Usagi and Damon were awakened the next morning by a knocking on the door. Usagi propped her head up and looked at the time; 11:23am. Her eyes widened.

"Shit! What day is it?"

Damon looked at her confused as the knocking continued, "Saturday, why?"

"Shit!" Usagi flew out of bed and began to get dressed.

"Usagi, calm down. What wrong?"

Usagi let out a nervous laugh, "Did I forget to tell you that my parents were coming over? And that's probably them at the door?"

Damon's eyes widened, "WHAT!"

"Get out of bed and get dressed," Usagi almost demanded.

Damon did just that, "You know this really isn't the best way to meet the parents."

Usagi finished brushing her hair and began making the bed, "I know. I just totally forgot about it, because of everything that was happening." The knocking had stopped but the phone began to ring. Usagi quickly snatched it up, "Hello? Oh hi Papa," She converted to Japanese, "No, I'm at home," She began taking her textbooks out of her bag and sprawled them over her bed, opening a couple to where she had left off in class, "Oh, I didn't hear you knock. No I was in my room studying. Yeah, okay. I'll be right there." She hung up the phone, placed her laptop on the bed and turned it on. "That was my dad, and yes they are here." She grabbed up her clothes from yesterday and quickly threw them into the laundry basket.

"What an awesome first impression I'm going to make: 'Hi sir nice to meet you. What's that? Why yes I did sleep with your daughter last night.' This should be fun."

"He doesn't have to know about that. Look just go into the washroom and finish getting ready, so it'll look like you you're just coming out when they get in here. And a few things before you go," Usagi stopped Damon as he headed for the washroom, "My dad is fluent in English, my brother knows enough to get by and my mom knows very little. My mom will like you right off the bat because she loves everyone. Shingo will most likely know what's going on between us but won't say anything and my dad….. well."

"Well what?"

"He may be harder to convince. The first time he met Mamoru he chased him down the street."

"Fabulous. This just keeps on getting better doesn't it?"

"You have no idea yet. Just you wait and see." The knocking began again at the door, "Okay go."

Damon hurried into the washroom and Usagi quickly opened a term paper she was working on, on her laptop before heading for the front door and letting her parents in.

She smoothed down her hair and shirt one more time before opening the door.

Her father cocked an eyebrow at her, "What took you so long?"

Usagi smile sweetly, "Sorry, I just wanted to finish my thought on my paper before I lost it."

Her father cocked his eyebrow again, "So you were actually studying? You? Doing school work?"

Usagi laughed, "Oh daddy. I'm not anything like I was in high school anymore."

"Mmmm. So Are you going to invite us in or are we just going to continue our conversation in the door way?"

"Oh," Usagi stepped aside, "Yes, come in."

They stepped inside and took of their shoes and then began to look around while staying in the same spot.

"Want a grand tour?" Usagi joked.

"Oh, yes. That would be lovely." Her mother answered for all three of them.

"Well, to your left you'll see the kitchen, straight a head is the living room. Off to the left there is Becky's (my roommate's) room and don't the hall to the right here," Usagi began leading them down the short hallway, "Here is our humble storage room," Usagi opened a door to the right, inside where boxes and the like, "Over here to the left and up a little is my room," She walked them inside.

Her father looked at the open laptop and book stroon over her bed, "Well, I guess you were studying after all." He teased.

"And over there at the end of the hall is the washroom. I'd show you inside but a friend of mine is in there right now."

Usagi's father furrowed his brow, "A friend? You didn't say that there was someone else in here."

"Well, he came over to help me study." Usagi offered.

Her father's eyes widened, "He?"

Suddenly they heard the toilet flush and heard the door open. A few seconds later Damon appeared in the door way of her bedroom.

"This is my friend Damon," Usagi introduced them. "Damon, this is my father, Mother and brother Shingo."

Damon nodded a hello, "Ummm… I gotta get going. I'm due at work soon."

"Oh," Usagi was a little disappointed. She hoped he wasn't mad at her for introducing him as her friend and was leaving as a result of it. "Ummm… okay. I'll call you later."

"Okay." Damon waved his good-bye, "It was nice meeting you. And I'll talk to you later Usagi." With that he left.

Damon thought it best to leave without kissing her goodbye. God only knows what they were all thinking when a strange man emerged from her bathroom. Plus, he got hint that she didn't think it was the best idea when he introduced him as her friend, instead of her fiancé. Shit! What a great way to meet her parents for the first time. He racked his brain all the way to the parking lot for a way to make a better impression the next time they saw each other. If there was a next time, he could only imagine what must be happening upstairs in Usagi's apartment right now.

Usagi and her mother were in the kitchen making tea while her father and Shingo sat in the Living room; Shingo watching TV trying to understand the English dialogue, and Kenji reading the paper.

"So?" Ikuko began while Usagi got the tea pot and cups down from the cupboard, "How's school going?"

"Good." Usagi responded.

"And the internship you got? How's that?"

Usagi paused, trying to think of a way to avoid explaining the Mamoru problem, "It's draining. Just seeing the people that are staying there. Most of the people aren't even there because they want to be. Usually they've been order by a judge; it's either rehab or jail. So they pick the lesser of the two. And then you have to try and help the people don't want it. It's just exhausting sometimes."

Ikuko rubbed Usagi's back, "I'm sure it is. But at least you have a cute boyfriend to come home to."

Usagi shook her head, "Oh. We're not living together yet. Though Damon does want to live together by the end of the summ…………." Usagi trailed off realizing the trap that she walked into. She stared blankly at her mother. Ikuko was grinning from ear to ear.

"How did you……."

"Mother's just know these things. Is good to you?" Ikuko suddenly got serious.

Usagi smiled, "Very. He's like this character from a fairy tale. You know the kind of guy that no one believes truly exists? Well, he does and he's mine."

The two women laughed at the last comment.

"Well, good cause I'd hate to see you have to go through what you went through with Mamoru again. Besides," Ikuko said after a slight pause, "your kids would probably be cuter with Damon as the father. For some reason, every time I thought about children for you and Mamoru I see pink hair."

Usagi didn't have time to respond before Kenji called out from the living room asking what was taking them so long.

Ikuko sighed and lifted the tray, "Oh! Mama? Don't tell Papa yet okay?"

Ikuko smiled warmly, "You'll tell him when you feel its right."

"Thank you." Usagi smiled warmly before they headed into the living room with the tea.

As Damon approached his truck he looked up to find Cassandra standing beside it waiting for him. Damon rolled his eyes and heaved a sigh, "What are you doing?"

Cassandra smiled slightly, "Waiting for you. I was walking past and saw your truck, so I thought I'd wait for you."

"Well don't." Damon said casually as he began to move to the driver's side of his truck.

Cassandra stopped him, "Damon wait. Please." She said gently, "Just hear me out and then you can sever all contact if you like."

"Alright I'm listening." He said hastily.

"No, Not here. Can we go somewhere else? Maybe get some coffee?"

Damon looked at her for a brief moment. He sighed slowly, "Alright. Get in." He motioned with a quick jerk of his head to the truck. Something had changed about her. He could tell that she was no longer trying to get back with him. He wasn't sure what to make of it.

Damon pulled into the parking lot of a coffee shop that was located two blocks away from Usagi's apartment. "Do you want to sit inside or out?" Damon asked as the headed towards the entrance.

"Probably out. You'll probably want a cigarette with your coffee."

Damon shock his head as he held the door open for Cassandra to walk through, "I quit."

Cassandra shot Damon and look of disbelief as she took her place in line, "You quit? When? Why?"

"A couple months ago, because Usagi asked me to."

"Oh." Cassandra looked up at the menu even though she already knew what she was getting. Damon grinned on the inside he loved seeing how jealous she got.

"So?" Damon said after they sat down across from each other. "What do you want to talk to me about?"

Cassandra took a deep breath in. She hadn't expected Damon to cut right to the chase like that. "I really don't know where to begin."

"Pick a spot." Damon said coldly before taking a drink of his coffee.

"Why are being like this?" Cassandra asked.

"You know the way I am. I can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Unfortunately for you, you chose the latter."

"Yes. Well, can we forget about that for now? Because I really need to get this out."

Damon gestured with his hand, "Go on."

Cassandra drew in a breath, "People have always seen me as the jealous ex girlfriend who wants her boyfriend back because of his---- well, for obvious reasons. And the truth is, even though I do miss that greatly that's not the reason why I want---- wanted you back so badly. I know I hurt you really badly and I just wanted another chance to make it up to you. I know I fucked up and I can sit here and tell you that I couldn't help it or I couldn't stop myself, but----"

"It wouldn't be the truth?" Damon cocked an eyebrow.

"You wouldn't believe me and there's no point telling you anyway. The reason I wanted another chance to make it up to you, was because I saw how crushed you were every time you looked at me. And I wanted to be the one to make that feeling go away for you. To let you know how truly sorry I was and how much I really loved you."

"Cassandra, do you really expect me to believe that? You never once told me that you loved me. I told you everyday, but I never received a response."

"I know. I'm sorry. I was just afraid. It was the first I fell in love with anyone, I didn't know what to make of it. Look I just came here to tell you that I'm happy for you and I'm glad that you found someone to spend the rest of your life with. Even it isn't me." Cassandra fought back the tears that were about to overflow, "Excuse me." She said barely above a whisper and left.

Damon sighed and ran after her, "Cassandra wait." He said as he walked out the doors and on the parking lot. He had misjudged her, she really was trying to 'just talk' to him and nothing more. He gently took a hold of her arm and turned her around when he finally caught up with her. She was crying now, though she didn't look up from the ground, Damon could tell.

"Look," He began gently, "I appreciate you telling me this. But I'm not going to leave Usagi for you."

"That's not why I told you what I did!" Cassandra practically shouted, "I don't want you to leave her. I want you to stay with her and continue being happy. I just wanted to clear the air with us. I wanted to know that when I saw you on the street I can say 'hello' and not have to worry about seeing that pained look in your eye or watch you try to ignore me. I just wanted us to be on friendly terms."

Damon pulled her into his arms and hugged her, "I'm sorry I thought differently, but can you blame me? And if it makes you feel any better I do still love you."

Cassandra sniffed, "You do?"

"Yes. And I'll never stop. But I'm with Usagi now and I love her more than life, I mean we're getting married for christ's sake. But that doesn't mean that I don't have room in my heart to still love you and remember all the good times we had." Damon stepped back and held Cassandra at arms length, "Hmmmm? Can you look at me?" Cassandra wiped her eyes and looked up at Damon, "You were a big part of my life and I'll never forget the time we spent together." He wiped a tear away with his thumb, "Now can I get a smile?" Cassandra forced a smiled, but it quickly turned into a really smile when she saw Damon smiling. That was one thing about him; she could never stay upset with him, "That's a girl." Damon now lend in for a quick friendly kiss.

Well, there you have it. I know it took me forever to update, but I'm just been so busy lately. And just so you guys know, I've created a forum to keep you guys posted as to how my fics are coming along. Here's the addy: http/