Author's Notes: Well here it is, everyone; the epilogue you've all been waiting for. I know it's kind of short, but I didn't plan on writing a really long one. I do have a sequel planned, but most likely not in the near future. Thank you everyone so much for the reviews, and please, read some of my other work! IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not forget that I will be changing my pen name shortly to xInsanoBananax .Thanx!
Disclamer: I do not own FFX-2 or any of it's characters. I do however, own this story. DO NOT distribute without my permission.
Hullabaloo: Epilogue
Excruciating pain; her whole body ached.
At least now it was over.
Bringing a hand to her forehead, she gave an attempt of opening her eyes. Her whole head swam with dizziness, and she tried to fight it off as she struggled to sit up.
Feeling her hand be squeezed tight, Rikku rolled her head to the left and opened one eye wearily. Seeing a sparkling green eye looking at her with concern from the chair next to her bed, a small smile was brought to her lips.
"I made it," she whispered quietly.
Gippal grinned and stroked her hand with his thumb, "I told 'ya you would."
Slowly, the fatigued al bhed forced herself to sit up, the dizziness subsiding somewhat. "Where's my baby?" she muttered, to no one in particular but herself.
"Right here Lady Rikku," replied a smiling nurse, turning with a small bundle in her arms.
Rikku felt the small bundle be placed in her awaiting arms, and couldn't help but look down at the face of her newborn child.
Her large eyes were open and scanning the room with curiosity. Her petite little lips made no noise, her chest ascending and descending with each new breath her lungs took.
Rikku sat and watched the baby with awe for what seemed like an eternity, taking in every little feature, totally oblivious to the other people in the room. Yuna and Tidus stood by the door quietly, taking in the scene with smiles upon their faces.
Gippal had long since replaced Rikku's hand with her knee, which he stroked lovingly as he watched his daughter for the first time from the arms of his lover.
Eventually Rikku snapped out of it, and she lifted her gaze from her now sleeping child to Gippal. "She's so perfect..." she whispered, tears coming to her eyes.
"Just like her mother," replied Gippal with a smirk.
Rikku rolled her eyes, a small blush heating her cheeks. She turned to Gippal and placed the small bundle in his arms. "Your turn to hold her, I need to rest," she said softly.
Gippal nodded and took her from a weary Rikku willingly, eager to hold his newborn child.
The baby's eyelids flickered open and Gippal was shocked at the uncanny resemblance between his daughter and her mother. He could already tell that she would one day develop into a beautiful young lady. Gippal almost dreaded that day. The day where flocks of suitors would be at her feet. 'Oh great, I've already become a protective father,' he thought to himself.
Gippal looked up to see Yuna whisper a few things to Rikku, then she suddenly stood and left the room, Tidus close behind her.
As soon as they were gone, the only nurse left remaining in the room turned to the couple and smiled. She picked up a clipboard and walked over to Rikku, checking her stats as well as the baby's to make sure they were alright. "So, Lady Rikku have you picked a name for your daughter yet?"
Rikku's brow furrowed, and turned to Gippal, a questioning look upon her face. "What did you want to call her?"
Gippal thought for a moment, and suddenly a perfect name came to mind. Of course, they hadn't chosen one before, but he always had one in mind. "How about, 'Cerra'?"
Rikku grinned, it was the perfect name. "It's perfect," she whispered, leaning in for a kiss with her fiancé.
Gippal completed the kiss, and for the first time in his entire life, he felt compelte. He had a woman who loved him for who he was, not the arrogant teaser he came off to be; a daughter who would love him as well. He now had a family, and Rikku was part of it.