
Undaunted by the torrential rains of Centra, a willowy figure slowly trekked the barren Centra continent. Gazing briefly at the ominous clouds that threatened his journey, he nonchalantly mumbled an ancient dialect known only to those who have preserved the art. The skies soon cleared, and the man continued his journey. It had been years since he had last seen the crumbling edifice...


A woman stood at the gates of a charming Greek structure that belonged to her raven-haired sister. Her eyes were bloodshot from lack of sleep, and her expensive dark green silk robes, once flowing elegantly around her frame, were now torn and tattered from her travels. A man stood beside her, watching the child that slept peacefully on its mother's bosom. Strikingly tall, and clad in black robes that covered his well-built physique, he slowly lifted the child from his mother's arms and gently told her to go to sleep. The blonde, still fatigued from their escape from home, was pleading her sister to take in her precious.

"Sister, we have nowhere to run. Ultimecia will kill the baby if she finds it," she pleaded the older woman.

"Raven, you know that as much as I care for your family, I cannot separate the child from you," said the other.

"But Edea, she wants the child! The witch has possessed me once, and I almost killed him! If it weren't for my husband, my child would have..." The woman then broke into tears and sobbed into her sister's arms. She felt Edea's hands slowly find their way around her back in a comforting embrace.

"It's alright, my dear. You had no intentions of any sort to slay your own child. I know you. You are a good mother, and you would do anything in your power to protect him."

Raven smiled, and said," Thank you sister. But please, if the child stays with me any longer, I might just do something awful! Please, Edea! You and Cid have always dreamed of having children! "

The man in black interrupted their conversation, "Edea, you don't know how painful it is for us to let go of our child, but Ultimecia will find a way to kill the boy if he is with us. You must take him in. My friend has already agreed to help us. You will too, won't you?" he asked sincerely.

At this, Edea sighed, "Very well then, but this house being an orphanage and all won't help him at all. Don't you think he will be troubled thinking that he was abandoned by his parents?"

"That has already been taken care of. As long as he knows that we are not his parents, he will be safe."

"I do hope you are right. I do hope that you are right."

Raven sadly walked to Edea while removing a ring from her finger, "I don't want my child to think that we ever abandoned him, so please give him this ring when he wakes up," she said with tears in her eyes. She handed Edea the ring, who gladly accepted it and hugged her sister.

Raven's husband fumbled for something in his coat, and gave it to Edea.

"This is a family heirloom that has belonged to my ancestors for generations. I want you to give it to him before you send him to the Academy." He fiercely hugged his sister-in-law and turned to his wife, kissed her softly on the forehead, and slowly caressed her back, "My love, he will be alright. We have to go now."

Raven kissed her husband back before hugging her sister, "Edea, if anything should happen to him at all, please defend him with your powers."

Tears threatened to fall from Edea's eyes as she replied, "Don't worry, I will."

End Flashback...

The man finally arrived at the orphanage, his eyes traveling over the ruins of a building that used to be covered in moss. The once pristine marble was now browned, most likely due to the abrasive sea air. The Ionian columns that had once supported the structure were now chunks of broken rock scattered and strewn on the beach. An ornate wooden door that was once graced with carvings of ancient guardian forces now hung on one corner, the winds daring it to cling on for dear life.

The hooded figure shuffled his feet on the gravel, and very gently opened the door. This room, where he and his wife once gave up their child of for its own safety, brought back memories of old. He walked around the room until he found another rotting mass of dead wood that resembled a door. Pushing it slightly so as to prevent it from falling, he found himself at the basement of the house. When he found out that the house was no longer occupied by anyone, he sighed and went to the beach. There, he found a piece of jewelry lying on the sand. After examining it ever so slightly, he decided upon his next destination.

Hi guys! DoubleMoon here! This is my first fan fic, and I would really appreciate it if you gave some reviews. This is the first chapter by the way, and it gives you a glimpse of the past and somehow hints you of the stuff that will come in the latter chapters. The Squinoa action will come later so, please be patient. In the meantime, enjoy!