Isabella Marie Swan, or Bella Swan as she preferred to be called woke up unhappy and unrested after a night of tears and sleeplessness. It was her first night in Forks at her father's house in four years. She sighed, making peace with the fact that she had sent herself to her torture. After her mother remarried she suggested to move in with her father to give her newlywed space. A part of that reason was because she felt sorry for her father. He was alone while they were a family of three, so there she was. Her room was still the same as when she was thirteen, the last time she slept in the tiny bed. There was no light coming through her window. Forks was dull and grey with a constant cover of cloud and rain.
Instead of allowing herself to drown in her misery she went to the bathroom to ready for the day. A tiny bathroom she shared with her father. Shaking her focus away from that thought she worked as fast as she could and soon she was out the door in new squeaky rain Aboots and shapeless black unisex raincoat. After she locked the door she turned to face her new truck. New to her but older than her father by many years. He had bought it for her as a welcoming gift since she would need to dive herself around town while she stayed there. It looked monstrous with a faded once red colour. The roar of the truck made her jump in fright and she laughed at herself. During the drive to the lone high school in the small town she was slowly warming up to her truck, happy that the heater and radio worked.
Swallowing her fear she reported to the office to get her class schedule and school map before her classes started. She was slightly annoyed that everyone seemed to be expecting her. They stared and giggled openly. Those brave enough to approach her asked the same questions to which she didn't want to respond, not really. She forgot everyone's name and face as soon as they disappeared from view while she moved from class to class. When lunch came, she was happy to have a girl in her class drag her along instead of spending the time alone. The cafeteria filled up quickly and the chatter filled the large hall. Bella was happy she didn't have to keep up with the conversation around her table. As she was taking in the dull school room her eyes caught at the sight of five students arriving a little late. They were beyond beautiful and seemed out of place in the dull room. First was a gorgeous blonde who looked like a supermodel off the centrefold of a magazine. She was followed by a boy who had his hand on her waist, eyes menacing and scanning the room. Third was a small girl, she couldn't be taller than Bella and looked very fragile. She was holding hands with a tall blonde boy behind her. His back was upright and face serious. Last was the most beautiful of them all, a tall boy with odd reddish- brown hair. He looked annoyed and bored, and suddenly looked straight at her.
Bella cringed and quickly diverted her eyes. She had been gaping at the five, following as they made their way to the corner table and was caught. She slowly ate her salad, fighting with herself against turning to look at the five beautiful people again.
"Wow! Edward Cullen is looking this way. I think he's staring at Bella" One of the girls at the table suddenly announced. Her statement hung like a question in the air. Bella raised her head to look at the people at her table who were now looking between her and the table at the far corner. Without permission her head snapped in that direction and an immediate blush crept up her face. She quickly turned back and hid behind the curtain of her luscious hair, confused and trying to ignore whatever was happening.
"Oh my gosh, he's coming over!" The words were said in a hushed whisper before the noise in the cafeteria drew to an almost complete silence. She saw movement in her peripheral and raised he eyes to look straight into the eyes of the beautiful boy with reddish-brown hair. He gave a slight smirk and held out his hand for her to take. Her left hand reached out to his without question and he led her out of the cafeteria. The noise erupted to increased volumes as soon as the double doors closed behind them.
Bella didn't understand what was happening or why she was following and walking with the boy. Her mind screamed at her but she didn't say anything and seemed to have lost control of her body. Once outside the boy asked her where her locker and next class were. She answered truthfully, polite and calm. He led the way to her locker.
"I'm Edward Cullen. We have the same class next." He spoke. His voice startled and soothed her. She swore she had never heard anything like it before. It was quiet yet melodic.
"I'm Isabella, I mean Bella-call me Bella," She stuttered. He only smiled wider before letting her hand go. She reached in her locker for her books and Edward took her hand again to lead her to their next class. The bell rang signalling the end of lunch rang. They were in class and seated long before the other students and teacher arrived. Edward never let go of her hand. Bella thought his behaviour was strange as was hers but never voiced her thoughts.
Incoming students gaped at them. Edward didn't seem to care. Bella blushed furiously and kept her eyes on their table. The teacher gave them some work to do on their own, he hadn't planned to teach that day. Edward let go of Bella's hands only so she could organize herself and do the work. He waited for her to finish first while looking at her intently. Once she was done he quickly completed his and relaxed back in his seat after taking her hand again. While Bella's mind tried to fight the odd behaviour it was registering a comfort and warmth to having her hand held by Edward. Some small part of her liked it. When class let out Edward walked her to her next class and left her at the door. He looked unhappy to have to let her go.
"Oh my gosh Bella what was that? Do you know Edward? Are you two like dating? Where did you go at lunch?" The questions from her classmates overwhelmed her. They swarmed around her and fired them so quickly she was hyperventilating. She couldn't move forward in class so she tailed and ran out. Tears pooled from her eyes as she ran. She tripped a few times and stopped at the parking lot. Once she located he truck she ran and hid inside. Less than five minutes later Edward climbed in the CAB on her side. He took her keys and started the truck to drive her home. Bella was so shocked and tongue tied around him that she idly wondered if she was under a spell. He seemed harmless and relaxed to be around her. While Edward drove, she stared at his profile and drooled over his features. She didn't realize they had arrived until Edward spoke;
"I'll come see you tonight. For now be normal for your father." He brushed her cheek with the tips of his fingers before getting out the truck and vanishing in the hard rain. Bella was stunned. She stayed in the truck until the heat died and the rain stopped. Her mind was a whirlwind of questions. She didn't understand anything about what happened to her at school. She was well aware of everything she had done though. It was all strange but the silence between her and Edward had been very comfortable, almost normal. She never felt the need to fill it with chatter and he constantly reached for her hand without the need to talk either. She desperately wished she had taken at least one phone number from her class mates to call and ask someone about Edward and his strange behavior towards her…or was he like that with all the girls? That though brought her a pang of sadness. She ordered pizza, excusing not cooking for her father by informing that there was no food in the house. After two slices she took a shower and immediately went to bed tired from the sleepless night before. The dominant thoughts on her mind were of the day's activities.