Author has written 21 stories for Naruto, Gundam Wing/AC, Yami no Matsuei, Final Fantasy VII, and Rurouni Kenshin. I'm never entirely sure what to say in these sorts of things... I love writing and I've been doing so since I was 11. Luckily, I'd like to think I've gotten better since my first few stories (which are embarrassing to look back on now) and I hope to one day be published. Fanfiction is sorta cathartic for me. I'm working on my own novels, but sometimes I want something different. Fanfiction is also good practice for shaping my writing up better. This way when the original works put me off, I can work on this and there's no giant lull in my writing. I'm not as prolific as I once was and writing is an off and on thing for me. My real life gets much more attention so I have to be honest and admit if you're looking for someone to finish things quickly I'm not your gal. I tend to jump between personal writing and fanfiction back to writing one on one with people. Still, the urge comes and goes, and it might take me years, but I think everything on this page will probably get finished at one point. I might even post new stuff as the urge strikes. Fanfiction got me started writing like a fiend again in 1998 after a year lull on writing, so I'm attached to it and indebted to it. My currently posted multi-parts: Fear the Fall: This story is... and up and down thing. I started it in 2004 and left it alone until 2008 because life got too busy and writing took a back seat. The first four chapters are from 2004 and they don't relate all that well to the next four because of the changes in canon since then. I'm thinking of editing the first four to fit, but then again, I'm not sure I want to. I might work more on this. UPDATE: 2015, I am back! Not sure if it can be considered a bang, but I'm attempting to finish Fear the Fall. Maybe more fanfiction will come once that is done, but I have this driving need to finish first. :) Then I'm going to try working on A Simple Man and go from there. Always feel free to message me if you have anything you want to say. :) |