Author has written 30 stories for Dragon Ball Z, Evangelion, Naruto, Ben 10, Avatar: Last Airbender, Life With Derek, and Harry Potter. There's not much to say. I write for fun and entertainment purposes only. Everything I write for is copyrighted by their respective companies and creators so I have absolutely no claim on anything at all. Anything and everything will be removed immediately and without complaint upon request. 4/20/09: The poll regarding reader interest should Discovering Gohan be picked up again is closed. Results: Reader interest is Yes. The story will be updated in the future, however, updates and update schedule are not guaranteed. 5/27/08: I'd like to thank everybody who's supported me and my stories for so long, especially with my infrequent update schedule and style. Oh, I decided that maybe I should add a little status list of my stories. So, here goes: Story Status - The Perfect Birthday (One-shot) - Complete Update Status as of December 8, 2008 - Unforgettable Bond - Chapter 8 in Progress |