Author has written 4 stories for Lord of the Flies, Sailor Moon, and Final Fantasy X-2. /ahem/ Heh heh, HI! Remember me? To those of you who may have noticed, I haven't updated for a very long time and for that I apologize profusely! I've lost my inspiration to write (as well as my own computer). My muses have seem to have taken flight and left me behind. So, all my work is temporairly on hiatus, but I will get back to it eventually. Key word being eventually. Who knows when that'll be. I just hope that when I do come back to life that I will still have some readers out there. I do have a lot of other projects and ideas I want to get started, especially in the Kingdom hearts genre, but grr! Guess it's not happening any time soon. I just don't want to force the words out and make my writing crap. If you're really lookin for some good stuff to read check my favorites... there's lots of stuff there lol. Sorry again! Oh, and also, please DO NOT send me messages telling me to update! Although I appreciate the flattery, it's annoying! I'll update when I want when I feel like it. Thanks again. Works In Progress: Other Stuff: |