Reviews for Legacy of the Chimera
rock-time chapter 1 . 5/9/2018
Two Evil Carrots chapter 44 . 12/24/2015
I just finished this story today, and I am speechless. I never read the prequel to this, yet you were able to seamlessly connect this fic to the original game yet maintain its uniqueness toward the Gunblader Saga. I'd love to spew out more praises on how amazing this fic was, but I'll just repeat this; Legacy of the Chimera is the #1 story of all I've ever read. Ever.
Lionhearte1 chapter 44 . 8/19/2013
Dude, you are one he'll of an amazing writer, I've thoroughly enjoyed every minute of the story and not been able to put it down (much to my girlfriend's annoyance!) The detail surrounding each character has been so deep, and yet so logical and believable, something rarely seen in many books these days. I love the chapters, with just the right amount of length and, again, the detail.

Great job, I sincerely hope to read more of your work someday. I do, in fact, have an idea for a fantasy/military story for which I'm looking for a ghost writer...

Great work and best of luck in the Marine Corps!

(former British Army)
Lionhearte1 chapter 1 . 8/12/2013
Alucard Dracula spelt backwards? Interesting...
Zion0078 chapter 25 . 5/31/2013
hey peptuck, ive been a big fan of you for a very long time now. Im just wondering, do you have any plans in using Lex in another story? I like the character
Wintermoth chapter 40 . 8/19/2012
I'm down in the diner in the basement of my dorm complex.

"Fo' shizzle, my nizzle."

I damn near sprayed my screen with my apple juice. As it was, I cough/choked and everyone within a three table radius was staring at me. Thank you.
Wintermoth chapter 37 . 8/19/2012
Wintermoth chapter 32 . 8/19/2012
The Chimera. It's Squall, isn't it?

And if it's not, I know he's not really dead. I know because no one ever really kills Squall (or Rinoa...) and gets away with it in fanfiction, unless it's a one-shot focusing on that. Any other time it's done, readers revolt and bombard the poor bastard of an author with hate, rage, flames, tomatoes, and they might even unleash fanpoodles.
Wintermoth chapter 20 . 8/18/2012
...fucking Star Wars quotes... Right on, mate, right on...

Though, I need to address something. You're good with action and plot, but your character development is...lacking. There is a lack of sufficient characterization that is required for the reader to better understand and bond with the people in the story - even the bad ones. I can barely tell Squall and Rinoa are in love/a Sorceress and Knight. I can't really bring myself to care about Serra or Nash - or hell, Illarra. I know some of this is for the sake of mystery, but there is a difference between alienating your reader and keeping them in the dark. And this Veronica chick? Who dafaq is she? Where did she come from? Why hasn't there been a peep outta her?

I know it's a little late to point this stuff out, but keep it mind. You did fine with the Gunblade Saga, but you had the Game to guide you. Here you're on your own and there's nothing as solid and unalterable as the game making you do some character development. Those mindfuck bombs? Yeah, they hit, but not as much as they would've if there had been more depth up until this point.
Wintermoth chapter 10 . 8/18/2012
Well, that bitch is offically fucked :D
codellmarie chapter 44 . 11/18/2011
Over the last couple of weeks I have read through the entire Gunblade stories. I loved it. In Gunblade, I love how you closed all the plot holes in the the FFVIII game. And the way you did the battles was EPIC. Not just in Gunblade, but the whole story line. The only problem I had with your story line at all was just that one peace where Rinoa said that she was going to kill herself and the whole depression there. I see Rinoa as a much stronger character then that. I also really loving the agusy stuff at the beginning of the story. This story made me laugh, cry (when Squill "died"), and literally jump out of my set to cheer (when the two Squill's were running down the street together). I just can't get this story enough praise. If a VIII-2 two was ever made I would hope that they use your story line.
Unlisshed chapter 3 . 3/1/2011
And here I thought that Captain Reynolds was a shout out to Firefly. I got quite the kick out of that!
the Prince's Jewel chapter 25 . 1/9/2010
Ah, I can't take it any more!

The story itself is excellent, but I swear you wrote it with a broken keyboard and never bothered to do a final proof.

Though, the boy parts fountaining through the air after the mines went off sent me into a convulsive giggle fit.

It took a bit longer to realize the smoke was back smoke, not black smoke. I'm none to sure I ever want to see back smoke. Sounds particularly icky. Same sentence, in a particularly descriptive paragraph. It stood out in memory - but such errors are unfortunately typical throughout the reading.
BlackxValentine chapter 37 . 11/14/2009
No what's wrong with Selphie!

must keep reading!
BlackxValentine chapter 14 . 11/14/2009
Love this but i hate the way Odine talks... even in the game I hated the way he talked. it's so hard to figure out what he's saying sometimes! XP

but amazing chapter!

Poor Irvy and Selphie...
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