Author has written 10 stories for Code Geass, Bleach, and Naruto.
Interview with LeAwesomeOneIX by LeAwesomeOneIX
EDIT (14/12/2014): I'm sorry to all of you waiting for me to complete my "one update each week for the month of December", but I've been facing a major writer's block - which isn't really helpful considering I have a drama script to complete. Anyway, I will do my best to complete this challenge either on the month of January or February, for the winner of the poll, which is as expected, Fukukaichou wa Maid-sama!. Thank you for voting! Also, I might or might not have fallen into the Cumberpit last month when I started watching Sherlock.
Okay, so what do we call you?
As stated above, LeAwesomeOneIX
That's way too long. Anything shorter?
Uhh... Some have called me LeAwesome, IX, or even Awesome-chan. Which I am, so yea. Feel free to create any nickname for me, but be sure to make sure I approve before you start using it.
Short introduction of yourself?
Female. 15. Rare Chinese in the fanfiction community. Weird.
Okay... So you haven't update much. You can start you excuses now.
No excuses, I'm lazy. Very, very lazy. But yea... Quoting Kakashi, I got lost on the road of life. Nah... I'm just caught up with my exam which never seems to stop and my homework which I always do last-minute. And those annoying projects...!!! Also, I'm working on an original fiction, so be sure to check it out once its available on wattpad! I'll insert the link in here!
Great! You got to slip in free advertisements. So... What inspired you to start writing?
Hmm... I first started writing after reading Darren Shan's The Saga of Darren Shan, in which I feel in love with the idea of writing in a first person POV. Those silly little one-shots never did get posted, but I still keep them. Anyway, after watching Code Geass, my mind was a mess of ideas of alternate endings, and then I stumbled upon fanfictions. I was insecure to start writing them at first, but after reading many many fanfictions, I decided, oh well, I'll give it a go. A random name drop, I adore taste-like-ciel's fanfictions and her stories were one of the few which inspired me to start. Then I got into the Naruto fandom, the Bleach fandom and the Avengers fandom, all of which I have never thoroughly written a story of. Sorry, I'll do it soon.
You mentioned you love first-person, but you've only ever done second-person and a failed experimental of third-person. Where the first-person?
Well, I have no idea why, I just can't accept writing a fanfiction in first-person. Maybe it's because those characters were not my creations, and I couldn't possibly try to put myself in it. I do write some of my originals in first-person, and almost all of my school's story-writing essay.
Your grammar suck real bad. Get a Beta, seriously.
Eheh, sorry. I don't even know what is perfect grammar, because English is just like my first language that never existed (I live with 4 language, 2 of which I consider my mother tongue), and I go by instinct. Well, I've never messed up much in my essays... But I just run my fanfictions once or twice before posting it as opposed to my ten times check for essays in exams. Well, there's a reason it's called an examination, right? Anyway, I have no idea how to get a beta, so if any are interested, feel free to teach me.
Do you accept requests and prompts?
Yes, I do. Well... I might not write it, but if I get inspired, I will. Just PM me, feel free! Because seriously, I'm a shy person and don't know how to take the first step, I'm counting on you!
Right.. so what is your fandom?
My fandom, eh...? Well, first and foremost, originally and still is, Code Geass. Then, Naruto, for Itachi. Bleach, a little, but it has started to annoy me so... anyway, mildly (but don't belong) Junjou Romantica - just for Hiroki, mind you - and Dynasty Warriors. Found a new fandom that is not anime (or game), the Avengers, or paticularly anything MCU (Earth-199999). Planning - still not at it because of the mind blogging amount of stories to devour in the Avengers fandom - to enter Death Note. A little slow, yes...
Okay, so what are you favorite characters?
Lelouch vi Britannia, Lelouch Lamperouge, Lelouch and Lelouch.
Well, Lelouch from Code Geass, Tony Stark from MCU (because RDJ lived the character), Uchiha Itachi from Naruto, etc.
Favorite anime?
Code Geass all the way. Then, maybe Angel Beats!, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, stuffs and stuffs...
What's your favorite genre to read and write in?
I love angst. I seriously love angst. But I've only written like... Two fanfictions of angst, and instead my humor ones got bigger recognition. Ah well... Humor is my second spot, so that's acceptable.
Any must-have requirements in a story?
Seriously, a main character without a backstory is a character I do not like. Then again, main characters in animes aren't usually my favorites, aside from a certain few. Like Lelouch.
Okay, now we're getting a little more personal. Hobbies?
Listening to music, making music, writing, playing my piano, learning how to play my harmonica, sleeping, eating, listening to music, reading, YouTube-ing, reading manga, learning random things like philosophy and history and science.
Any obsessions? Aside from fanfictions, of course.
Music, songs, stand-up comedies. Music again.
What genre do you prefer in music?
Right. Anything, from metal to classical to ballads to orchestral... But my favorite is still anything to do with ballads. ESPECIALLY power ballads/ballad rock. They're the beeeesssst! I like blues rock, and love instrumental pieces as well. Technically, I love anything that has a simple or catchy melody, creativity, and meaningful lyrics. I do dislike music without actual instruments, though. Therefore, I shall announce that I absolutely hate techno. Way to go, a love-all-music hating on a particular one-and-only genre: techno. Oh, and I am tiiiireeed of pop songs.
Right. Any favorite songs, singers or bands? Chance for name drops!
Heh. Queen. Freddie Mercury. Bohemian Rhapsody killed me. It was just soo... Perfect. The Show Must Go On made me tear up. Queen is definitely the first singer/band that I've gotten so in love with, and guess what? It's this year that I started loving them so much! 15 years old and I girl got her first band to love, and the lead singer is... dead. T-T Anyway, there's some random artists that I like some of their songs to like The Fray's How to Save a Life, Coldplay's Viva la Vida, Aerosmith's Cryin', Billy Joel's Piano Man, Ealgle's Hotel California, etc.
How about... actors?
ROBERT DOWNEY JR.! Sir Ian McKellen, Neil Patrick Harris, and a little others that I don't remember but don't mind them.
Okay... So what do I ask about now?
I have no idea, why are you asking me?
Oh, uhh... Anything to add?
Okay... Let's get evil here. How are you in real life?
You crazy stalker... Okay, my friends say I look like a girl but in fact turns out to be a total not-a-girly-girl girl who dislikes pink and unicorns. Okay, I'm a little too mature for unicorns, but honestly? Before fanfictions, I HATE romance books. Eheh, they're just a tad too sappy and cheesy in my opinion. I still don't like reading romance books now aside from fanfictions, I guess I just love the angst and occasional fluff. No reason. Anyway, I'm actually... Uncomfortable with strangers and a little awkward unless I'm with my friends. And I don't make much jokes, despite my majority of humor stories.
Any little quirks?
I know, I really know fanfiction is supposed to be fan fiction, but I love it together too much. Fanfiction looks so much better than fan fiction, I don't know what is wrong with me! And because this is not my exam, I care not for grammar mistakes that can be overlooked! Yes, I know that I'm not supposed to start a sentence with an 'and' too. It just... Sounds so much better. XD
Okay... Any real last thing to add?
Uhhmmm, I get really annoyed when people use 'an uke', because seriously, despite my poor grammar I know that uke is pronounced 'yu-ke' and for words that start with 'u' but pronounced 'yu', you have to use an 'a' instead of 'an'. Like a university. And therefore, a uke rather than 'an uke'. Kay's? Thanks. Class dismissed.
Declarations and pledges:
I, LeAweseomeOne IX, hereby declare myself a comrade and supporter of the SasuIta Revolution.
-LeAwesomeOne IX
FANFICTION- UNITED NATIONS!! Has anyone else noticed how a lot of us get along and make friends on here and we can be from completely different countries? Question mark? We're here making world peace on the INTERNET and we have all those ambassadors and senators and whatever struggling with it!! If you realize this (or read this and agreed) copy and paste this and add your name and country (country is optional) to the list. SPREAD THE PEACE!!: Naruto-fan-Okami-chan (USA), NaraTemari011 (Puerto Rico), Lala girl in Lalaland (USA), Kakashi Forever (England), Killer of thy Cookies (Singapore), Inspirational Spark (Both of us!)- United States, UmbraFox (Australia), XxJessalinAtaroxX (USA), Inhuman X(USA, USA, USA, USA, USA!!) DarkCalix21 (France) Death's General (UK), 4fireking (ON) CuteCat213 (USA),pft980811 (United States of America), LeAwesomeOne IX (Malaysia)
De-pledges (and a grammatical wrong title):
Yer. i've been to the dark side... They lied about the cookies