School Blues

Man I don't know what to say.

I only have one problem with this story and that's the age and grade for Neji. He will be switching to seventeen years of age in his junior year for my story to work correctly. Soooooooo.

Age Change:

Neji- 17(Junior)



Am I blind?

That was the first thing Neji thought when he couldn't open his eyes. It was dark or was it just because his eyes were closed. Slowly he reached a hand to his face and sighed when he felt a damp rag draped over his eyes. Pulling the rag away Neji opened his eyes surprised that the swelling had gone down so quickly.

Sitting up, he glanced about his surroundings a frown slowly spreading across his face. This room looked familiar, too familiar.

Of course the room was familiar; it was the guest room in his uncle's mansion. Fear slowly seeped into the pit of Neji's stomach as he pushed away the blankets. Does this mean that Mr. Sabaku took him home? No, he was sure that they sped right pass the mansion before he fell asleep. Neji groaned as a faint throb pulsed across his temples; standing slowly the boy rose to his feet and took another look about the room.

This room looked exactly like the guest room inside his home, yet there was no way Mr. Sabaku took him home.

"Only one way to find out." Neji muttered to himself before approaching the door.

Turning the knob Neji pulled the door open and peeked outside only to see an empty hallway. Seeing that the coast was clear Neji stepped out and made his down the hall only to find himself at some familiar looking stairs, except that the carpet was black with a silver like handle going down the middle; and the stairs was smaller. Maybe he was inside Mr. Sabaku's home. The man obviously lived well for such a home. The living room was actually cozy unlike his uncle's, the place held the simple furniture with an ongoing fireplace.

A sudden clang made Neji jump and he turned towards the noise. Carefully as to not make a sound Neji tiptoed to the ark that separated the two rooms and peeked inside.

He almost fainted too.

There Mr. Sabaku was in front of a double door fridge drumming his fingers across the handle. His shirt was black, tight, and had no sleeves while wearing a pair of simple checkered red, black, and leaf green sleeping pants. Neji could feel the drool gathering as he watched the muscles in that arm flex as he moved to retrieve something from inside the fridge. Neji sighed softly as his eyes rose over tan skin to red messy hair, before settling over jade eyes.

Wait... eyes.

Neji gasped when he realized his mistake and coughed awkwardly as Mr. Sabaku stared him down, a smirk spreading on his face.

"You eat eggs?" he asked as Neji's entire face lit up.

Neji nodded knowing full and well that his face was pink from embarrassment.

"Feeling better?"

Neji nodded again as he made his way towards a stool that sat at the counter that looped around to a stove and double stacked ovens before finishing at the sink. The sink had a dish rack that sat over another smaller sink. Then again you couldn't really call it a sink for there was no faucet or knobs; it was more like a somewhat flat surface with the middle sinking in somewhat, like a drain. The cabinets were a simple brown, but the stools were white and the counter was a white marble.

Neji nodded. Impressive.

"Thanks for helping me." Neji spoke as he watched Mr. Sabaku skillfully cracked open five eggs and mixed them together before chopping up a few selected vegetables.
He was obviously going to make an omelet.

"No problem. How old are you?" the redhead asked.

"Why?" Neji questioned back frowning. Was Mr. Sabaku planning on putting him out?

"To see if you are too young to stay."

Neji nodded understandingly. "You can relax Mr. Sabaku, I'm old enough."

"Call me Gaara." The man stated finishing the egg dish and plating them up. "How old are you?"

Neji shifted uncomfortably, although he wasn't sure why. Mr. Sabaku had said to call him Gaara before but mind you its weird calling a teacher by his first name. Though Neji can recall a time were he called his previous teacher by her first name. He of course was given a detention and had to write an apology two pages long on why he shouldn't call his teacher by her first name. He wrote nothing of such a thing but he still couldn't help but wonder why students weren't allowed to call teachers by there first name.

Then again he couldn't hear the person calling him by his first name either.

"Neji." Gaara called again amused by the embarrassment that shown on the boy's face.

"Sorry, but I'm seventeen." Neji responded pulling his plate closer and taking a bite of his food.

"Hmm. Guess its okay." Gaara responded pulling a black folder closer to him.

Neji watched the man flip open the folder before pulling out a stack of papers and a red pen. Then he suddenly passed Neji a sheet with a bunch of confusing numbers on it. Was he suppose to grade this too, or was he..?

"What happened?" Gaara asked as he gave the boy a pencil.

"..." Neji was quiet as he took the pencil hesitantly. He couldn't possibly tell Gaara what happened. Surely Gaara would be disgusted and then he would put him out and he would have no where to go. Then again Haku might find him or did he go after Hinata... or Hanabi...

Neji jumped up then, "Do you have a phone?"

Gaara pulled out his cell nodding.

"Can I-?" Neji was starting to say reaching out for the black flip phone only to have Gaara pull it out of his reach.

"I already know that you need my help. Tell me what happened and I can help you." Gaara stated simply.

Neji could feel the tears coming as he slowly sank to his seat. From confusion, fear, or helplessness he didn't know. Swallowing slowly Neji lowered his head only to have Gaara lift it back up to gaze intently in the brunette's eyes. Agreeing mentally with himself Neji told the man what he feared hoping that the other wouldn't be disgusted with him. He expected Gaara to put him out but instead the man slid his phone into Neji's hands.

"Call her," Gaara told him, "Although, if it makes you feel better, I received her transfer papers yesterday."

Neji looked up to him surprised. Why would Gaara have Hinata's transfer papers? Neji looked back to the phone in his hands, flipped it open, and dialed the correct numbers before putting the phone to his ear. Waiting somewhat impatiently Neji heard the voice he hadn't been meaning to hear.

"The caller you are trying to reach is no longer in service."

Neji snapped the phone shut and bit his lip worriedly. "It's disconnected."

Neji ran a pale and shaky hand through his coffee locks of hair before resting his face in them. What should I do? He couldn't help but ask himself.

"You can stay."

Neji eyes snapped upward towards Gaara in surprise. "Wh-wh- what?"

Gaara smiled. "I said you can stay."

"You... mean... it?" But why?

"Don't make me repeat myself." Gaara stated. "Do your homework."

Neji's eyes widened before looking back down to the math sheet in front of him. The numbers on the paper seem to grow mouths and before he knew it they were laughing at him. Taking their little points at their ends and pointing at him taunting and giggling, nudging at each other at some personal joke. Frowning Neji lifted the pencil and scratched out the zero that was laughing the loudest at him, that is to say.

Gaara simply shook his head smirking to himself.


Haku huffed as he kicked open every door to his newly acquired home for the third time. Neji had some nerve running away from him like that; he owned him after all. After kicking open the last door Haku decided it was best to let it go for the moment. The people needed a house to refurnish not broken wood, marble, metal, plastic, glass...(you get the idea). Aggravated Haku pulled his cell from his pockets and dialed the previous owner's number.

After a few rings a gruff voice answered. "Hello Hyuuga Hiashi speaking."

"Where is he?" Haku demanded angrily plopping himself into the chair next to him.


"Neji!" Haku snapped impatiently.

"I'm on the other side of the fucking planet and you're asking me if I know where that boy is?" The elder Hyuuga snapped.

"I didn't ask you to get smart with me, so remember your fucking place. Besides you're in debt to me!" The brunette hissed back.


"Thought so." Haku stated arrogantly, "Now do you know where he may be?"

"Check his friends." Hiashi answered fuming. If you were there you'd see the steam.

"And if he's not there?"

"I'd say school, He's bound to go back. Then again he may be at that club he's known for going to just to get away from me."The man finished ready to hang up. Haku was too arrogant for his liking.

"I see." Haku stated simply before returning his attention to the phone. "Get off my phone."

"Yes sir." Hiashi responded hanging up quickly.

Haku closed his phone setting back into the chair.

He'd find Neji; besides it's not like the boy can stay away forever. He'd have to come back for something, and Haku would be right here waiting to give it to him.


Neji huffed slightly as he gave Gaara the stupid piece of paper for the third time. The two had decided it was better to settle into the living room lounging on the couches opposite each other. Once there Gaara had a fresh fire burning and the two were working on separate but similar papers. Neji was trying really hard to get the answers right but Gaara wasn't helping especially by just making stupid red marks and giving it back.

Gaara took the paper once once more, looked it over, and circled a few things before handing it back.

"Oh come on!" Neji shouted exasperated. "Can't you just give me an 'A'?"

Gaara lifted an(if it was there) eyebrow before taking another sip of his chamomile tea.

"Is that what your other math teachers did?" Gaara asked slowly.

"Well... only because they were afraid of my uncle."

"Well," Gaara mocked putting his tea on the table, "Your uncle isn't here so try again."

Neji frowned pouting somewhat.


This man was so annoying. I mean seriously, can't he understand that I hate math. Maybe it doesn't matter? does it?

That's when it dawned on me.

I Hyuga Neji was inside Gaara Sabaku, the sexy ass teacher's home. I'm inside my crushes home. I never would have thought that being beat up and almost raped would land me iside my teacher's home. To be honest I was hoping for a different way of being here. Then again it doesn't really matter does it?

To be even more honest I was worried sick as to what happened to Hinata and Hanabi. Does Haku have them? or could it be that Hiashi took them away? Gaara did say that he had Hinata's transfer papers. Then again wasn't I wishing them gone not too long ago? No... I wanted Hiashi gone, not to never see Hinata and Hanabi again. I don't know what I'm going to do.

Haku's probably blowing a fuse by now.

I couldn't help but chuckle then. I was awfully glad to be away from that boy; although I couldn't help but wonder how he would retaliate.


I turned from my thoughts and to the voice calling me.

"Yes." I answered.


I cocked an eyebrow before realizing the tension in my hand. Looking down I noticed that I had broken the pencil given to me earlier. I cleared my throat and looked to Gaara who was smiling, amused at my anxiety. He was such a jerk.

"Sorry." I replied letting go of the pencil, the two pieces falling to the table.

There was a nod and a grunt in which I perceive to be an 'its okay'.

I wasn't sure what to do with my current situation. It's not everyday that I run away from home to avoid home itself. No wait it is, considering the fact that I would run away to avoid Hiashi. But I wasn't running from Hiashi, I was running from Haku. Let's not forget that Haku seemed a lot more hell bent than Hiashi, for what I will never and hoped to ever know. And now for some reason I can't get in touch with Hinata. Is it possible for Haku to be blocking the signal? or is it maybe Hiashi's doing? Gaara did say that he got Hinata's transfer papers which concluded that even if he went back to school he wouldn't see Hinata and doubtfully Hanabi.

But Haku will be there...

I don't know if I can get info from Haku without being hurt or...raped.

Can I?


"You're thinking to hard." Gaara stated gathering papers back into his folder.

Neji leveled him with a blank stare still deep in thought.

"What are you thinking?"

Neji looked at him then gathering his thoughts into a perfect plan. But first...

"Can I use your phone again?" Neji asked quietly. I haven't tried Hiashi's cell.

Gaara shrugged before tossing the phone over to the boy.

Neji dialed the numbers correctly hoping to god that the man he hated would pick up.

"Hello, Hyuuga Hiashi speaking."

Neji punched the air causing Gaara to cock a brow.

"Uncle it's me Neji."


"Uncle?" Neji called again.

"What?" The man answered gruffly.

"Where are you?"

"On a plane."


"To Europe."

"Why? What's going on?" Neji yelled into the phone.

Hiashi sighed before answering. "I'm sure if you went back home to Haku he will explain."


"Neji... go back home and save yourself the trouble."

"I was almost raped by that boy and you telling me to go home?" Neji yelled into the phone, he could feel the tears threatening to slide down his cheeks.

"YES! You ARE HIS!" Hiashi roared startling a few other passengers next to him including his two daughters. "Act like it."

"Fuck you." Neji whispered into the phone. "Where's Hinata, I need to speak with her."

"No..." Hiashi was huffing now. "You don't."


Neji pulled the phone from his ear as more fresher tears began to fall from his eyes; before he knew it he was sobbing. Gaara rose from his spot on the other side of the couch and sat next to the crying boy. Pulling Neji into an embrace Gaara whispered soothing words into the boys hair as he shook harshly, from anger or sadness, Neji didn't know.

Gaara figured it was both.

"He said Haku owned me." Neji whispered sniffing.

"A person can't be owned Neji."

Neji nodded. "What should I do?"

"You can stay here for a while." Gaara told the brunette."Try to calm down."

Neji nodded again as he pulled himself from the man's embrace. "Thanks"

"MMhmm. I going to cook dinner." Gaara stated getting up from the couch and heading for the kitchen. "I'm sure that after you eat and get a good sleep you'll feel better. You can borrow my clothes too."

"Thank you." Neji whispered going quiet as he leaned his head against the arm rest.

Thank you for understanding.

Yes, I know, very boring chapter. But a lot will happen between these two in the next chapter I promise.

Bye. Love Ya!
