Zero: Her sadistic side is confused.

…Stoona's sadistic side does not know how a 'happy' ending is good.

…four endings down one to go!

This is the happy ending!

Warnings: Umm…It's the happy ending does it really need a warning? Suzaku gets hit over the head.

Disclaimer: I don't own Code Geass. Obviously, if I did…this might have happened.

Rate & Review: No flames, I have no beta… just tell me what you think.


Keychain! If your reviews did not make me happy I would not be giving you what is so very special to the royal family… The Lelouch and Suzaku painting from Clovis! (From Ending 1)

Clovis: Enjoy! And you also receive a coupon to order whatever you like for our great family cook… Lelouch!

Lelouch: I hate you Clovis and I hate you Stoona.

…shadows (Lelouch screams in agony and runs to his corner)

Yay! Someone like chapter 5! I was going to beseech people to tell me what they thought after I finished this chapter.

And no, I do not have a DeviantART account, my internet or something is banned I have to ask my friend to make me one… I will probably be Stoona. Are you implying that I should post my stories there? I will have to look you up.

You reviewed for every chapter! That makes me extremely happy.

Note: Writing with a cat on your lap is very hard… I often find myself with two and my laptop all in my lap…


Yeah! I am now Miss Sadist! …wait, I wasn't before?

Lelouch: We the people, inside her head have dubbed her sadistic side… S.S. or S2

And yes, Lloyd was just meant for comic relief… I love seeing how other people portray him.

Zero topping… hmm… that could happen, but I don't think Suzaku would cooperate. Would you want to vith with someone that you don't know?

Suzaku: I am in love with Lelouch, not his body.


Suzaku: It may have been a trivial factor. I love Lelouch's personality.

If Zero topped then it would probably be noncon.

Now Key-chan, collect a pass into Lelouch's bedroom to be used anytime. You may use it to 'borrow' Lelouch's and Suzaku's things, sleep in their bed, and …watch. And take as many plushies as you wish… in any combination of characters.

Clovis: And any other paintings of mine!

/\ /\


Insane Blood Prince- you made a return visit as well? Good! I didn't scare you off with my ramblings! So you liked both less depressing endings, yay!

Thank you to luckless-is-me for answering my reply. That makes me feel so special that you took the time to reply to me!

Dhyeta1999- For the misunderstanding and your honesty collect a Lelouch and Suzaku plushy… and a big batch of comfort food from Lelouch. Now I understand Option 0… very creative! I am sorry to say that I am a literal thinker mainly and a dreamer too much of the time that I have a hard time comprehending some things.

You reviewed from a cell phone! That makes Stoona feel so honored, special and… and so… she is very sorry for the misunderstanding!

I know that my grammar is horrible, but I am not the type of person who asks someone for fear of rejection. And anyway a beta reader for me would have to be willing to read the pairings on my profile page and the what I am willing to write for… then there is my longer warnings. If someone wishes to volunteer I would appreciate it.

I may be forgetting a letter off of a word or spaces or… I hate commas and umm… my word choice may confuse some people.

Thank you to those who have stuck with me and my bad grammar!

As for the clichés and cheesiness… I couldn't recognize a cliché to save my life.

The cheesiness… sorry that just kind of happened… you wanted a happy ending right? This is what Stoona gives you… you should expect it.

If I can help it they will not be saying those three words. Because that is so hackneyed, and yes I used it in other chapters.

I am sorry. I think writing so much in such short of time has made me lose my steam and possible creativity. So cheesiness and clichés here I come!

Oh… very little was changed until Lelouch wakes up.

… Are you… You?

* * * * * *

Ending 5- Happiness is in the Eyes of the Beholder.

"Lloyd?" Concerned emerald eyes questioned as terror crept into his very being turning it cold, so very cold. It had been two days since the incident.

Lloyd shook his head his lips thinning. "He is not in any danger, but… that shot should have killed him..."

"Wait, you're saying…"

Lloyd broke into a grin as he joyfully slapped Suzaku on the back. "He's fine. He should wake up soon and I must say nice job! Those hickeys were quite the piece of work." Suzaku coughed as Lloyd continued. "I must say the Prime Minister's son and the 11th prince of Britannia are quite the couple. I am guessing that you topped. No surprise there your highness looks a little malnourished and like he couldn't run a marathon. Oh my and it looked like the price liked it rou-" Lloyd yelped as a shoe came in contact with his head.

"Lloyd!" One shoe missing Cecile still stood tall, fuming and Suzaku swore that Lloyd was whimpering. She marched over grabbed the doctor's ear and pulled collecting her shoe along the way. Suzaku was left floundering as Cecile apologized over her shoulder for Lloyd's comments and also told him where Lelouch's room was and that he could go see him anytime he wished. So he did.

Beeping, the steady rhythm was the first thing that reached his ears. His head shook instinctively as the smell of disinfectant reached his nostrils. It was the smell he hated, the way it clung to the bodies of the dying made him hate medical facilities. He could see the barest movements of that small chest, which he had been kissing, biting eagerly earlier. Suzaku moved to sit by his raven, his lover, his prince, his Lelouch. Skin pale, so pale, even if he was out of danger he still looked like a corpse. Don't… don't think that way. He is still alive. He is still with me. He will always be with me. And he is mine, he is fine.

He brushed ebony looks away from closed eyes as he gripped that hand that looked so fragile, but had blood upon it. His left hand, the hand that would be able to move, the hand that would have to learn how to write, learn how to do everything that he did with his right. His face softened as continued to watch his important person sleep. Now that he thought about it… this was not how he was planning to have Lelouch wake up. It would have been preferable that they had woken up entangled together slightly tired from their activities the night before. He only wanted to watch him sleep and when he awakened they would cuddle and trade 'good mornings' to each other.

The delicate hand that he held twitched as a slight moan came from raw lush lips. Pale elegant eyelids fluttered open revealing hazy violet eyes. "Lelouch… you're awake." He sighed in relief, a bright smile taking over his face.

"Baka! Of course I am! Now… why does my body feel as though Rolo used it for dart practice?" Lelouch had a small smile on his face as he spoke. Rolo loved darts, along with any other sharp pointy object. They both had fond memories of Suzaku's friend Tamaki getting used as a dartboard for playing a practical joke on Nunnally.

"Lelouch… we were shot at. I was grazed and you took the bullet." He stated quietly.

"Is this what he was talking about?" Lelouch sounded sad, gloomy.

"What who was talking about, Lelouch?" Suzaku blinked. He knew he was forgetting something, but he couldn't remember what.

"…Zero. He said that he didn't like the outside world. He didn't like the pain that he always received after her came out. I guess that this was what he meant… getting shot must have hurt. I just have to recover." He sat up carefully trying not to pull the closed wound open. "How are things going in the outside world?"

"You have been out for two days. Britannia and Japan invaded the country that has been accused of sending the assassin. Any and all royals that were in hiding went back to the palace for protection including Nunnally and Rolo. Empress Marianne did not want them out of her sight. I think she would have had you transferred to the homeland if she could have." Suzaku chuckled.

"Did mother actually come here?"

"No, but I did hear that there was quite the commotion about your lodgings."

"I see…"

"Lelouch… there is something that I want to say to you." Their eyes met Suzaku drew closer. "I lo-" He was cut off for his head was reeling as pain blossomed from his cheek.

"Baka! I know you don't need to make this into some sappy moment. You are going to jinx us!" He spat, truthfully he wanted to hear those words. "And besides I thought that actions spoke louder than words." He purred. Suzaku responded by pushing his precious person back onto the bed, climbing over the teen to kiss him gently.

They were disturbed by a breathe laugh. "Now boys, I know that you have hormones, but do wait for his wound to heal or he may just die this time around." The female's voice barely contained her mirth. Suzaku groaned; he recognized the voice.

"Rakshata, I wasn't planning on doing anything." He sighed, why couldn't he be left alone? First Lloyd, now her? Lelouch was right, he had jinxed them.

"Ho ho ho! From my position it did not look like it. You straddling the emporor's dear little prince." She was enjoying herself.

"Get out and lock the door." Lelouch commanded.

"Oh~h I can't stay?" She sounded as though someone was denying her that pipe when she didn't want it in the first place.

"Out!" He shouted, barely moving from his place on the bed.

"Fine… just be gentle with him~!" She closed the door behind her.

* * * * * *

The Empires of Britannia and Japan easily defeated their opponent, crushing that country. Schneizel found out soon after that there was a plot against the hidden members of the royal family. That was the reason that they didn't deny the claim. He lived on with his guilt. The guilt of neatly killing his own half-brother, he did nothing to punish Q1 for it was his own mistake that caused this mess.

Kallen no longer feared the possibility of blackmail. She happily went back to being a bounty hunter with Ohgi and she never told her lover or family that their very livelihood had been threatened.

The royal families declared Lelouch and Suzaku go to an island for Lelouch's recuperation as a favor to the two lovebirds. It was fairly obvious to any and all that saw them that they were in love. The two lovers moved to the deserted island that had a lovely vacation house. They had visitors from their families and a few friends who knew their whereabouts. Lelouch had long since healed and today his big brother had come to say hello and well…

"Schneizel, stop apologizing already! It's getting old. What are you so sorry about? And shouldn't you be with that office lover of yours?" Lelouch asked… more like accused. He was tired and limping and… he was sure he was coming down with something.

"Lelouch… I just apologized over spilling the tea on you." He raised his hands in a placating gesture. "Are you sure you should be up and about?"

"Schneizel, I just managed to get Suzaku to stop babying me. That incident was two months ago…" He trailed off. "Unless that is what you keep apologizing for. You always apologize when you think you hurt me in some way." Lelouch mused. Schneizel stiffened. "You did it didn't you? That assassin was supposed to kill Suzaku not me." Schneizel looked like a kid who had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar when he had already had five cookies.

Schneizel sighed. There was no way he was going to live this down so he gave the slightest of acknowledgments.

"I have an idea of what you were trying to do, but for the sake of our family, stop beating yourself up for it. I'm fine. He's fine. A country was destroyed. And between you, Suzaku, father, mother, the rest of the family, and Suzaku's family I don't think I am going to be getting hurt anytime soon." He fumed. It only showed how much he hated being babied. Only in bed will I be hurt and even then I have to beg. Suzaku only just stopped treating me like I was glass.

* * * * * *

"They're gone, finally! We're alone." Lelouch sighed as he fell onto their bed, completely devoid of clothes.

"Well he has been worried about you." Suzaku stated as he undressed, climbing onto of his raven. He gently started to kiss and nip his way down that pale neck. "Lelouch?"

"Hmm?" Said boy purred, entangling his fingers into chestnut locks.

"I lo- oof!" Suzaku held the side head. "Why can't I finish?" He whined.

"I told you. I don't want to hear those three words. You are going to jinx us. Besides I know what you want to say. I feel the same way. They say that people who truly care about each other need no words to know what the other means. Now shall we continue, you big oaf?" Lelouch was being coy? Suzaku sighed and got back to what he was doing.

To say they lived happily ever after would be a hyperbole.

They lived, but with their families… happily may have been too much to ask. Lelouch and Suzaku spent their days living to the fullest and taking whatever was thrown their way.

They never separated and eventually Marianne let Nunnally and Rolo move in with their big brother. That was when they truly felt it was their happy ending.

* * * * * *

Alternative Ending:

They lived happily ever after…

Until they found out that Lelouch was pregnant. (Evil Laughter)

* * * * * *

S.S: That hurt… that really hurt.

I agree with you. I didn't know writing this ending would be so hard…

S.S.: Well at least we managed to hit Suzaku over the head.


Suzaku: I never got to say-

S.S. & Stoona: Don't you dare!

I hope I didn't disappoint anyone… for some odd reason this was really hard to come up with.

Keychain! I hope that you will visit my future stories… and even if you aren't a writer you could still sign up just to review…

Lelouch: Oh… great. She is sobbing what am I supposed to do about this?

Stoona will miss Key-chan!

S.S.: There there… I am sure that we will meet Keychain again.

…sob Stoona wishes to thank those who have stayed with her and all who have reviewed.

She must also thank Key-chan for she is sure that Key-chan will review again…

Key-chan… that card will get you into any room that Lelouch and Suzaku stay in so feel free to use it!

Suzaku: Why do I feel that I am missing something?

S.S.: By card she means the other links on the Mature page and the room is any other story…

Zero: What happened to me?

Oh… right

Zero was reborn as a prince to a neighboring kingdom and lived happily ever after.

Zero: WHAT!

What? You didn't want to live happily ever after?

Lelouch: Cut it out.

Baka means idiot…

What did you think?