![]() Author has written 6 stories for Final Fantasy X, Naruto, and Harry Potter. Yeah... I've been here quite a while, I should probably fill this thing out a little... Though I'm quite drunk at the moment, so we'll see how well this goes... -I'm from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, female, straight, in my twenties, aquarius. I don't think you need any other personal information... -I'm very sarcastic; I practically have it down to an art form, and I think it shows in my writing. If I say something you find offensive... take that extra second to be sure I was serious first. Chances are, I wasn't. -I love slash. I do read and write het sometimes, but slash is where my heart truly lies. The chances of that ever changing are... well, probably about zero really. -I have what can basically be considered a mild form of Attention Deficit, which means I often have trouble making my mind focus; which in turn doesn't bode particularly well for my writing. I've tried simply not writing when I couldn't focus entirely on the task, but I found if I wait for that to happen, my stories never get updated. I've decided instead to just write whenever I can (life is busy), regardless of my attention or inattention at that time. Consequently, there may be times when my writing seems... better than other times. Not that I feel my writing is ever really bad, just don't be surprised if you read one section of a story that sounds really good and then the next in comparison looks a bit lackluster. Though I've had people claim that the only who really notices the difference is me so... maybe I'm just crazy. -Regardless of what I just said above, I'm a slow updater. Really I am. I'm sorry, but it's probably never gonna change. -Most of what I write is pretty angsty and at times I do some really dark, horrible things to my characters. As cliche as this sounds, writing like this actually helps me go about daily life in a much more laid-back, happy fashion. It's like a small, personal form of therapy. For some reason, torturing my favorite characters makes me feel better. That being said, my stories (with the possible exception of a one-shot or two) will always have a happy ending. Seriously, they'll be bittersweet at the least, not tragic. I don't want to spend countless hours writing something only to have it depress me and my readers at the end. If I wanna read something sad, I'll just pick up the newspaper, thanks. Fandoms Well, let's see... -I was really into Naruto for a long time. I still enjoy it but... I've kinda fallen out of that fandom a little bit. I'm still going to finish my stories for it, I just don't know if the plot bunnies will be making up any more in the future. -I freaking love Harry Potter and have several ideas for future stories with this one. If I ever actually find the time to sit down and write you'll probably be seeing quite a bit for this one. I have a huge crush on Severus Snape. I feel kinda weird writing fanfictions about characters played by real people. Even though you're writing about the character and not the actor, it still just feels a little... However, my cousin doesn't feel this way and she loves to bombard me with requests for shows we both mutually enjoy. Thus in the future you will most likely be seeing: -Torchwood. C'mon, if you enjoy sci-fi and slash, what better show is there. The slash is actually canon. You don't have to make the pairings up, though of course you're welcome to. But yeah, if I could marry Ianto Jones, I would so... you'll be seeing something for this shortly. -Don't be surprised if Doctor Who makes an appearance at some point as well. It kinda goes hand-in-hand with Torchwood, and who doesn't love the Doctor? Big No-No's: As I've said before, I'm a pretty laid-back person most of the time. However, I absolutely hate it when: -You flame me or another author just for the sake of doing so. Grow up and get a life. -You read a story about a character you don't particularly like and then comment about how you don't like this character compared to another. (Ex. Moron: "Ah, this is total crap. Sasuke's ten times better than Naruto!") Then why the hell did you read a story featuring Naruto in the first place? -Just as above, you read a story about a pairing you don't like and then bitch. Same logic applies. -You read a slash story and then complain you didn't know it was about 'gay people'. That's what slash means. Five seconds on Google would tell you that. I absolutely detest homophobia and don't want to hear about it. -You ignore my warnings. If something 'adult' is going to happen in a chapter of my story (language, sex, non-con) there will always be a warning at the beginning of the chapter. Don't ignore my warnings and then complain that you didn't know there was a sex scene and it offended your delicate little mind. I'm Lonely! -Okay, that might've been a bit dramatic, but I do love making friends. If you want to talk with me or ask me a question or whatever, feel free to message me. I don't bite unless you want me to. :P -Yes, I do take requests. If you actually want me to try writing something, let me know and I'll get back to you. I can't guarantee I'll take the challenge, but I'll definitely consider it. My stance on Draco: I should probably make it clear right from the beginning I neither particularly like nor dislike Draco. I know a lot of people really love him, and I can see the appeal; but to me he just seems like a brat. That being said, I won't normally make him the bad guy; and even if I portray him as an antagonist, he'll just be an annoying hindrance more than an actual evil force of some sort. Again, I don't hate him, I just think he's a brat. My stance on Dumbledore: Ah, now here's a difficult one. I don't personally like Dumbledore. I think he manipulated people too far, used them like pawns, and didn't overmuch care what happened to them in the end. Yes, I know he did it 'for the greater good', but that doesn't mean I condone it. However, I don't see him as especially 'evil' per say, just misguided; and that's how I'll normally choose to write him myself: misguided. That being said, I can also take him different ways. I don't mind reading a story with a good dose of Dumbledore-bashing, and contrarily, I don't mind reading one where he's nothing more than the kindly old grandfather figure. I'm pretty flexible with him. |