He was less easygoing when he woke up that morning.

"Tell me everything about Zero."

Lelouch was making omelets in an apron, but Suzaku wasn't about to let that distract him. Apparently last night had been enough because sex was the last thing on his mind.

He was still a little peeved at Rolo, sitting comfortably at the table, eating Lelouch's cooking.

"Where would you like me to start?" Lelouch asked, adding salt.

"I understand… I can't accept it, or agree with it, but I understand why you went to such lengths to find your mother's killer. I don't endorse your methods, but I can see why you felt you needed to go to that extreme. But killing those agents… you didn't have to do that."

Lelouch shrugged. "No, I didn't. And to be honest, if you hadn't been assigned to the Zero case, I might not have. But watching you fade away from me, while chasing me; being jealous of myself… it made me take more drastic measures than I might have otherwise."

"Like talking to me?"

"You never listened," Lelouch said calmly. "You didn't even know that I was teaching at the University. I was a fixture in your life; I served a purpose, but little more. All of our conversations revolved around Zero; which was occasionally hilarious, by the way; and as time went on there were even fewer and fewer of those. You couldn't tell me things, and I respected that, but that didn't mean that you had to shut down."

Suzaku would have felt guilty about that but… "So you started killing people?"

"At first, it was mostly to take Zero away from you. I knew that Milly would assign Gino as point if it hit home. I thought that if you didn't have him… me distracting you, I'd be able to make more of a place for myself in your life as Lelouch. And maybe I would have." Lelouch sighed. "But that wasn't enough. I hadn't expected the thrill, the amazing connection we made when I comforted you about Anya. You looked at me and let me take care of you and the sex… do you realize that the best sex we ever had was probably that week, as you tried to forget the horrible things that happened?"

Suzaku thought he might be sick.

"So I killed Rivalz next. He was probably the easiest kill; even Nina figured something was wrong before she died. Rivalz never did." Lelouch turned off the burner and slipped the omelet onto a plate. "Nina was quick, but complicated. I had to prepare the pancake batter, go kill her, and be sure to be back before you woke up. It was close; the sound of you calling my name probably blocked the sound of the door closing. Still, those were good pancakes. I should really generally let the batter sit longer."

Rolo poured a glass of juice for Lelouch as he sat down.

"Kallen was the most logistically complicated. Especially because you were being overprotective at that point. I had to take a bus to the airport." He sounded like that was an affront to his dignity. Suzaku very much did not care. "After that, though, it was simple enough to geass security into leading her into a private room. She was surprised to see me, but drugging her made her surprisingly pliant. I don't think Gino was nearly as whipped as we thought. Still, she was the only one I drugged who didn't want me to 'relieve' them. Props for that, impressive willpower. She did undo her shirt. Impaired judgment; I suppose it seemed a reasonable reaction to feeling hot, but she never wanted me to touch her, and I didn't. Except for, you know, killing her."

"And then, Gino." Lelouch bit his bottom lip in consideration. "We'll get to him once Rolo leaves."


"Patience, Suzaku." Lelouch smiled and took a bite of food. "Good things come to those who wait." He sat down and started eating and Suzaku knew he wouldn't get anything more out of him until he was ready. He sat down and poured himself a glass of juice, his stomach far too busy churning to even consider something heavier like an omelet.

After breakfast, Lelouch sent Rolo off with a kiss and a smile before turning back to Suzaku. "So. Gino."

"Gino," Suzaku said, startled when Lelouch passed him some paper. "What's this…"

"Your lines." Lelouch smiled. "I assume you'd want to be Gino rather than me. He gets off at the end."

Suzaku looked at the first sheet. "This is…"

"I start," Lelouch said. "Ahem. Can I come in?"

"This is sick."

"That isn't the line."

"I'm not doing this."

Lelouch sighed. "I'm trying to help you understand, Suzaku. It's role playing; you do it all the time, you probably did it with Zero. Just… never with the real Zero."

Suzaku swallowed and looked down at the sheet again. "I… I really wasn't expecting your call."

"Did Suzaku suspect anything?" Lelouch asked flirtatiously. Suzaku swallowed again, damping down his nausea. He was really grateful he hadn't eaten much of anything yet today.

"He thinks I'm following a lead on Zero. We… we don't have much time…"

Lelouch smiled and kissed Suzaku softly, licking gently into his mouth. "This is so much better with you," He whispered before grabbing Suzaku by the front of his shirt. "Then you'd better strip fast, pretty boy."

Suzaku wasn't sure how this had happened, but he was stumbling over his pants as he and Lelouch fell to the bed, hard and panting as if he hadn't been thoroughly disgusted a moment ago. "Lelouch…"

"It's your line," Lelouch reminded him, playfully scooting out of his reach. "I made Gino work for it."

Suzaku hesitated, then grabbed the sheet. "Do you do this often?"

"Fuck agents when they should be at work, or cheat on Suzaku?"

"Either," Suzaku replied, interested in Lelouch's answer.

"Yes to the first. Never to the second." Lelouch smiled. "Now, are you going to kiss me or not?"

Suzaku didn't have to check the script to know how Gino had reacted. He bent down and pressed into Lelouch's mouth.

Only to pull back moments later, choking. "What was that?"

Lelouch lay back. "Do you remember when I was drugged with Easy? I thought V.V.'s code would make me immune to poisons, but it just delayed the effects. But as far as Gino was concerned, he was feeling the same way you are now and I was spread out, ready for him…"

Suzaku pushed Lelouch down, kissing him and rutting against him, burning inside with a desire that wasn't entirely his and out of his control and a little scary and incredibly thrilling. "Lelouch… fuck…"

"You won't last long enough," Lelouch promised against his lips, flipping them over and wrapping his hand around Suzaku's cock. "A few sharp strokes and it'll be over. Do you want it, Gino?"

Suzaku didn't even notice the name change. "Yes! God, yes, Lelouch please…"

Lelouch kissed him hard, almost bruising, and jerked him off hard and fast. Suzaku came with a helpless cry, thrusting to the sky as he coated Lelouch's hand and his own stomach and thighs.

"So beautiful," Lelouch whispered, biting at Suzaku's shoulder, where they'd found Zero's mark on Gino.

Suzaku could feel his sense returning, as clearheaded as could be expected after sex. "And… it just wears off…"

"Mmm," Lelouch agreed, still tasting Suzaku's skin. "He was still post-orgasmic when I killed him, but his last moment… he looked at me like he wasn't surprised, like he should have known better. A touch of rueful regret. He was a good agent."

Suzaku shivered and lay passively under Lelouch as Lelouch's kisses became more insistent. "The drug hit me as I was driving home, and by the time I got there, I was wild. When I called you… I shouldn't have, but it seemed like a good idea at the time. I thought that just hearing you would make it better, make it okay. But it didn't. I needed you here, with me, holding me… Suzaku…"

Suzaku didn't even need to look to know that Lelouch was hard. But whether he wanted to do anything about it…

Lelouch whined into Suzaku's shoulder and wrapped the same hand that was sticky with Suzaku's semen around his cock, jerking off desperately. It wasn't enough.

Suzaku sighed and rolled them over and kissed Lelouch tenderly. "What does it say about me that I can't watch you in pain?"

"You're a good person, Suzaku." Lelouch gasped. "I'm sorry I fell in love with you. I'm sorry you're in love with me."

"I'm not…"

"You are," Lelouch assured him. "But that doesn't make you less of a good person."

Suzaku kissed him again and wrapped his hand around Lelouch's cock. It was better than listening to him talk.

There was a blessed moment of silence after Lelouch's orgasm. Suzaku closed his eyes and tried, desperately, to hold onto it. It didn't last long.

"Shirley was me losing my temper," Lelouch said once he'd recovered. A large part of Suzaku didn't want to hear this, but he knew he had to. "When I confronted her in her office, she really thought I wanted her. Like I'd ever wanted anyone but you." Lelouch clenched his fists. "She let me kiss her, let me undress her, even took off most of her clothes herself. She spread her legs and leaned against the desk and I… Easy is supposed to make you aroused and compliant, but the way she smiled at me, like she was genuinely happy…" Lelouch shook his head. "I made her come, twice, before pushing her to the floor. She kept calling out my name and I just wanted her to shut up. Even when I hurt her, even when I knew she was bleeding, she called out my name… Who does that? Who trusts someone that much, who thinks that having that done to them is okay as long as the person doing it is who they want?"

Suzaku brushed Lelouch's hair with his fingers. "You did. With me. At least twice."

"That's different," Lelouch snapped. "She shouldn't have… why didn't she fight back? The drug had worn off by then, why didn't she at least fight back…"

"Are you sorry?" Suzaku asked gently. "About what you did to her?"

"I don't know," Lelouch said, and for the first time, Suzaku saw Lelouch's confidence crack. "I think I regret it, but I'm not sure what I regret. I know that I was relieved when she died. It… fixed things." Lelouch curled up, closer to Suzaku's body even as he refused to look Suzaku in the eye. "I know I don't think properly. Humans aren't people to me, except for you and Nunnally, and even then, I can't help but try to make you do what I want."

Suzaku kissed his forehead. "What do you want from me, Lelouch?"

"Fix me," Lelouch whispered. "Or at least erase me."


"Suzaku." Lelouch reached up and touched Suzaku's face. "Will you accept this contract from me? The power of kings, in return for being the one to remove me from the world. Will you take my geass and then my code?"

"Kill you?" Suzaku asked, horrified as if hadn't already technically done so twice.

Lelouch kissed him. "I'll still be with you, passed alone with the code. But you'll be able to keep me from hurting anyone, safe within you. And I'll always be a part of you, something that you can't ignore or push away. Will you do this for me, Suzaku?"

Suzaku shook his head, pulling away from Lelouch's hold. "I… I'm not… I have to think about this…"

"Alright." Lelouch accepted. "Let me know when you've come to a decision."

They dressed and spent the rest of the day avoiding each other, until Rolo came home.


Rolo and Lelouch held a soft conversation while Suzaku started at the city from the huge window. He was high enough that he figured this was probably the penthouse suite. How could Lelouch, technically dead, afford all this? How could he do anything? How could he expect Suzaku to kill him, when he'd just decided that he was going to stay with him?

Suzaku wasn't entirely sure when exactly he'd decided that, but he had. And now Lelouch was asking him to take a power that held no interest for him, with the ultimate goal of taking Lelouch's life, something that held a great deal of interest for Suzaku now.

Was this love? Or something more selfish. Was there anything more selfish than love? Where had Lelouch and Rolo gone, and what were those noises coming from Rolo's room…

That last question roused him from his contemplatine state, and he crept towards the room, easily recognizing the soft wet sounds of kissing and the soft moans of more than kissing.

He edged the door open and was greeted to the sight of Lelouch, fully clothed, pressing a naked Rolo to the bed, kissing him as his hand played between his open legs.

"How do you want it, Rolo?" Lelouch asked. "This is your last time, so choose."

"Your mouth. Please," Rolo gasped out breathlessly. "I want to… I want to come inside."

"As you wish." Lelouch breathed against Rolo's lips, kissing him again, then moving slowly down his body. "Gentle at first, remember."

"Yes, nii-san." Rolo gasped as Lelouch took his tip delicately into his mouth. "O-oh…" His eyes fluttered shut and his mouth gaped like a fish's.

Lelouch's eyes met Suzaku's and he smiled around Rolo's cock, holding out a hand. It was oddly reminiscent of that time with Gino…

Suzaku took Lelouch's hand. He was becoming resigned to the fact that he always would.

Rolo gasped and bucked when his eyes opened. "What are you… what is he…"

"Shh…" Lelouch pulled off Rolo and stroked his thighs soothingly. "It's your last day with us, and it should be special, Rolo. I've taught you so much, and you've learned so well. This is my final gift, my final lesson, so that you know that you can experience this with other people as well." He smiled and undid Suzaku's pants. "Take him in your mouth, Rolo. Experience someone other than me."

"I don't want…" Rolo scowled at Suzaku who just stared back, eyes wide with surprise. He didn't even have the presence of mind to redo his pants.

Lelouch stood and kissed Suzaku's neck, stroking him steadily. "Rolo, suck him. You're so good, and you love it so much… don't be scared."

"I'm not scared!" Rolo insisted, dropping his gaze to Suzaku's crotch. Suzaku flushed and finally moved to cover himself up, but Lelouch had nudged him forward, presenting his cock to Rolo's mouth.

"Go on," Lelouch whispered. "Let me see you."

Still scowling, Rolo took Suzaku's cock in his mouth, giving it a good suck and swirling his tongue around the tip. Suzaku moaned.

Lelouch kissed the back of Suzaku's neck. "Thank you." He moved away, back to Rolo's erection and Suzaku knew when he'd started sucking by the way Rolo moaned and sucked harder, fitting more in.

Suzaku tried not to thrust or come or run from the room screaming. It felt so good and so wrong and Lelouch was moaning now and touching himself, and Rolo was really good at this; he must have had a good teacher, and…

Rolo moaned and jerked, his mouth going slack around Suzaku as he came. Suzaku couldn't help it, he thrust into that warm cavern, seeking that delicious suction, which returned surprisingly quickly as Rolo deep-throated him.

He came with a surprised shout, spilling down Rolo's throat. Rolo swallowed around him, drawing every last spurt from Suzaku's cock before releasing him.

When Suzaku opened his eyes, Lelouch and Rolo were wrapped around each other, kissing and touching.

"I'll miss you," Lelouch whispered against Rolo's lips as they parted.

"I'll think of you," Rolo promised, his eyes flickering up to Suzaku. "I guess he's not that bad."

Lelouch laughed richly and kissed Rolo again before pecking his nose. "Get dressed, you have a plane to catch."


Suzaku and Lelouch put Rolo on his plane back to Nunnally and walked out of the airport, arms around each other's waists.

"How can I walk around like this?" Suzaku asked. "In public with everyone looking for me?"

Lelouch kissed his nose. "You look different than in any of your wanted posters or profiles. You look happy."

Suzaku figured he was probably right – both about how different he looked now and about him being happy. The ride back to the hotel was uneventful, and Lelouch started boiling water the moment they walked through the door. It was truly like being home.

"I accept."


Suzaku looked Lelouch in the eye. "Your contract. I accept it. I'll stay with you and keep you safe and keep you from hurting other people, and then I'll take you from this world. It's the only way."

Lelouch smiled brilliantly at him. "Thank you, Suzaku." He reached up and cupped Suzaku's face leaning in. "And to seal it…" he murmured, pressing his lips to Suzaku's.

Suzaku closed his eyes and let Lelouch lead him to his destiny.