Important to note-this is entirely tongue in cheek! Just go with the flow on this one...or skip to the notes and acknowledgments.

Zoisite was the one who had blown up at the discovery of the young girl in between his rugs. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!"

"Little wives are just a fancy name for concubines-usually they're the ones who from poorer backgrounds and such." answered Jadeite.

"Mamo-chan...You mustn't die!"

"Well," laughs Usagi, "I've been having lots of fun!"

The Making of

Desert Kings

Desert Kings was started back way in July of 2005, by Last Haven. The story is an Alternate Universe fan fiction based on the popular series, Sailor Moon. Staring Usagi/Serenity as a princess turned spy, who spies to get her future husband, Endymion, on the throne. She meets and falls in love with the horse tamer, Mamoru, who is Endymion in disguise. They are joined by a large cast of characters to bring the story to life.

We joined the cast on scene, and were able to get an interview with Usagi.

So, Usagi, how do you feel to be staring in Desert Kings?

"Well," laughs Usagi, "I've been having lots of fun! I've been working really hard, and I, well, I get to work with my friends so it's been real exciting."

Would you care to explain to us your role then in the story?

"Ah, I play Usagi who is actually Princess Serenity in disguise. She, cough, excuse me. She's really...I guess I she's really just a young girl, just about my age, and is still learning about the world around since she...has lived a bit of a sheltered life."

Care to tell us about your co-star, Chiba Mamoru?

"Heh, well, Mamoru plays Endymion, who is a banished prince and is working to overthrow his brother."

So, how has your engagement to Mamoru effected your acting in this story?

Usagi blushes and splutters out a response as she fidgets. "Well, yes, it does have some effect-I mean, well, I would say that our real chemistry is there between us so you get to see real love there-some actors have to act like they're in love, but us, it's just there already!

After, talking with Usagi a bit, we had a chance to talk with a few of her co-stars. We ended up talking with the legendary Rei, who plays the part of a run away princess who married a Zojotentian rider-a race of desert people-and lives as a simple life.

Rei, please tell us a bit about your character in Desert Kings, if you would?

"Well, let's see," begins Rei, drumming her fingers as she starts. "I play Rei, or High Princess Rei of Aresian Desert People, who is a run away princess. She lives her husband and her adoptive daughter. She actually is pregnant with her first daughter and is quite happy where she is."

Is it true then that a prequel may becoming out about your character's past?

"Ah, ha ha. Yes." she answers, leaning her hand against her cheek. "Ah, there is a prequel, called Desert Lily. The story is about my character as a young girl leading up to her escape and her arrival at the White City and her the start of her relationships. You'll get to see her meet everyone and-yes!-fall in love too."

Anything else you'd like to say about it?

"Ha, well, I've actually met the little actress who gets to play Princess Rei as a child. She's a really cute girl who can be so serious. She's-well, she's just too cute. She plays such a jaded little girl but really she's just this big bundle of energy. She works really hard and she just catches on so quick about everything. Ah, she can be a bit of troublemaker, but really she's such a sweet little thing."

You mentioned seeing your character fall in love. How does it feel to play the accomplished theater actor Jadiete?

"Well, playing opposite of Jadeite is, well, it's a bit of struggle at times since he almost tends to upstage everyone. He, Kunzite, and Minako are really known actors in the theater and they can just have...this strong stage presence. It's hard to compete with that, you know?"

"Off screen, it was lots of fun to talk and hang out with him. He likes all sorts of books and he can be so serious. Him, me, and Ami would get into these big discussions about books I'm reading, because they'd already had read them! He's cool though-he can be really nice and when him and the other guys get together this just this sense of comradery. Zoisite already been in quite of few movies already, but for people like Mamoru who's really just getting started they all get along so well."

Have you been able to share such a bond with the other female leads?

"Ha! Well, it's really great to be on such a big production. There's lots of girls here so I'm not lonely at all."

"Nearly every night after production, we'd go eat together, me, Ami, Makoto, Minako, and Usagi. It was really nice to be there with all of them. Like I said me and Ami would have these big conversations of books. Ah, Makoto would invite us all over to dinner. Minako and I would go out for like coffee or brunch and talk about our production experience. And Usagi. Well, Usagi in the story kinda brings them together and it seems to translate into real life. She's a sweetie, a bit of pain at times. Yeah, I kinda learned the hard way about trying to wake her up. She was always, always, always late for the start of the day."


Yeah, well, enough joking around. But seriously, there was some important things in there. Yes, there will be a prequel called Desert Lily dealing with Rei's past, which will also show parts of the others' pasts. There will also be two other stories. Since I plan Desert Lily to be the shortest-probably less then ten chapters-I'll probably end up doing that next.

So here's the schedule for now:

1.) Desert Lily-Rei runs away from home at eleven and ends up in the White City at twelve-she gets married at fifteen and adopts Hotaru. Her interesting story has her flight from arranged marriage, her new beginning and a budding romance with the "mysterious" Jadeite. Not a very long story-ten chapters at most.(I need beta-readers!)

2.) BETA-Usagi Tsukino was a normal girl till a bizarre dream changes her life. She enters into the BETA-verse and is chosen as the MOON SENSHI! Now she works with the totally sexy Mamoru Chiba and enters the BETA-verse by tech visor. The SENSHI enter the BETA-verse to stop spirits from attacking the ALPHA-verse but the SENSHI are running into more and more trouble! Usagi joins with the French MERCURY SENSHI, Ami Mizuno, the German JUPITER SENSHI, Makoto Kino, the Spanish MARS SENSHI, Rei Hino, and the English SENSHI, Minako Aino to stop this evil. Tradition Pairings.(Already three chapters! I need beta-readers!)

3.) Unnamed Vampire story-Ami Mizuno is a vampire hunter searching to kill all vampires to save her world. Makoto Kino is a bartender at a popular club. Minako and her brother, Jadeite, are vampires from one blood clan while Rei and Usagi are from another. Zoisite's a regular joe with Kunzite as a roommate. Nephlite likes to flirt with Makoto and Mamoru is stuck in the middle of a blood feud! Ami hunts Usagi, Rei, and Minako while fighting from falling for Zoisite who is attracted to her as well. Rei and Jadeite hate each other's clans but are falling in love! Usagi and Mamoru meet and fall in love. Galaxia challenges Usagi for the throne of the Queen of the Damned!

4.) Sequel to Desert Kings, Desert Queens-Set ten years after Endymion rises to the throne, life goes on as always-Minako and Usagi are expecting mothers. Rei's past is coming back to haunt her and leaves her young daughter's, Yurei, future in doubt. The Amazon Quartetto train hard to become the Small Lady's, Chibi Usa, guardians. Endymion marries the eleven year old Nephellina as part of a treaty. Ami's clinic is facing hard times. How do all of these strings of fate tie in with an growing usurpation?

I've pretty much decided Desert Lily's up first and Desert Queens won't be coming out for a while, but please vote for whether Beta or the vampire story should come first-also if you would be so kind, can you send in some suggestions for the title to the vampire story.


Well, this has been an very fun and trying story. All of my reviewers have my deepest thanks and love-this story was a on hiatus story until two wonderful people got me to continue by their reviews:

inuandrave7-the very first reviewer! To bad I don't remember ever hearing from them again...


Serenathy-a most lovely reviewer who reviewed many of my chapters. I haven't heard from them in awhile either. I loved reading the reviews you sent me but I wished I could have heard from you more at the end.

If either one of you reads this please know that this is especially dedicated to you two along with my other lovely reviewers.

whitey9h-I loved all of your reviews and I'll have you know that your reviews made me smile a lot. You maybe one of the people who reviewed the most in the entire story, much love to you, my friend! A special dedication goes out to you.

yuken-child-I don't recall ever hearing from them again either, darn...

helen-I haven't heard from you either.

Illusions-chan-She only reviewed for one chapter but I had fun responding to her review.

Allison-Lovely girl, but I haven't heard from you either.

Tsubasa-chan-Another one I haven't heard from in awhile. Where are you guys, I miss you!

Sapphire Midnight-I should give you an entire section onto itself, shouldn't I? XD You've probably been one of my favorite reviewers since chapter four was released, you made me crack up when you found that there were no more chapters at that point. You've must have reviewed nearly every chapter I think and it always made me happy to get a review from you. Not only did you get a chapter dedicated for you, I especially dedicate this entire story for you too. I can't wait to read more of Untouchable.

Low/Astrum-I don't believe I ever did hear from this person again-oh bother, still lots of love to all of you.

Friends1004-Another really great reviewer! I loved getting your reviews-even if Chibi Lady didn't, which reminds I need to get some more roses and lock the door at night-and you made laugh quite a bit. Another special dedication for all of the times you reviewed!

Megan Consoer-I only heard from her a few times but it was great fun.

Chester91-Another person I haven't heard from, but still I would love to hear from again.

Lady of Masbolle-She caught my hints about the cultures so I send out a special kudos to her!

LittleDragon5-Haven't heard from them again either...

KeraJeir-Another faithful reviewer who entered late into the game. Thanks for your fantastic reviews!

AprilSailormoon-I believe I only heard from them a couple times, but thanks for the lovely response.

MoonPrincess6687-I believe they only reviewed once, but thank you!

koldy-Another one time reviewer, I think. Thank you!

sailorSerena141-Another one timer, thanks.

Starlit Warrior-Now this person was another great reviewer. Your reviews really brightened my day, thank you so much!

FireSenshi2-Thank you for the lovely reviews!

searchingformydarien-I still love this pen name. Thanks so much for your reviews, they made me glad to continue writing.

Laura-I believe she reviewed a couple times, but my memory's a bit rusty. Thank you for the response!

Amesia Raighn-I only remember that one review at the moment, but thank you!

Princess d'Etoile-I like that pen name, it reminds me of a game I once played. Thank you!

daisy31-A one time reviewer, I believe. Thanks!

To the Samanthas-OMG, I still giggle about the whole email thing. Thanks to both of you, and, hee, sorry guys!

serenity3571-A one time reviewer. Thank you!

Serene Amethyst-This cool reviewer caught that Minako prays to Hindu gods as well. I love when you guys caught to those things because it made my day for people to catch the little details scattered through out the fic.

AmberJupiter-Another great reviewer who only started to review to the end of the fic. Thanks so much!

Becx-a great reviewer, but I have trouble remembering how many times they reviewed. Thank you!

sexylucifer-one time reviewer I believe, but thanks!

RoseDream-I love this pen name. Thanks!

MrsSakuraPotter-A special thanks to this lovely girl, who mentioned on a few of my writing "quirks". Thanks!

Linda-Thank you!

SnowAngle101-Thanks for the review!

Remyslove-Thank you!

sailor lunakitty-Thanks!

Soup 'N Sandwhich-That pen name still makes me hungry, thank you!

hatami-thank you!

Eo-I think this person may have the shortest pen name yet. Thanks.

X00001-Thank you!

Thanks to all the other reviewers who responded to this story. The story wouldn't have continued without you!


Before we end this thing entirely, I'd like to give you guys sneak peaks at the new stories:

For Beta, I show you the entire beginning of the first chapter.

"I was fifteen when the dreams started.

They were bizarre dreams at first-I dreamed I was flying up to the night's sky like I was riding a sled on a jet stream-yes, I know, weird analogy but it's the only way to describe it! I was suddenly rocketing to the moon, laughing with my head tossed back in awe. It was later that the other images began to flash through them. The other images were confusing and at times terrifying-I saw horrible monsters, soulless eyes, bloodied hands.

But I also such wondrous things. I saw kind faces, comforting arms, and even beloved people in my life yet to come.

I saw him first there too.

The dreams lasted for the better part of two months before my parents sought out medical help-I was losing my good health and I was getting weaker. My frail body was so drained for my unrestful sleep. The dreams were tearing me apart.

That is where the story begins."

For the vampire story, here's part of the beginning:

"Can I help you?" she grinned showing straight white teeth. Nephlite grinned and nodded.

"I'll have a Jack Daniels, On the Rocks." he shouted over the boom of the bass.

"Pertsovka!" ordered Zoisite as he leaned against the bar. He grinned and plotted revenge against Kunzite who was quietly ignoring him as he thought about what drink he wanted ordered..

"Well, since I'm going to be the one mostly responsible for getting you two home, I guess I have to skip the alcohol tonight." he said with a grin. "Ahh, hmm, just some coke and ice then."

"Alright we got a Jack Daniels, Pertsovka, and a coke, right?" she summarized. They all nodded. "Alright, you'll drinks will be ready in a minute, sirs." she called after them as she turned to start the drinks. "And by the way, the name's Makoto!"

Nephlite tilted his head as he watched her walk away. "Well, lovely name." he murmured to no one in particular. Kunzite rolled his eyes and Zoisite laughed, moving to tease his dreamy friend.

"And what a lovely pair of legs to go along with it, eh, Nephie?" he sniggered. His dreamy eyed friend grinned and cocked his head to the other side.

"Actually, I was looking more at her a-"

"Hey!" laughed Kunzite, "Be nice to our bartender or she'll toss us out."

See you guys in Desert Lily! I love all of you!