Reviews for School Blues
Guest chapter 9 . 8/13/2013
I will love you so much if you update T-T
dearmantis chapter 9 . 9/28/2012
i cant believe Hiashi did that! actually this chapter wasnt boring it was a bit surprising to find out what had actually happen. and I can't wait to see what will happen next. please dont tell me you dropped this. i think this story is so exciting.

it's really cute that Gaara is determinate on making Neji understand Maths. and he must be really confident and have a good plan whether things go out with the way he's leading Neji on. it's pretty obvious that they are into each other, i wonder who will make the first move. i also wonder if Gaara also in a band or something. he could play in a small bar or something for fun once in a while and I could completely picture it.

anyways I'm completely in love with this fic, please update soon!
dearmantis chapter 8 . 9/28/2012
thank god he escape. i was so stuck into that sad and angst moment with Haku and Neji that I breathed in relief when he finally got out. great chapter, my feelings were completely trapped on it.
dearmantis chapter 7 . 9/28/2012
Gaara where are you? Haku you make me sick.
dearmantis chapter 6 . 9/27/2012
this chapter was so sad. poor Neji. i so wanted Gaara to be there even pissed because he had probably thought Neji lied to him but even so he would bring Neji some kind of relief. i can't decide who is more digusting Haku or Hiashi. i hope Haku don't get what he wants more from Neji. and that Neji's first time is still with Gaara.
dearmantis chapter 5 . 9/27/2012
this was nice. Gaara was real nice too with Neji. and I like how he's not concerned about that crap of behaving polite and setting an example as a teacher even outside of school. I love his life style, it's like playing with fire. i wonder what's on Neji's uncle mind. and Neji get a hold of your moaning. you're like a cat in heat lol. i wonder if you get a hard on from it when daydreaming and if you do is it not visible to others? lol i'm guessing Gaara had the big luck finding himself such a horny lover.
dearmantis chapter 4 . 9/27/2012
lol Neji you're so premature. Gaara you're such a tease, I wonder what are your real thoughts. a dumb Neji is really fun to imagine.
dearmantis chapter 3 . 9/27/2012
Gaara you know how to make an impression huh ;)
dearmantis chapter 2 . 9/27/2012
Neji you pervert! But I dont blame you and I am sure you did something else that night ;)
Uka-ralho chapter 9 . 9/14/2012
T-T no more?
Cresil21 chapter 9 . 6/30/2012
It was short...and the "next" button wasn't there so I could keep reading. ._.
Please update soon!
And my junior year I was 16 and I'm going to be a senior right after I turn 17. So there was no error with Neji's age. Since Ima graduate a 17 year old...And I never skipped a year either. :)
Jonouchi the pup chapter 9 . 4/12/2011
Love it! Hope you'll update soon!
Tanni8kya HeHe chapter 9 . 3/10/2011
I FUQING LOVED IT! This story is soooooooo gud...i just love nejixgaara and matter who i just love!

Though i kinda get scared around Haku...i'm so used to him being sweet and cuddly! Now he's all asshole n dickhead...sorry for language...u should be seeing a lot of is gettin a little strict...haha...

Keep writing!
MeLoveNaruSasu chapter 9 . 2/24/2011
Yay! This story has been updated! XD




... Ahem... so anyway, I would, of course love to know what happens. :D
Nique13 chapter 9 . 2/4/2011
You finally updated. Thank You!

I have been waiting for an update on this story.
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