since. I loved it the first time I read it and this is the second time I’ve read it. I was hesitant to reread it. Many years have passed and I’ve read many, many other Dramione stories. I though, maybe I won’t like it as much, maybe it isn’t as great as I remember, maybe the writing isn’t as great. But I’ve finished it once again and I still love it. This story will always have a special place in my heart, and I thank you.
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