Title: Dark Angel
Email: [email protected]
Standard Disclaimer Apply
* denotes mind speaking
AN: SailorMoon characters belong to Naoko Takeuchi.
The vampire's abilites are based on Christine Feehan's Dark Series.
"Woman was created from the ribs of man
Not from his head to top him
Nor from his feet to be walked upon
She was made from his side to be his equal
From beneath his arms to be protected
From very near his heart to be loved."
AN: I'm really sorry, I had the previous version of the epilogu all
written out. But my brother crashed the drive and so, everything was
*poof* GONE. *sob sob* My MP3's, my stories, pictures, MIDIs,
downloads. Life ain't FAAAAAIR! On another note, I'll be starting
college this May. You have been warned.
He was of a dark and ancient race on the verge of extinction,
She was a mortal thriving on the light and beauty of the world,
They met on a night of unspeakable horror...
With her strange abilities, she ensnared him in a web of desire even as
their souls called out to each other,
Promising eternity and a passion more fulfilling than anything on earth.
~ Epilogue: Peace ~
Two weeks had almost passed since that night. Dylan was dead, and
Serena had recovered. Jayden was up and about much to Raye's relief. The
nightmare had finally ended.
Darien stood facing his study's picture window, looking out into the
night. It almost seemed as if everything had happened just yesterday.
The first night he met Serena.
The feeling of joy Serena had brought with her.
The pain and sorrow Dylan's turning caused.
The horror and fear that had dogged at their footsteps, threathening
their lives.
The disappointment they faced....
It was all over.
Peace had descended at last.
A knock on the study doors brought him out of his reverie and turned to
face the two men that entered.
"Geoffrey, Zach."
There was silence a moment as both Geoffrey and Darien stared at each
Darien finally looked away with a sigh before turning back to meet his
friend's eyes.
"You are leaving."
Geoffrey merely nodded. "You know I do not belong here. I cannot stay
in any place for long. I am too restless. Besides, I am so tired."
Darien frowned. "You-"
"No, old friend...I already promised you I would not destroy myself at
the moment. But I will hold out as long as I am able." said Geoffrey with
a rare smile.
"Where do you go?"
Geoffrey turned to look out the window, contemplating his answer.
"It has been a long time since I visited Asia. I thought...perhaps,
Japan." said Geoffrey.
"When do you leave?"
"Tonight. Night has just fallen. We should have time before the sun
rises. We merely came to say farewell." said Geoffrey.
Darien frowned in confusion. "We?"
"I am going as well." spoke Zach for the first time since entering the
Darien stared in surprise.
Serena entered the study, a smile on her face. Lita and Neph were
getting on well as were Mina and Malcolm. Though, she thought she DID hear
Mina reprimand Malcolm about something.
It was so strange. Who knew her friends were actually the mates of
her mate's unit? Fate moved in mysterious ways.
The room was dark upon entering, but with her vision, she easily picked
out Darien's shape in the chair by the window as if it had been day.
He was quiet. There wasn't the usual smile he gave her the moment she
came. In fact, he was solemn and seemed...almost sad?
She picked up flickers of thoughts from his mind.
"Geoffrey is gone?"
"Yes...and Zach had gone with him."
"What!? Why?"
"I can understand his reasons..."
"You're leaving to go with Geoffrey? Why?"
"I need to find my place in this world. Find some peace before I can
come home. With everyone else discovering their mates...it is difficult
to exist here. The sounds...the smells. I really do apologize, Darien.
But I need to do this. Maybe find my other half." said Zach.
"It's alright, Darien. It isn't your fault. It isn't the fault of
others either. I just can't live here now. Later. When I have the
confidence to keep the demon at bay. I'll come back, Darien. This isn't
forever." smiled Zach.
"Zach...I, I really don't know what to say. But, I understand. You go
with my blessing." he murmured mistily as he pulled both men into a hug.
"I'll be back, Darien. Don't worry. We'll keep each other safe."
chuckled Zach.
"Stop being so mushy, Darien. It's shameful." muttered Geoffrey gruffly.
"We shall see who is mushy when you meet your mate, Geoffrey." snorted
Darien as he pulled back from the pair.
The three of them shared a hearty laugh before quieting down.
"We have to go now." said Geoffrey.
Zach nodded. "Tell the others farewell for us, Darien. I'll come back...
one day."
"Farewell and luck with you my friends."
"You too." they murmured before shimmering and disappearing before his
very eyes until there was no trace they had ever been there.
"Why Japan?" asked Serena. "Do they even KNOW how to speak Japanese?"
Darien chuckled. "Baby, baby...all of us can speak a multitude of
languages. We have to...its the only way to move around from place to
"Can YOU speak Japanese?"
"Of course. Being over a couple of centuries old does help one learn
languages." chuckled Darien.
He became solemn once more as he thought about the two of them.
"Do you think they'll ever meet their mates, Serena?"
Serena smiled as she kissed him on the cheek. "I believe so, my love.
I believe so..."
"Let us hope it is soon. I would wish Zach and Geoffrey return soon."
"So do I..."
Silence reigned once again...
Then, it was broken again...
"Everything's over isn't it? Dylan's gone?" asked Serena softly.
Darien looked at her before enfolding her into his arms, tucking her
head beneath his chin.
"Yes, love...everything is at peace for now..."
"I love you, Darien."
"As I will always love you."
The moonlight shone, casting a pale glow on the couple. As the clouds
moved to cover the white orb hanging in the sky, the only thing anybody
would see, was the silhouette of the couple sharing a kiss in the night.
In moonlight white,
Dark in the middle of the night;
When shadows grow,
And sorrow comes in tow,
Love will light the way,
And bring about another day...
*Let love bring a miracle to your life.*
~ Tapestry ~
The End...
Yay! I'm not sure if this epilogue is shorter than the original or not.
But I definitely wrote that poem! Wee! I rhymed! Wa-hoo! But my PC drive
still got busted. That's SAAAAAAD!!!
Anyway, I dunno when I'll get another chapter of 'Twilight' out for all
you 'Twilight' readers. But, I reeeeeally do wanna apologize. Also, as I
said earlier, I'll be entering college, so I'll see when I have time to
write. Plus, answering a question...nope, Geoffrey's mate isn't Amy.
If I'm free, I'll write a little tidbit concerning Geoffrey and Zach. :))
I already have it planned who their mates are. :p
Thanks for reading.
ps: No, I've not stopped writing!
Email: [email protected]
Standard Disclaimer Apply
* denotes mind speaking
AN: SailorMoon characters belong to Naoko Takeuchi.
The vampire's abilites are based on Christine Feehan's Dark Series.
"Woman was created from the ribs of man
Not from his head to top him
Nor from his feet to be walked upon
She was made from his side to be his equal
From beneath his arms to be protected
From very near his heart to be loved."
AN: I'm really sorry, I had the previous version of the epilogu all
written out. But my brother crashed the drive and so, everything was
*poof* GONE. *sob sob* My MP3's, my stories, pictures, MIDIs,
downloads. Life ain't FAAAAAIR! On another note, I'll be starting
college this May. You have been warned.
He was of a dark and ancient race on the verge of extinction,
She was a mortal thriving on the light and beauty of the world,
They met on a night of unspeakable horror...
With her strange abilities, she ensnared him in a web of desire even as
their souls called out to each other,
Promising eternity and a passion more fulfilling than anything on earth.
~ Epilogue: Peace ~
Two weeks had almost passed since that night. Dylan was dead, and
Serena had recovered. Jayden was up and about much to Raye's relief. The
nightmare had finally ended.
Darien stood facing his study's picture window, looking out into the
night. It almost seemed as if everything had happened just yesterday.
The first night he met Serena.
The feeling of joy Serena had brought with her.
The pain and sorrow Dylan's turning caused.
The horror and fear that had dogged at their footsteps, threathening
their lives.
The disappointment they faced....
It was all over.
Peace had descended at last.
A knock on the study doors brought him out of his reverie and turned to
face the two men that entered.
"Geoffrey, Zach."
There was silence a moment as both Geoffrey and Darien stared at each
Darien finally looked away with a sigh before turning back to meet his
friend's eyes.
"You are leaving."
Geoffrey merely nodded. "You know I do not belong here. I cannot stay
in any place for long. I am too restless. Besides, I am so tired."
Darien frowned. "You-"
"No, old friend...I already promised you I would not destroy myself at
the moment. But I will hold out as long as I am able." said Geoffrey with
a rare smile.
"Where do you go?"
Geoffrey turned to look out the window, contemplating his answer.
"It has been a long time since I visited Asia. I thought...perhaps,
Japan." said Geoffrey.
"When do you leave?"
"Tonight. Night has just fallen. We should have time before the sun
rises. We merely came to say farewell." said Geoffrey.
Darien frowned in confusion. "We?"
"I am going as well." spoke Zach for the first time since entering the
Darien stared in surprise.
Serena entered the study, a smile on her face. Lita and Neph were
getting on well as were Mina and Malcolm. Though, she thought she DID hear
Mina reprimand Malcolm about something.
It was so strange. Who knew her friends were actually the mates of
her mate's unit? Fate moved in mysterious ways.
The room was dark upon entering, but with her vision, she easily picked
out Darien's shape in the chair by the window as if it had been day.
He was quiet. There wasn't the usual smile he gave her the moment she
came. In fact, he was solemn and seemed...almost sad?
She picked up flickers of thoughts from his mind.
"Geoffrey is gone?"
"Yes...and Zach had gone with him."
"What!? Why?"
"I can understand his reasons..."
"You're leaving to go with Geoffrey? Why?"
"I need to find my place in this world. Find some peace before I can
come home. With everyone else discovering their mates...it is difficult
to exist here. The sounds...the smells. I really do apologize, Darien.
But I need to do this. Maybe find my other half." said Zach.
"It's alright, Darien. It isn't your fault. It isn't the fault of
others either. I just can't live here now. Later. When I have the
confidence to keep the demon at bay. I'll come back, Darien. This isn't
forever." smiled Zach.
"Zach...I, I really don't know what to say. But, I understand. You go
with my blessing." he murmured mistily as he pulled both men into a hug.
"I'll be back, Darien. Don't worry. We'll keep each other safe."
chuckled Zach.
"Stop being so mushy, Darien. It's shameful." muttered Geoffrey gruffly.
"We shall see who is mushy when you meet your mate, Geoffrey." snorted
Darien as he pulled back from the pair.
The three of them shared a hearty laugh before quieting down.
"We have to go now." said Geoffrey.
Zach nodded. "Tell the others farewell for us, Darien. I'll come back...
one day."
"Farewell and luck with you my friends."
"You too." they murmured before shimmering and disappearing before his
very eyes until there was no trace they had ever been there.
"Why Japan?" asked Serena. "Do they even KNOW how to speak Japanese?"
Darien chuckled. "Baby, baby...all of us can speak a multitude of
languages. We have to...its the only way to move around from place to
"Can YOU speak Japanese?"
"Of course. Being over a couple of centuries old does help one learn
languages." chuckled Darien.
He became solemn once more as he thought about the two of them.
"Do you think they'll ever meet their mates, Serena?"
Serena smiled as she kissed him on the cheek. "I believe so, my love.
I believe so..."
"Let us hope it is soon. I would wish Zach and Geoffrey return soon."
"So do I..."
Silence reigned once again...
Then, it was broken again...
"Everything's over isn't it? Dylan's gone?" asked Serena softly.
Darien looked at her before enfolding her into his arms, tucking her
head beneath his chin.
"Yes, love...everything is at peace for now..."
"I love you, Darien."
"As I will always love you."
The moonlight shone, casting a pale glow on the couple. As the clouds
moved to cover the white orb hanging in the sky, the only thing anybody
would see, was the silhouette of the couple sharing a kiss in the night.
In moonlight white,
Dark in the middle of the night;
When shadows grow,
And sorrow comes in tow,
Love will light the way,
And bring about another day...
*Let love bring a miracle to your life.*
~ Tapestry ~
The End...
Yay! I'm not sure if this epilogue is shorter than the original or not.
But I definitely wrote that poem! Wee! I rhymed! Wa-hoo! But my PC drive
still got busted. That's SAAAAAAD!!!
Anyway, I dunno when I'll get another chapter of 'Twilight' out for all
you 'Twilight' readers. But, I reeeeeally do wanna apologize. Also, as I
said earlier, I'll be entering college, so I'll see when I have time to
write. Plus, answering a question...nope, Geoffrey's mate isn't Amy.
If I'm free, I'll write a little tidbit concerning Geoffrey and Zach. :))
I already have it planned who their mates are. :p
Thanks for reading.
ps: No, I've not stopped writing!