Reviews for My Son's Girlfriend
pinkshoes81 chapter 25 . 4/10
Loved it, thanks x
Nannyjojo chapter 25 . 3/3
She's better off without her so called parents.
She has done so well.
Glad it all worked out.
Nannyjojo chapter 24 . 3/3
So sweet.
Nannyjojo chapter 23 . 3/3
Yeah I think you had best not forget. Lol
Sorry but bella is better off without them in her life right now.
Nannyjojo chapter 22 . 3/2
I think Garrett is spot on.
They all seemed to take that well.
Love Tia.
And yes Alice is right. She only ever said you'll be a Cullen one day.
Even though we knew she meant Edward lol
Nannyjojo chapter 21 . 3/2
He's right it would look odd to others.
But who cares.
The 4 of them are happy.
Yeah newton still needs to be brought down another peg or two.
Loved the chat.
Hopefully they'll learn from this and talk in future.
Nannyjojo chapter 20 . 3/2
Someone is planning on bringing newton down.
I hope that's what it is.
So happy they now seem to be in the same page.
Nannyjojo chapter 19 . 3/2
Yeah thought he confess all. Lol
Now he's gonna kick ass.
Maybe em needs to be showing some footage.
Nannyjojo chapter 18 . 3/2
Well Edward can't exactly say much can he.
After all he got someone younger than his son pregnant.
So glad it's finally out in the open.
I wouldn't be surprised if Edward doesn't lay it all in the line.
Nannyjojo chapter 17 . 3/1
Charlie is a dick.
He doesn't even know his daughters age.
And Edward the baby is yours.
If only they has been honest from the start.
Nannyjojo chapter 16 . 3/1
But maybe em and bella should have also been honest from the start.
Nannyjojo chapter 15 . 3/1
I kind of hope its real.
But maybe its just wistful thinking.
Cause he'll feel bad for Emmett and the guilt will be worse.
Nannyjojo chapter 14 . 3/1
Emmett spending the night at Rose's.
Nannyjojo chapter 13 . 3/1
Emmett wants rose.
And maybe rose wants Emmett.
Yeah Tia had him pegged, but she is so right.
But maybe she too knows a little more.
Nannyjojo chapter 12 . 3/1
Yeah Tia and Edward really don't suit each other.
Emmett is way to easy going.
I'm sure it's still not all Edward thinks.
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