((SXH: Yay! The last chapter of To Hell & Back Again part 1 is here at last! I hope you all like this chapter because it is very special and marks the end of my first chapter story! As I said, this is only part 1 so the rest will be posted in part 2.I am very sorry. I know I said I would post one a day until this chapter but I was sick on Friday and they wouldn't let me go to school. But here it is I know you all won't like me with this chapter. I am sure of it. But, I am still typing chapter 21 and it may take me a couple of days to get it ready (need to find my charger). I will most likely have to post it on Monday, next week. If worse come to wear, then I may have to post it up later than that. Either way, please try to Enjoy!))

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters (except for Little Ying) or Dynasty Warriors. I only own the storyline.

Warning: Violence, cursing, you know the drill.



To Hell & Back Again

Chapter 20: Crash


Zhang Liao stared down at the war that raged on at the river. The Wu soldiers were like beasts, wild and uncontrollable animals. They showed no mercy to their enemies. Liao remembered how Zhou Yu contradicted that. The man seemed so gentle and fragile, like a flower. He remembered how his eyes once showed love for such a person, but now they shone cold and uncaring.

Due to some delays, they were not able to get far in one day of travel. It was easier to carry things down the hill than up. Fortunately, they were far enough not to be dragged into the battle itself. As the troops stared at the bloodshed below, Zhang Liao secluded himself about ten meters away from them. He gave specific orders for no one to disturb him.

Diao stared at him from her tent. The past two days she kept to herself. She, like Liao, wished to be alone. But now, as she stared at the man, she got a certain feeling he will one day come between her and Lu Bu. Diao was becoming very paranoid, but she didn't believe it. She kept her stare as she planned on how to dispose of Zhang Liao now.

Her thought process was interrupted by the sound of hooves. It was a hard sound, almost as though the horse was heavier than normal. Diao looked around but could not locate the horse. A soldier soon presented himself in from of her on foot. The man kneeled before her and spoke, "Milady, Lord Lu Bu has arrived and..." The soldier trailed off as Lu Bu came into view, coming from the right side of Diao's tent.

"Lord Lu Bu, I am most surprise!" Diao Chan stated. "You have recovered so quickly!" Lu Bu raised his hand, a signal for her to stop. Upon seeing this, Diao silenced herself.

"Diao Chan, we have much to talk about. However, I have more important matters to deal with," Lu Bu informed. He looked around but did not see the person he was looking for. "Where is Zhou Yu?"

"I beg your pardon?" Diao asked, feeling the panic rise up in her.

"You heard me, Diao," Lu Bu replied. "I am in far too much of a hurry to play games today." Diao's eyes widened. She quickly thought up a story to tell him, one that he could believe.

"Lord Lu Bu, I tried to stop him!" Diao began, starting to cry. "Bt there was nothing we could do!" Lu Bu immediately dismounted Red Hare and grabbed Diao's shoulders gently.

"Diao, what is wrong? What happened?" Lu Bu urged. Diao fell pathetically into his arms as she cried.

"The Wei Lord did not want any of the gold we offered him. He decided that he would let his son make the arrangements," Diao hiccupped. "The prince demanded Yu because of his beauty. When I denied him, he would not listen to reason. He threatened war on us!" Diao sobbed, inwardly basking in the brilliance of the lie. "The alliance negotiation turned into an appeasement negotiation, My Lord. I had to give Zhou Yu to them." Lu Bu looked in shock as he held her in his arms.

"Diao Chan," Lu Bu said quietly. "Go back in your tent. I need to think about some things."

"Lord Lu Bu! There is no time. Look!" Diao dragged him to the edge of the cliff. Lu Bu looked down at the scene below. The sight was awful. Lu Bu watched as red troops boarded a ship and rammed it against the others and then set it on fire. "Wu caught word of Zhou Yu's presence amongst the enemy and declared war on them..."

"Liao!" Lu Bu roared suddenly. Zhang Liao, who had heard nothing of the conversation, jumped and turned to him.

"Lord Lu Bu?" Zhang Liao asked. Lu Bu walked over to Liao.

"What happened during the negotiations?" Lu Bu asked. Liao, ignoring Diao's warning glare. Liao was hesitant.

"Lu Bu, there was nothing I could do. They took him, wanting nothing else. I could not do anything," Liao informed, hanging his head. Lu Bu backed up.

"Have everyone start to move out. I will catch up later," Lu Bu ordered.

"Where are you going, Lord Lu Bu?" Diao piped up.

"I am going to get my servant," Lu Bu answered, mounting Red Hare and rode off.


Red Hare ran as fast as it could, carrying Lu Bu on its back. They rode down the hillside, not stopping to participate in the war around them or even knock down some troops. Unfortunately, Lu Bu's ride was cut short when a similar horse ran in front of his and he felt a blade nick his neck. Lu Bu's horse halted instantly, then turned to face the person that dared to attack its master.

Unsurprisingly, it was Guan Yu, one of his rivals. Guan Yu's horse galloped into position again. The man's serious look asked him a simple question: why are you here? Lu Bu found it useless the answer though. He merely waited for the man to speak. Seeing this, Guan Yu sat up straight, lowering his weapon slightly.

"You were distracted," Guan Yu commented. Lu Bu only glared at him, keeping his silence. "What is wrong? Why are you not drawing you halberds?" Lu Bu's hands gripped the reigns of Red Hare tighter, trying to fight the urge to fight him.

"I am not here to fight," Lu Bu informed. "I am only looking for a man. A man by the name of Zhou Yu." Guan Yu rose an eyebrow.

"Really?" Guan Yu began. "That makes you and everyone else." Lu Bu inwardly growled. So what Diao said was true... Lu Bu thought.

"Well, I can tell you now, you are not going to get your hands on him," Lu Bu replied. "Even if he wants to go back, you can tell Wu they will never see him in their territory again." Guan Yu's eyes widened.

"What are you saying?" Guan Yu inquired. "Two nights ago, he made the decision to split from Wu. He informed Zhuge Liang, who then told both armies and officers." Lu Bu was shocked to hear this news, nit that he would ever show it. Red Hare, however, clomped its hooves on the ground impatiently. "If you mean him good will, you will be the first on this battlefield. I will let you pass if you hurry." Lu Bu nodded, whipping the reigns. Red Hare surged forward leading Lu Bu to the ships.

All the way, he began to question this newfound information and Diao's story.


Once on the ships, Red Hare expertly avoided parts that burned and dodged flaming masts the resembled giant columns of fire. Some foolish troops of both sides dared to attack him. They were quickly dealt with by Lu Bu's halberds.

As he moved further in, word was getting around that he was there. Lu Bu had just dealt with one dispatch of Wu soldiers when he raised his head and caught sight of Zhou Yu, three ships over, fighting alongside... what was that feminine man's name again? Lu Bu couldn't recall it, but he did remember that the man had a certain fascination with beauty.

Lu Bu saw Zhou Yu say something to the man before running off. Lu Bu began to ride to the bridge. He crossed one before Red Hare stopped. The boat rocked a bit, making the bridge fall between the boats. He urged Red Hare to try and jump the gap but the boats soon drifted farther apart. Red Hare would not move. Lu Bu cursed when he realized his horse couldn't jump such a large gap.

Lu Bu steered Red Hare to the closest bridge, in search for another route. He didn't get but a few feet before a whip came down in front of Red Hare, who reared back, nearly throwing Lu Bu off. As Lu Bu tried to steady Red Hare, a woman began to speak.

"What do you think you are doing?" she questioned. Lu Bu looked up, his eyes meeting with those of Zhen Ji. A Wei officer... just great. Lu Bu inwardly groaned. She was leaning against a mast, which had yet to burn, with her weapon slightly raised.

"I do not see why I should tell you," Lu Bu answered.

""It concerns me when you look as though you are stalking my husband's new fiancé," Zhen Ji replied coolly.

"Fiancé? I cannot let that happen," Lu Bu stated. Zhen Ji lowered her weapon.

"Why is that?" she inquired.

"Diao Chan decided to ask for an alliance with you all by herself. Diao did not consult me in the matter nor did she think to tell me she was taking my servant with her. I cannot let you take Zhou Yu. We will set up another date for the meeting," Lu Bu informed.

"I am afraid I cannot let that happen," Zhen Ji countered suddenly. She stood straight and was poise to strike him with her whip. "I cannot let you pass if you wish to take him." Lu Bu grunted in response. Women are so stubborn.

"I do not fight women," Lu Bu stated simply.

"Would you fight Yu?" Lu Bu raised an eyebrow, confused. What was she getting at?

"No. He is too weak, and I do not believe in hurting my servants."

"Interesting," Zhen Ji commented. Now, Lu Bu was irritated. He didn't know what it was about this type of personality that just pressed on his nerves. Maybe it was the snarky sarcastic part. Or perhaps it was general belief that they were better than everyone else? Most likely that. Are all Wei officers like this? "Why do you feel that he is too weak? Are you judging him on his looks or something else?" Now he was irked.

"Are all Wei officers interrogators? Or is it just a hobby?" Lu Bu asked, not at all upset about the slip in his definition of politeness. Zhen Ji smiled at the comment, laughing a little.

"I guess it is just a hobby," she laughed, lowering her weapon. She pointed toward a bridge and went on, "Go that way. It should take you to where you are going." Lu Bu said nothing in return but chose to ride off in that direction. Zhen Ji looked off after him. All she could do was smile.

"So, that is the person who has stolen your heart, Zhou Yu," she said to herself.


Lu Bu drove Red Hare to run faster than ever before. He was sick of the delays and distractions. To top it all off, he was angry. The adrenalin in his blood made him feel like he was riding for hours. Lu Bu knew, however, that it had only been a few minutes, and he could care less.

Finally, he came to the right ship. Lu Bu could see a man arguing with Zhou Yu. Lu Bu quickly ordered Red Hare to charge. As he got closer, he saw a soldier, who seemed to notice him, and begin to run away. Although, Lu Bu was more concerned with the man who was with Zhou Yu. Said man looked as though he was about to kill Yu, reaching for him. Lu Bu's fury overflowed to where it showed on his face quite clearly.

The soldier from before then ran into the man, knocking him off balance. The soldier was screaming his head off about Lu Bu, making Zhou Yu turn his head his way. Upon seeing Lu Bu, Zhou Yu's eyes widened. Then the man reached for Zhou Yu again. Lu Bu laughed when Zhou Yu hit him in the stomach.

Zhou Yu began to speak to the man again, raising his right hand. Lu Bu was now close enough to hear Zhou Yu say, "Good bye."

As soon as Zhou Yu said that, Lu Bu reaches out and took Zhou Yu's hand. Upon touching the other's hand, Lu Bu felt an electric shock go through him. All in one moment, Lu Bu pulled Zhou Yu up and sat the man behind him.

"Hold on!" Lu Bu yelled, readying Red Hare. Zhou Yu immediately wrapped his arms around Lu Bu's middle and held tightly. After that, Red Hare jumped. Cao Pi had to leap and roll out of the way so as not to be killed, as Red Hare landed on the next ship. It took moments for Red Hare to slow down.

Lu Bu turned and stared down at Cao Pi. Before Cao Pi could open his mouth, Lu Bu said, "Talk to your wife. She will explain." With that, Lu Bu snapped the reigns, signaling Red Hare to go quickly.

As Lu Bu looked for a good route to take, Zhou Yu stared up at him. He had so many questions running through his mind, so many things to say. Though, Zhou Yu had no idea how to talk to Lu Bu. He may have spent a month in Lu Bu's palace, but, in all technicality, he had only spent about a total of two days with the man.

But, that was the last thing on his mind. The one thing that clouded everything else in his mind was his happiness. He was free. He didn't have to worry about being a slave married to the Wei prince. He didn't have to feel guilty about Sun Ce. He felt the best he had ever felt in the past two days.

"Thank you," Zhou Yu said. Lu Bu raised an eyebrow.

"What for?" Lu Bu asked.

"You saved me again," Yu informed. Lu Bu merely huffed.

"Do not let it go to your head," he replied. "I only did it for Ying." Right... Yu thought. I am her teacher. Not that I am complaining. Then something hit him.

"Speaking of her, where is she?" Yu queried.

"On the way here, I asked an old woman to take care of her until I arrived to take her back," Lu Bu explained, looking at the area. Lu Bu didn't like it. There were no troops around and the boat was black from the embers and covered in small fires. Suddenly, the boat began to rock and shake. The sudden change caused Red Hare to lose his balance and fall. Lu Bu and Zhou Yu were sent hurtling into the side of the boat.

The shaking didn't stop. Lu Bu stood up, making his way to Yu. He grabbed Yu's hand and began to ease him up. Once Yu was standing, Lu Bu yelled, "Hurry, to the next bridge!" Yu nodded and whistled for Red Hare. To Lu Bu's surprise, Red Hare stood, legs shaking a little, and waiting for a command. Zhou Yu turned to Lu Bu, who in turn looked to Red Hare. "Go! We will meet you on another boat. If not, look for Zhang Liao!" Lu Bu ordered.

Red Hare understood and, to the best of its ability, made its way back where they had come. Zhou Yu let go of Lu Bu's hand and began to move toward the next bridge, Lu Bu at his heels. Another violent shake pounded the boat, throwing Zhou Yu off his balance completely. For the second time that night, Zhou Yu felt like he was falling. In reality, he was. This time, however, no one would catch him.

Lu Bu tried to reach out and grasp his hand, but Zhou Yu just slipped through his fingers like water. Without anyone to help, Zhou Yu fell into the water.

To Zhou Yu, it felt like being thrown into ice covered stone. It hurt and the shock nearly knocked the breath out of him. The water itself was very different. It was cold, more so than ice, and darker than any night. Yu couldn't even see the raging fires above the water. Without that, Zhou Yu couldn't tell which was up for down. He was too scared to make a decision.

Unfortunately, that was when the current got him. Zhou Yu didn't have a chance against it. He struggled with all his might against it until his head hit on something that had to have been a rock. After that, he went limp. He felt his consciousness slip away from him. Is this... it? Am I... going to die…at last? So were his last thoughts before he blacked out.


Lu Bu fell to his knees and looked over the edge. He saw the water ripple from where Zhou Yu had fallen. He waited about a minute or two, but didn't see the man come back up. Without any hesitation, Lu Bu jumped after him.

The water didn't bother him hardly. The adrenalin in his blood was enough to raise his temperature considerably. Lu Bu forced his way up to the surface. He looked around but didn't see Yu anywhere. He dove back down into the pitch black water. Relying on his sense of touch, Lu Bu found a current. He didn't let it whisk him away but followed it instead. The current led him to a fairly large rock. He moved around the rock until he felt something, which was defiantly not a plant or fish, brush by his hand.

Lu Bu reached out and took hold of it, pulling it up. Zhou Yu rose to the surface, blood dripping lightly from his forehead. He appeared to be unconscious. Lu Bu wrapped Yu's arms around his neck. With great effort, due to his heavy armor. Lu Bu swam to the nearest shore. Once there, Lu Bu held tight to Zhou Yu as he dragged the man over the sand.

Exhausted, from such effort and in pain, Lu Bu collapsed next to Zhou Yu and passed out.


SXH: CUT! That's a wrap!

Zhou Yu: *sits up* my head is throbbing.

SXH: Sorry, But that's the price of being entertainment.

Zhou Yu: Please don't use that term. Can someone get me some coffee or tea around here?

*Several people jump up*

SXH: I'll get it for you, love. *sees those people sit back down disappointed*

Zhou Yu: *takes his cup* Thanks. But everyone has been acting strange around me. I don't really like it either.

SXH: What do you expect? You're popular, especially amongst the cast and crew.

Zhou Yu: Why do you think that is? *sips his tea*

SXH: *sarcastic* Oh, I don't know. But, I just couldn't be the fact that you have starred in 20 chapters of this series, that you have great makeup artists, which you do look rather pretty without it, or…

Zhou Yu: What else?

SXH: The fact that people have seen you naked about three or four times within the story.

Zhou Yu: *chokes on his tea*

SXH: *smirks* We hoped you liked this chapter and will continue to follow this series. Please tell the cast, crew, and the script writer (me) what you think in a PM or (preferably) a review. Love that you all have been so faithful these past three years and still remain that way. I love you all, my wonderful readers.

Until next time!~

PS: The new part has been posted for those of you who may have missed it. It just goes under the title of this but has part 2 next to it. Hope you all enjoy!