Author's Notes: This is a one chapter fic. It takes place after the perfect ending in Luca. The after party, whoo! WARNING: Lemon! This is my first attempt at a lemon though, and I hope it goes okay. =:/
Disclamer: I do not own FFX-2 or any of it's characters. I do however, own this story. DO NOT distribute without my permission.
Ch 1: The Party
"Come on, Yunie!"
"Just hold on a second, Rikku!" replied the ex-summoner calmly to the bouncy Al Bhed in front of her.
"Er, if we don't hurry, then we'll miss the party!" groaned Rikku. Tonight was the huge party in Luca to celebrate the defeat of Vegnagun, and the blonde Al Bhed didn't want to miss one second of it. If Yuna took any longer getting ready, they were going to be late! After all, they were the star guests of the evening. Them and Paine, Baralai, Gippal, and Nooj of course. They had helped out. YuRiPa had done most of the work, though! Rikku figured that all that hard work searching for spheres had paid off, they had found Tidus, after all.
"Alright, I'm done now, let's go!" said Yuna cheerfully, her blue and green eyes sparkling as she turned to Tidus.
"Alrighty, then! Move on out!" said Rikku as she punched her fist up into the air.
Paine rolled her eyes and walked out of the cabin with a smirk tugging at her lips.
* * *
set the Celsius down on the ground gently outside of Luca, and the Gullwings
poured out of the large airship with a few others tagging behind. Rikku led the
way to the stadium with Yuna and Tidus in tow, as well as Paine, Lulu, Wakka,
Brother, and Buddy. The only one left on the airship had been Barkeep, and well,
he never went anywhere.
"Yes! We're finally here!" cried Rikku gleefully, "Let's get this
party started!"
"Yeah! I could really use a little action around here after being dead for so long," said Tidus jokingly, noticing his mistake almost as soon as it had come out of his mouth. He looked to Yuna looking for an apology. Yuna simply smiled and nodded her head. Tidus shrugged and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. Two years apart and she could still mask her fear and sadness behind a simple smile. A smile so wonderful it made Tidus melt at the knees.
"So Rikku," he said, nudging Rikku in the ribs, trying to change the subject, "You got a date tonight? How about that Gippal guy you were telling me about?"
Rikku face went red and she stomped her foot in reply. "I do not like Gippal, Tidus! I told you that! He's just an inconsiderate, jerk okay?" she raged.
"If you didn't like him you wouldn't be making such a big deal, ya?" said Wakka with a chuckle.
"Oooo Wakka! You're never on my side!" cried the blonde, her braids falling over her face.
"Well that's what I'm here for, ya?" he said with a grin.
"Now what are you making such a big deal about now, eh?" came a voice from behind the pouting Rikku. Her shoulders tensed as soon as she heard the voice. Why did he have to show up now? Why not later after she had started drinking? At least that way she could have tolerated him.
Rikku turned around abruptly to face the individual behind her. She scowled and managed to plaster a grin all over her face. "So, Gippal! How's it going? Why are you here so early?" she said suspiciously, leaning forward just a tad with her arms crossed.
"And what's it matter to yah, Cid's girl?" he said teasingly.
"Ooo I have a name..." cried Rikku.
"Oh come on you two, no time for this now. They're waiting for us inside," replied Nooj smartly as he walked towards the stadium with Baralai behind him.
Rikku stuck her tongue out at the male Al Bhed and ran past him to follow Nooj and the others. She ran to catch up with Paine, who was slowly taking her time.
"Soo...Paine? Anyone special in your life that you might hook up with tonight?" Rikku asked the warrior teasingly, poking her in the side.
Paine glanced in Baralai's direction, but no one seemed to notice. "Well, you'll just have to find that our for yourself, won't you Rikku?" she replied with a smirk.
"But that's no fun!"
"Not everything's all fun and games, you know!" exclaimed Gippal hotly.
"Oh what do you know?" complained Rikku as she punched him in the shoulder.
Gippal laughed at her attempt to hurt him. It hadn't worked. For someone who helped defeat Vegnagun, she wasn't very strong.
The group walked into the packed stadium. Most of the bleachers had been pulled back and the sphere wasn't filled. Rikku's jaw dropped. She couldn't believe it. The whole stadium had been transformed into a giant club. Colored lights were flashing everywhere and a band was setting up on the stage. A bar had been set up at one end with a small area for tables, couches, and such. Rikku never imagined that Spira was capable of doing so much to do with entertainment. She turned to Gippal, her eyes lit up with excitement. She squealed and ran off to find something to do. The party hadn't started yet, they weren't even letting people in. The group had only gotten in because they were friends of the 'High Summoner.'
Gippal chuckled at Rikku's antics as she ran off, and stuffed his hands in his pockets. Maybe tonight would be his lucky night. He didn't want to take advantage of anyone, though. As cocky and conceited as he seemed, he still had respect and a heart. He wasn't going to use anyone. Especially Rikku.
Gippal looked to his companions and shrugged, walking off in the direction Rikku had.
Baralai sighed. He'd never give up would he? He supposed that's what made the two Al Bhed perfect for each other. They were both unconditionally stubborn. Baralai ran his fingers through his pale hair and chanced a glance towards Paine. She was standing off to the side alone. He was surprised to find her looking back at him. "Uh..." he muttered to himself.
Paine rolled her eyes with a smirk and walked up to the Praetor. "Do you want something?" she asked him.
Baralai smiled and held out his hand, "We should go find something to do before the party starts."
Paine nodded and gave a rare smile, taking his arm and walking out of the stadium
"Ooo I wonder where those two are headed?" teased Yuna as she pinched Tidus' belly.
"Only Yevon knows," laughed Tidus, wrapping his arms around Yuna. He just wanted to look at her. For so long, he had been trapped in the Farplane and unable to see her. It had seemed like eternity.
Yuna herself, still couldn't believe that he was back. For so long, she had hoped and wished for his return. And then finally, he was back, just like that. Yuna grinned and leaned up to kiss the blitzer.
* * *
Rikku's body flowed to the music, her body swaying along with the hundreds of others around her. The music beat heavily. The harder and faster the music, the harder and faster the blonde danced. The lights swirled above her and she opened her green eyes to watch the reds, blues, and greens dance over her sweaty body. She had been dancing non-stop for well over an hour, and her small body was starting to wear her down. Nonetheless, she swung her hips to and fro wildly to the song, grinding slightly to the bodies behind her.
The song finally ended and the bass died down. Rikku made her way out of the pit of people and headed to the bar. Wiping the sweat off her forehead with her bandana, she took a seat at the bar. She ordered a strong drink, and downed it quickly. She was thirsty. She needed more.
After pounding the empty glass down on the counter, she ordered another and sipped away at it slowly. She turned in her seat to look around her. Hundreds of people had shown of for the party. Rikku guessed that all of Spira had shown up. There certainly were enough people...
After many drinks, the petite Al Bhed stood to go find Yuna. After doing so however, she sat back down quickly to avoid the large head rush. How many drinks had she had? She couldn't even remember...
Gippal stumbled slowly around the stadium, trying to find Nooj, Baralai...anyone he knew. There were so many people here that he couldn't find any familiar faces. Sure, he saw lots of Al Bhed and the odd woman or two that he knew, but no one close. Where was Rikku? He hadn't seen her since their little dispute at the bar earlier after they arrived. After departing they had headed to the bar to get a drink, and Gippal had teased her for her choice of beverage. Rikku of course had taken it personally and they ended up arguing, as usual. Why didn't she just get it? He only teased her like he did because he didn't know any other way of flirting. Usually girls fell for it, but Rikku for some reason didn't. She was different, in a good way of course.
Gippal rubbed his eyes, trying to clear his vision. Maybe he couldn't find anyone he knew because he was so damn drunk. The alcohol in his blood was blurring his vision. Turning around abruptly, he spotted an empty seat at a table and made his way towards it. No longer after he had sat down, a stranger sat down at the table across from him with a grin and open legs.
Rikku finally stumbled across Yuna, only to find her making out with Tidus in a corner. Ever since he had come back, the two had become inseparable. Although she didn't like to admit it, Rikku was kind of jealous. During Yuna's pilgrimage the Al Bhed and Tidus had become good friends. Rikku on the other hand would have liked it if they were a little more than that, but she let Yuna have him. Not out of pity, but because the summoner deserved it. Not like Tidus would ever fall for Rikku anyways.
After finding her two friends deep in the heat of passion, she turned to find someone else she knew to hang out with. Spotting Gippal at a table at the back, her face turned red. There was some slut hanging off of him like a leech! Her bare legs were wide open and she was suckling on Gippal's neck. He didn't even seem to care. He sat there mindlessly and acted as if nothing was going on. Rikku scowled and marched over to the pair angrily.
"So do you wanna go back to my place, hot stuff?" she heard the stranger say. It made her sick just looking at her. Gippal on the other hand hadn't even looked up at Rikku's arrival. He simply kept staring at the table miserably.
Rikku cleared her throat and tapped Gippal's shoulder tentatively.
He groaned and looked up to find a person standing over him. After his vision blurred and went clear again, he was happy to see that it was Rikku. However, her fists were clenched and her face was beat red. "Rikku?" he said drunkenly, "What's wrong?"
Rikku scoffed. What's wrong? "Who the fuck is that?!" she growled, pointing in the slut's direction.
Gippal turned to his left to find a woman hanging off his arm clad in hardly any clothes. She was practically naked, and she was in his lap. How did she...? Damn. He turned to Rikku who had stormed off in a fit of anger.
Trying to stand up, he removed the woman from his body and turned to go after Rikku.
"Where you going, love?"
Gippal turned to her and spat in her general direction, "Away from you." He turned abruptly and chased after Rikku.
Rikku ran off, tears threatening to pour over her eyelids. Maybe she was crying. If she was she certainly didn't feel it. She loved the effects of alcohol, but sometimes she hated it. This was one of those times she hated it.
It wasn't like Gippal was her boyfriend. That still didn't mean she didn't have feelings for him, though. To someone who didn't know them, they'd think the two were enemies. They sure acted like it. Sure Rikku enjoyed his constant teasing, she liked the attention. However, his big ego and cocky attitude were major turn offs. The two had a past together, but Rikku tried to not let it get to her head. It was the last thing she needed right now.
She stopped running through the stadium and brought herself to a stop. Bringing her hand up to her head, she let out a groan. The room was spinning around wildly. She opened her eyes gingerly to find another pair of swirled green eyes staring into hers. Rikku jumped back, startled.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," apologized Gippal.
Rikku scowled and jabbed her finger into his chest accusingly, "What do you want, Gippal?"
"Look, it wasn't what it looked like, I swear," he said in defense. Why was he explaining himself to her again?
"Yeah, suuure," replied Rikku sarcastically with a roll of her eyes.
"No, really..." said Gippal softly. She just didn't get it.
"Huh?" retorted Rikku. Did he just apologize to her? Her green eyes sparkled as she cheered up. She heard him mutter something under his breath, and was curious to know what it was he said. "What'd you just say?" she asked him.
"Oh...nothing," he quickly replied.
"No really, tell me!" she exclaimed, hopping up and down to prove her point.
"Well, I said..." he trailed.
"Well...?" she finished. She wanted to know what he said, damnit!
Before she knew it, Gippal had bent down and had placed his lips upon her own. The warmth they provided sent chills down her spine, and surprisingly she lifted her chin to return the kiss.
He didn't believe he was doing this. Kissing Cid's little girl...he would kill him when he found out. But who the hell cared? It felt amazing. Before they both knew it, their kiss deepened and they fought to keep their balance in the crowd.
* * *
Paine's eyes opened wide in disbelief. "Well what do you know..." she muttered as she saw the two Al Bhed making out.
"What is it?" asked Baralai.
Paine pointed in Rikku and Gippal's direction, not even looking at where they stood. Instead, she watched Baralai's face for his reaction. She tried to muffle a laugh as his mouth dropped.
"Now what's so funny?" he asked softly after turning back to her.
"You," snorted Paine, holding her stomach as laughter overtook her body.
Baralai was amused. He had never seen Paine so...happy. Then again, she was slightly drunk. Even still, seeing a smile light up her face made Baralai's day, any day. The silver haired priest simply smiled in reply to the warrior's outburst. He should get her drunk more often. Baralai thought it over again, deciding against it. He'd turn out like Gippal if he did that.
Paine turned to Baralai and stared into his eyes. It felt like forever that they sat there, looking into each other's eyes.
Ever so carefully Baralai draped his arm around Paine's shoulder, and he felt her relax under his touch. Paine looked to him and gave him a smirk.
* * *
Rikku stopped to breathe and instantly remembered what she was doing. Coming to her senses, she made the face out in front of her to be Gippal's. Her mouth dropped, but formed into a sly smirk. She and Gippal were making out! She didn't mind too much, actually, she didn't mind at all. It made her feel all...tingly inside. Also, that fact that she was drunk intensified it.
The petite Al Bhed grabbed onto Gippal's hand and dragged him toward the exit.
"Whoa there, sunshine. Where're you takin' us?" asked Gippal with a floppy grin.
"Oh, you'll find out long enough..." chuckled Rikku.
"I wonder where they're going?" asked Lulu to no one in particular. She knew perfectly well what they were leaving to go do.
"They're probably gonna go and have some fun, ya?" said Wakka with a wink.
Lulu sighed and rolled her eyes. He just always had to state the obvious.
* * *
Rikku slammed the hotel room door shut behind her and leaned against it to prevent herself from losing balance. Chuckling slightly to herself, she pushed herself off the wall and attempted to walk over to Gippal, who was standing only six feet away from her. After taking only a few steps, she tripped over her own feet and went hurtling into Gippal's arms.
The weight of the petite al bhed falling into his arms surprised Gippal, and he went tumbling down onto the floor with Rikku on top of him. He breathed out heavily, trying to keep himself under control. However, the toxins in his body was preventing that from happening. Before he knew what was happening, he had grabbed the blonde girl gently from the nape of her neck and was forcing her to kiss him deeply.
Rikku however, had no problem with this. She leaned into his kiss, supporting herself on her hands weakly. Eventually, Rikku couldn't support herself any longer and she ended the deep kiss, rolling off of Gippal to catch her breath. Standing up weakly, she pulled the Machine Faction leader up with her.
Gippal chuckled and crossed his arms in front of him. Bringing a hand to his chin and rubbing his thoughtfully, he eyed Rikku up and down. Taking in the figure that was very inviting in his eyes he said, "Never in my day did I think I'd be in a hotel room with Cid's girl. Not even when we were dating."
Rikku pouted and put her hands on her hips. "Is that so?" she replied slyly, turning her back to him. Grabbing the edge of the scarf she always wore, she pulled it off of her neck playfully. Turning back to face Gippal, whom she noticed was eyeing her eagerly, she wrapped the scarf around his neck and pulled him to her by the ends, pressing her body up against his.
Gippal couldn't take this any longer. He pressed Rikku up against the wall of the hotel room, plastering kisses all over her face. She giggled slightly to herself as his damp lips tickled the skin of her bare neck. The blonde haired man pressed his body against Rikku's petite form, tracing his tongue along the base of her collarbone.
Rikku lifted his chin with a sloppy smile and brought his lips to hers feverishly, her tongue digging itself farther and farther into the depths of Gippal's throat.
Rikku brought her hands up inside of Gippal's shirt, tickling his sides slightly with her nails. She smiled through their kisses when she heard him moan slightly. Quickly and swiftly, she brought his shirt up over his head, and dumped it on the floor somewhere behind him.
Gippal paused and looked at her, his anxiety lingering in his green eye. Without a second thought, he grabbed Rikku by the waist and lifted her up, wrapping her legs around his body. The only thing supporting her now was Gippal's body, and the wall.
Rikku moaned slightly as she felt the hardness inside of Gippal's pants growing. Wrapping her arms around his neck and tightening her legs around his waist, she started to nibble gently on his ear.
Gippal tilted his head toward Rikku's traveling tongue, which was sending tremendous sparks down his spine. He fumbled with the clasp on her bikini top, and ripped it off completely. His mouth clasped onto her neck and carried her over to the bed, being careful not to trip on anything. He sucked hard on her neck, which resulted in her squirming everywhere. The more she squirmed around under his body, the more aroused he became. He pressed wet kissed down her neck, and stopped when he reached her chest. He heard her groan with dismay, and he grinned broadly to himself. Gippal traced his fingers up the side of her ribs, and lingered his fingers over her breast. Playing with it roughly, he clasped his mouth over the unoccupied breast.
Rikku let out a groan and arched her back to the sensations. Never in her life had she thought this would be happening, but it was, and there was no way she was going to stop it either. It's not like she was complaining or anything. Bringing her hands to grab his forearms firmly, she pushed him off her and back onto the bed, pouncing on top of him. She giggled softly as she saw the two forms of Gippal in front of her smirk. She leaned down and dug her tongue into his mouth, whether he liked it or not.
The kiss never seemed to end, and the longer it withheld, the more aroused the two became. The hardness in Gippal's pants was starting to burn and hurt, and he wished desperately that she would soon take off his pants. He kicked off his heavy boots, allowing her to take them off if she pleased.
Rikku took the hint and her mouth left his. The taste of alcohol on his breath lingered in her mouth, and she gave a smirk of her own. She reached her hands into his pants, not even bothering to undo them first. Her fingers traced the areas around his member, tickling him sensually. She heard him groan uncontrollably, and she brought her hands out of his pants and to the buttons. She undid them with one hand, the other massaging his cock through his pants. With one swift movement, she pulled his pants off, along with his boxers. She grinned widely as his member sprung up with excitement.
Gippal let out a non-menacing growl and pulled her back on top of him, bringing her lips back to his impatiently. He rolled on top of her and pulled off her skirt and bikini bottom, leaving her completely naked under him. His hands wandered over her body, and tickled her hips, leaving her in a fit of giggles.
The two kissed as if they had been apart for years, and in a sense, they had been. Gippal's cock pressed against her opening, and she groaned with angst. With one swift movement, he pressed inside of her, and he almost went there and then. The moisture of her insides was almost enough to send fireworks off inside his head, and he fought off his dizziness. He was surprised when he didn't hurt her, and he looked at her with a questioning face. The only reply he got was a deep kiss and a smirk, much like his own. Replying with his own trademark smirk, he brought himself out and pressed back inside of her again, letting out a groan as he did so.
Rikku brought her hips to meet his own, and she moaned in pure bliss. She closed her eyes, for if she opened them now she was afraid of what might happen. She was seeing more than two of Gippal, and she didn't want to ruin what was happening. She wrapped her legs around his waist tightly as he pumped inside of her swiftly, each thrust going deeper than the last.
Eventually Gippal was done and he let his load inside of her with one last final thrust. He collapsed on top of her and passed out completely. He was spent.
Rikku was left out of breath as the blonde machine faction leader collapsed on top of her. She kept her eyes shut to keep out the dizziness, and she too passed out.
* * *
Rikku squirmed around in the bed, trying not to move her head around as she did so. Her head itself felt as if it was going to explode into thousands of pieces. She rubbed her eyes to clear the fogginess when she opened them, and shut them tightly again almost as soon as she had opened them. The light was incredibly bright, making them sting. She brought the blanket up over her head, trying to go back to sleep. She rolled over, trying to make herself comfortable, but stopped as she felt a body next to her lean onto her. Her eyes popped open as she realized another person was in the bed with her. Looking over to see who it was, she was more than shocked to find it was Gippal. Her eyes opened wide and she shot up in the bed. Looking under the covers she let out a small squeak to find that they were both naked. Bringing the blanket up to cover her chest, she rubbed her head groggily. Memories of the emotions and feelings came flooding back to her from the previous night, and she groaned as she remembered what they had done. She had to admit to herself though, it was good. But...why? She thought she had been over Gippal. 'Guess not...' she thought to herself. The emotions she had felt weren't caused by the overdose of alcohol, she was sure of it.
She turned back to Gippal to find him staring at her, mouth open wide.
"Heh heh...Good morning?" she asked warily .
"Oh crap..." Gippal muttered to himself. He didn't believe this. He had had sex with Cid's daughter. He was going to kill him. Bringing the covers up over his head just like Rikku had done a few moments before, he groaned.
"I won't tell him if you promise not to tell anyone else," she said quietly, knowing exactly what was going through his head.
Gippal brought the blanket down from his head and gave her a weak smile. A smile that wasn't full of cocky attitude. "Thanks," he replied softly.
Rikku smiled and laid back on the bed. After a few moments of silence, she looked to Gippal to ask him a question, but found him staring at her, a softness Rikku had never seen emitting from his eyes. "Did you..." started Rikku awkwardly. She just had to know. Did he even feel anything?
"...Yeah," he finished. He knew exactly what was on her mind, and quite frankly, he had felt something. He just didn't like to admit it. What was he going to do with himself? He looked from her face up to the ceiling, contemplating on what to say next.
"Do you...want to go get some breakfast?" he heard her say. He looked to her, trying to mask his surprise.
"It's not like I'm going to bite you...well maybe I might've last night but that's an entirely different story," she said with a chuckle. Despite the situation the two blonde al bheds were in, she was in a pretty good mood.
"Yeah, we...need to work this out," he replied with a nod of his head.
Shuffling to the edge of the bed, Rikku grabbed one of the sheets and covered herself, picking up her scattered clothes from the floor. This was going to be a long day...
Well, what'd ya think? I know, some parts of the lemon were kind of corny, but it couldn't be helped. Let me know what you think. I'm still contemplating on whether or not I should continue this fic. If I get enough good reviews, I might. If I do though, I'll have to take the time to figure out a plot line. Well, just let me know what you think, good OR bad. ^.^ Have a nice day, folks.
Updated: March 18
Haha, apparently it was St. Paddy's Day yesterday and I wasn't even drunk to celebrate it! *pout* Anyways, after careful consideration I've decided to continue this fic. All the reviews I've gotten have asked me to continue, so I guess I have to. Don't expect a new chapter up right away though, I still have to work out the plot line. Anyways, have a good one!