![]() Author has written 3 stories for Twilight. I love fanfiction so much. It's so much fun to see what different people do with the characters/stories we love. I found this site a couple years ago, I'd actually never heard of fanfiction before and sort of stumbled on it. :-) I eventually started writing and have one completed story as well as two works in progress for twilight. Personal Stuff -I'm married and the mother of two girls and a newborn baby boy -I love to read and write, obviously. LOL -I'm a dog person but love animals in general. -I also love to cook when I'm not reading or writing. -FAVORITE movie of all time would have to be Disney's Beauty and the Beast (Original not remake). Love the visuals, music, and story. :-) TWILIGHT --I hate Jacob with a passion. I find him egotistical, selfish, childish, and an overall a$$hole. :-) I love Seth though. I love that despite being around a bunch of close minded enraged wolves he keeps his wonderful heart and open mind. --I love the Cullen's EXCEPT Rosalie. Honestly her character just gets on my nerves. I will never understand what Emmett sees in her. (Anyone else think him and Angela would be adorable together? She's so shy and he's a goofy teddy bear. So cute... Maybe in a future fanfic I write ;-) ;-) ;-) -- I'm a team Edward fan obviously, but will occasionally read stories where Bella is with someone else (except Jacob), but hate when I get blind sided by Edward bashing as I find his character to be amazingly selfless. He's flawed of course but he loves Bella more then anything and would easily sacrifice his own happiness if it was for her own. Jacob only cares about his own happiness and would sooner see Bella miserable without Edward then to see her happy WITH Edward. This is the foundation of why I KNOW Edward is better then Jake so that's my rant. LOL -- I also love Jasper's character but hate how down played his backstory is in the books and how he is perceived as 'weaker' then the rest of the Cullen's because of his past as a 'carnivorous' vampire. If anything being around newborn blood-lust for almost a century should have made having to deal with just his own so much easier. --I love Alice but hate her gift. I think its too powerful and I've never been a fan of the whole 'seeing the future' mythology/idea. Honestly if you already know what's going to happen, even just one option, what's the point of anything? Teams I always root for... -Edward and Bella -Alice and Jasper -Emmett and anyone but Rosalie (Unless the stories make her actually likable). -Carlisle and Esme |