Generation of Aeons
Disclaimer: I do not own Final Fantasy X, X-2, or any part of the song At the Beginning
Last Time:
With Garren, Darka and Gaia began to walk off while Takoire turned to look at Lenne. "He does have a point though," the guardian stated. "What do we do now?"
Lenne smiled, touching his face. "Get to know each other all over again. Including the fact that you're the Cheribum's last descendent."
"What?" he asked turning to her. "I don't understand."
"It's okay. We'll figure this out together. We have the time."
The Gullwings' headquarters in Besaid had been emptied and converted for this one night. Generations of leaders, summoners, guardians, and Crimson Knights had gathered for tonight's special occasion. The conquerors of Sin and Vegnagun stood in a circle with the next generation of summoners, guardians and family around them.
Close friends and family were in the innermost center of the circle and were dressed in their very best. Guardians stood dressed in their best uniforms, either blue or black, depending on the type. Head summoners wore their formal outfits, made up of reds, whites, silvers, icy blues, and greens. The room was a swirl of vibrant colors.
A part of the crowd parted slightly for the two happy figures as they cut through the center into the center of the floor. One dressed in a black uniform of the summoner's guardian, but with slight deviations from the rest. The edges of the cloth had been lined with gold in addition to the gold symbol embroidered above his chest. His jet-black hair had been trimmed neatly, and his face was clean shaven. In the crook of his arm, he held onto a young woman.
Her light brown hair with a few streaks of blonde was held up by numerous ribbons, which added to the effect of her simple white gown. Her mismatched eyes of blue and green radiated happiness as she let the young man lead her.
As they passed through the crowd, she spotted Garren and Vidina with bright smiles on their face. Garren was fully dressed in the outfit of the head Crimson Knight and looked on at her with nothing, but happiness. Her surrogate brother Vidina stood next to him in his uniform, announcing him as the new Deputy Crimson Knight of Besaid. His uniform was more blue than royal purple, designed by Garren himself, but still managed to make him look years past what he actually was.
She could see her close friend Darka dressed in his specialized Crimson Knight uniform of not only blue and royal purple, but also red and white; announcing him as the Crimson Knight of Besaid and the head Summoner of Suzaku. Her smile grew even wider as she saw her cousin Gaia being escorted by him. The Al Bhed was dressed in a formal dress of sunset orange that matched her tan complexion. They looked good together, regardless of the fact they were also the best man and the maid of honor.
Reaching the center, the young man turned her towards him, a bright smile on his face as he looked deep into her eyes.
Then the music started.
We were strangers
Starting out on a
Never dreaming what
we'd have to go through
Now here we are
And I'm suddenly
At the beginning
with you
No one told me I was
going to find you
Unexpected, what you
did to my heart
When I lost hope
You were there to
remind me
This is the start
Life is a road, and
I want to keep going
Love is a river, I
want to keep flowing
Life is a road, now
and forever
Wonderful journey
I'll be there when
the world stops turning
I'll be there when
the storm is through
At the end I want to
be standing at the beginning with you
It was amazing what they had been through together. She remembered first seeing him in the blitzball stadium in Zanarkand. What would have happened if she had never found her way there? She remembered when she had first passed Suzaku's test, and he had voluntarily agreed to become her guardian; giving up his life for her. What would have happened if he had kept his life? But most of all, she remembered their first kiss; the way it felt there was absolutely nothing in the world that could make her feel the way he did, and the way that he made her feel like there was no one else in Spira except her. What would have happened if they never had kissed?
But that didn't matter, because they were finally together.
We were strangers
On a crazy adventure
Never dreaming how
our dreams would come true
Now here we stand
Unafraid of the
At the beginning
with you
And life is a road,
and I want to keep going
Love is a rover I
want to keep flowing
Life is a road now
and forever
Wonderful journey
I'll be there when
the world stops turning
I'll be there when
the storm is through
At the end I want to
be standing at the beginning with you
"Lenne…" Takoire whispered against her. "Look…"
She looked over his shoulder and saw figure coming into being who had long disappeared. The image of her grandparents: her grandfathers Braska and Jecht, and her grandmothers. She saw her grandfathers' close friend Auron. Kiron, Seru, and Zaon stood watching, too.
Takoire stole glances as he could and the words were caught in his mouth as the images of his long deceased family appeared next to the others: his mother, father, uncle, aunt, and Arkon. The young man he had left in charge of his blitzball team, Shuyin, even appeared with Lenne's namesake beside him.
Everyone was smiling at them.
Knew there was
somebody somewhere
Like me alone in the
Now I know my dream
will live on
I've been waiting
so long
Nothing's going to
tear us apart
And life is a road
that I want to keep going
Love is a river I
want to keep flowing
Life is a road, now
and forever
Wonderful journey
I'll be there when
the world stops turning
I'll be there when
the storm is through
In the end I want to
be standing at the beginning with you
As they danced, they looked to their family and friends long past, this time with the fayth Bahamut leading them. "It is done…" the fayth whispered.
Another figure came into being, and his black hair, stormy gray eyes, and Bevelle high summoner uniform made him unmistakable to Lenne. "Not quite… my bloodline will live on yet."
They all continued to smile as Lenne and Takoire stole glances as they danced, and each time, the images disappeared little by little until they were no longer there at all…
And life is a road,
and I want to keep going
Love is a river I
want to keep going on
Starting out on a
Life is a road and I
want to keep going
Love is a river I
want to keep flowing
In the end I want to
be standing at the beginning with you
The music came to an end, and Lenne and Takoire were left to stand in the center amongst cheering friends and family. But they only saw each other.
It had become a fond habit of his to brush away the hair from her face, one that Lenne enjoyed. Takoire smiled at her, keeping his hand on her face. "I can't believe this is actually happening.
Lenne smiled, unable to contain her joy. "Neither can I."
"Did you see what I did? Kiron… Seru… Zaon… My parents… Your grandparents… My cousin Arkon…"
"I did. Maybe they were trying to tell us something."
Takoire leaned down towards her face. "That maybe we can start at the beginning with nothing behind us… together."
"Together," she repeated.
Takoire gazed down at her softly as she paused over her lips. "I love you.."
"I love you, too…"
He kissed her.
It was the beginning of something new, and it didn't matter if anything did eventually come, because they were finally together. And they would face anything together.
Author's Notes: Well, everyone, I just wanted to give a big round of thanks to you. Believe it or not this story started out much simpler than what it came to be, and I now finally understand when people say that a story takes on a life of its own. It's a bit hard letting this story finally go, a part of me never thought it would actually end. For those who want to know, this song is the credits song of Anastasia called At the Beginning by Donna Lewis and Richard Marx.
I want to give a very large thanks to my BETA Jezzi. Without her, this story wouldn't have been able to become what it has. I remember when I first started asking for a BETA, it was right after I got a review asking whether or not English was my first language… But the point being, thank you. A lot of people IM me saying what a great story I've come up with, but the truth is that Jezzi played a major role. She told me not to limit myself in the story and because of that I've come out as a better writer. I don't know what I would have done without her.
Thanks again, especially to those who have been following this story from the beginning, it's been a long road.
I'll see you around.
I would also like to take this opportunity to announce that a sequel to this story has already been released called A Generation of Legacies.