Reviews for Go A Long Way Around
StarlingChild4 chapter 1 . 1/24/2019
*SQUEEEEEEEE* I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! It's hard to believe how old this fic is... it's a damn shame it hasn't garnered more favorites/reviews the way other older fics have. And I'm glad this is the same "universe" as All in One Day, which I also loved :) Very sweet fic, giving me all the Harmony feels I need :')
Runecutter chapter 1 . 6/18/2013
Amazing. You almost make me like all that mushy emotional girly stuff :P
No, serious. This is wonderful, it makes a good case for Hermione's feelings and reasons well why she avoids Harry. I like this far more than the often seen reason of "you're to dangerous to make a commitment, my heart would be broken as soon as you'd die", this way feels much more natural and coming from a deep and loving heart.
And the descriptions of the boys are dead on, exactly like i would see them. Vic the gentleman, Harry, the chivalrous one who'll be abandoned as soon as his lady gets to know him and Ron the great taker... as he has nothing to give.
I liked also the difference between the breakups... Victor deeply hurt, Ginny getting trouble for giving up a lost enterprise after she was barely allowed to start it by Ron in the first place :D and Ron and Hermione just fizzed out like old stale soda... Sounds fitting to the expected degree of emotional tightness inside those relationships...

So now... just for reference... this is the whole teapot in full play? :D
serenityselena chapter 1 . 1/30/2012
interesting story _
q.thews chapter 1 . 8/30/2006
Just before reading your AN regarding the lack of dialogue i was thinking of reviewing writing that i liked the lack of dialogue (and even that maybe it would be better if it was even less).

So i suppose that the experiment is gone well :-)

ingridgrieg chapter 1 . 5/19/2006
It's like you wrote an after HBP thing here. :)

"Why not me?" I like that question. I've been asking that thing, too. "Why not Hermione?" "Why not Harry?"

Anyway, I loved the ending on this.
wicked vamp chapter 1 . 11/18/2004
it really is a beautiful story.
Pinku-koneko chapter 1 . 2/10/2004
my what a long way around to go 4 a kiss but it was worth it. it was sweet!
Leah6 chapter 1 . 2/3/2004
that was awesome! i love harry so much, he has to deal with everything...h/hr forever! love it! -leah
TheLaguna chapter 1 . 10/8/2003
Very nice, you are like, amazingly good at writing these short fic's that give just enough of a glimpse at it all. I don't know if that makes any sense at all, but it sure does to me. Anyway, good job.

MoreThanFourSidesToMe chapter 1 . 4/14/2003
Hey, me again, that is briliant, inspired, wonderful! I love all ur stuff Ive come accross so far. which is why Im putting u on my favorite author list. hope it makes u fell warm n fuzzy n loved. L
ChrisMiss chapter 1 . 1/18/2003
I dunno what to say about this was sweet and angsty and in a way it was also funny too. Not in a bad way mind. I found it humorous because Hermione questioned her feelings for once and it's the first time I've seen it done this way. She thought it was a crush...and yet she worried over him just the same. I think she thought she could be content with just being his friend but there were times when she knew that something was missing in her love life. And that was funny because I've always seen strong!Hermione, who knows her feelings and is willing to sacrifice them because of the friendship. But here she immediately denies. I thought it was interesting how you characterized her relationship with it was comfortable, like your favorite quilt. That's just how I see the R/Hr dynamic, comfortable. And when Harry asked her why not me...I just melted...he has these moments when I just want to huggles him in fanon and you did just that. He's so insecure that instead of asking her to go out with him he asks her why he isn't good enough. Silly boy._

melaney guthrie chapter 1 . 1/16/2003
that was a nice h/hr story .
Puntang Jones chapter 1 . 1/7/2003
I loved this story. You are one of the best authors that I've ever read work by.

The one thing in this story that I didn't quite understand was, I believe, the third paragraph from the top that says:

"Later that year, her heart was broken by him - not by him refusing her, but by him suddenly disappearing. That was the worst time of her life, knowing that he might have been lost forever. It wasn't least, not the passionate love that she dreamt of, though perhaps it was a sort of love that made her angst so..."

Anyway, you were talking about Hermione's love for Harry in that paragraph, right? Because, by that first line, I got a bit confused on whose heart was broken by Harry (since you did write about Cho in the previous paragraph.)

Anyway, that's basically my review. I love ALL of your stories! I hope one day that you'll grace my stories with one of your reviews (that was sooooooo cheesy, but I meant it.)

Love, Anything But Ordinary
tragicomedy chapter 1 . 1/4/2003
I love the last line (or the summary). It's so sweet! H/H FOREVER!
blah gurl chapter 1 . 12/30/2002
very good. its hard to write stories without any dialouge. I like it very much. write more like that.
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