Reviews for You Found Me
SassYNoleS chapter 42 . 4/6
Thank you for sharing this amazing story ! From start to finish I enjoyed this read :)
jcnf009 chapter 42 . 12/8/2019
I enjoyed this story! Love it!
jcnf009 chapter 27 . 11/29/2019
Oh no!
jcnf009 chapter 18 . 11/28/2019
jcnf009 chapter 11 . 11/28/2019
Aggghhh! I’m so glad I came across this fic! I love it :)
AliceCullen3 chapter 42 . 10/25/2019
Cavelenare chapter 42 . 6/20/2019
Awww this was awesome! A year though?! Geez I’d probably cry if I was stuck preggo for a year! Hahahah! Also I’m not sure how I’d feel if my immortal lover was stuck at 17 while I was in my mid twenties. Considering Edward and co all view Carlisle and Esme who are in their mid twenties as parents, it would really be kind of weird.
Cavelenare chapter 30 . 6/20/2019
Wow! How you’ve twisted canon so well. I feel like such a whiny reader when I say I hope you further clarify the Rose/Emmett situation and why things on her end have happened they way they have... but every complaint I’ve had has very slowly been answered so I’m pretty excited to see what else you have in store!
Cavelenare chapter 18 . 6/19/2019
I don’t understand how Edward has gold eyes from a SINGLE feeding session. You would think there would be transitional shades in between red and gold like orange or have flecks of gold or something. I haven’t ever read of any vampire’s eyes changing color after one hunt in either canon or other fics .
Cavelenare chapter 16 . 6/19/2019
This chapter answered a lot of my questions. I’m pretty hopeful that i’ll Very soon get the rest out of the way. Woot!
Cavelenare chapter 15 . 6/19/2019
FOUR vamps plus Alice who came in with Edward? WHERES MY EMMYBEAR?! *weeps in despair*
Cavelenare chapter 8 . 6/19/2019
This is the second scene where the Cullen kids are mentioned. I do have to ask though, does Emmett not exist in this story? That big lug of a man seems to be completely absent so far. He’s my favorite Cullen; I’m hoping you didn’t completely scrap him. Also I’m wondering why Edward can’t seem to smell the presence of other vampires nearby. Surely he’d have smelled Bella having been near Alice at the very least.
Cavelenare chapter 7 . 6/19/2019
I don’t understand why Edward puts up with them. Surely after nearly 90 years he’d have left and done his own thing rather than take abuse after abuse. I mean he’s met different vampires throughout his years and even James had mentioned the Denalis. Not to mention the fact that he could just up and disappear considering he’s the one who makes money for James and Victoria. It doesn’t really make much sense to me why he’s sticking it out with them. Hopefully the issue will be addressed later on. It frustrates me reading how absolutely weak willed this Edward is
TrillionSchiffer chapter 20 . 3/16/2019
Why are they finding the fact that Edward wants to be by Bella(aka his still human mateso amazing? Like get over it. It lame as hell to get brownie points for wanting the one your supposed to be with! cheese!

The Denali sister are older than Eleazar and Carmen, and changed at their late teens early twenties. So by today’s standards they would be frozen and permanently rebellious or self dependent, not needing parental figures. But given the time they actually grew up in, they would be considered fully grown women... middle age women given the life expectancy of their time, so why o why does Eleazar or Carmen(who is only 200ish) think they are the parents, when the sister are 1000yrs old each?

Wasn’t Tanya the coven leader anyway?


I’m not even going to comment on the “cult like” excitement these animal drinkers are throwing on Edward. They sure are laying it on thick.

Forget it... I’m calling it quits here. Thanks for your contribution. One and spellcheck did a bang up job!
TrillionSchiffer chapter 19 . 3/16/2019
Jasper talk of being pleased not to feel the pain of his victims because his victims are now animals is such crap? What animals don’t feel? If that was the case they would stay right the hell they were when something came along to munch on them! I never understood why jasper never felt animals, I would think the more instinctual the creature the more he would feel. And animals are very instinctual. (Insect are another matter)

What I also don’t get about jasper is that he has the ability to “manipulatehis victims emotions!, I don’t understand why doesn’t he just do so before they even know he’s there. Put them to sleep or make them more willing even suicidial? He has more means than anyone to get off easy (emotionally) and has the least reason to go vegan, but because “nobody bothers to think!” We get these tired arguments.

Yes dummy... if you jump out like a boogie man your victims are going to be filled with pants shitting fear and because of that, so will you! Like fucking DUH! OMG smgdh?!

How was he ever thought of as a tactical genius?! Smgdh

Sooooo duuummmbbbb
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