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![]() Author has written 36 stories for Naruto, Pokémon, and Hetalia - Axis Powers. Introduction: This is my dump for my yaoi obsession. - I have broken free but I am back to dabble in it for my own enjoyment. Thank you all for all your support despite my garbage tastes and writing. I hop to do much better from here on out! My deviantArt: http:/// (Visit here for artwork!) My FictionPress: http://www.fictionpress.info/catbleu (Nothing Here Yet.) My YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/BobbayPM (Visit for Speedpaints.) My tumblr: http:/// (Visit for sneak peaks and other such things. You can also ask questions and possibly requests.) Best Friend: theapricottree BetaBuddy: Holly Jolly Rape (I'm worried since I haven't heard from them in so long. I hope you're doing good. :( ) Quite clearly, I support love between all genders- if you're a H8r, what the hell are you doing looking at YaoiPhox's profile page? xD Hablo español y inglés. Pero no estoy con fluidez. Puedo ayudar con traducciónes (español - inglés y english - spanish). SOME REOCCURRING OC's: 1. Phox - An OC I sometimes use to stand in for myself. (She is a Myteorl character) 2. Ashley - Myself 3. Bobby - My Other Self (Male) 4. Atari - Started in Lasting Partners. Always paired with his Uke, Suki. Close non-OC friend(s): Kakuzu. 5. Suki - Also started in Lasting Partners. Always paired with his Seme, Atari. Close non-OC friend(s): Hidan. Common Names: Sara, Gina, Jack, Jeff, and more... Additional Words: TAKE MY POLL SO I CAN WRITE MORE -Poll is at the top of this profile page. Av picture: My OC, Phox- my OC's evil half, if you will. REQUEST(S) CLOSED (Message Me!) Rules/Info Needed: 1. Pairings I support will have best success. 2. It will (hopefully) be oneshot but can be more... 3. Any particular scenario/ theme/ or outcome? SLOTS: 1. APRIL 2010 - kisaitaluvr - MadaTobiZet with HidaKuzu -Finished- Remain w/ Your Heart -Sequel Finished- 2. MAY 2010 - BloodDrenchedScorpion - Paper Bomb - Finished - No Sequel Activity: Updated - 8/19/2017 - VARIOUS STORIES HAVE BEEN SCRAPPED. IF EVER ONE YOU LIKE HAS BEEN SCRAPPED AND YOU REALLY WANT IT BACK, MESSAGE ME! - GOOD NEWS!! I have fallen back into my Naruto obsession! - Grown Up is probably still going to be on Hiatus if not Scrapped. To be honest, I'm a bit repulsed by Growing Up. xD It's so horribly written and OOC. Not to mention a lot has changed both in my personal life and in the show so I have a lot to reconsider. - I have fallen out of the Hetalia fandom for the moment. Gomen! Lo siento. Sorry... :( - Stories to Finish: Psychiatrist & Stripper, Kousei, Online Affairs, Akatsumon, After Death, Servant (These last two are fics I really, really wanna complete/redo! I have so much inspiration. Unfortunately I am trying to finish Shippuden right now. I finally reached the arc that I left off on which was the beginning of the Fourth Shinobi War... xD) - No longer interested in Betas. From here out I'm going to be writing for myself again. I will still appreciate some constructive criticism but I do have a life now. :3 - I don't know exactly how the Omegaverse came to be such a big hit... It seems to have originated whilst I was loathing myself over my yaoi obsession but I will say I fucking ADORE omegaverse and would love to contribute some fics to it! - If anyone cares that I'm trying to make a comeback/wants to say hi I will be checking my messages again (not that I got any new ones since my hiatus). xD - I am going to eventually get around to rereading my old incomplete fics and sorting which ones are salvageable. NOW IS THE TIME TO VOICE YOUR OPINION ON MY OLD FICS. As stated earlier... I have Grown Up considerably in the time I've been away. A lot of my old fics (ie all of them lol) are pure garbage of a yaoi obsessed preteen/teen. xDD STATS: Stories Scrapped: 3 Stories Unfinished: 9 Stories Pending: A Lot... Stories Completed: 24.5 (Hoping to finish Kousei up sooner or later.) Stories Total: 36 QUESTIONS TO YOU: What story of mine is your favorite and why? Private message me your answer(S) PAIRINGS I strongly SUPPORT: (I don't care which is Seme so long as pairing is the same and it is well-written) NARUTO- Kakuzu X Hidan (1st OTP) Sasuke X Naruto (I know that this is now a dead ship... but Sasori X Deidara Kisame X Itachi Tobi X Zetsu (Also probably a dead ship but Orochimaru X Kabuto DEATH NOTE- Light X L Matt X Mello SOUTH PARK- Kyle X Stan Cartman X Butters HETALIA- Sweden X Finland Denmark X Norway Hong Kong X Iceland Germany X N. Italy Spain X Romano France X England Greece X Japan Turkey X Egypt(Still an OTP) Russia X China Lithuania X Poland Hungary x Prussia x Austria Cuba X Canada Romania x Bulgaria PAIRINGS I DISLIKE: Incest - It's just not right. Sorry. It really warps a person's mind and it does even worse to the gene pool.
Cracky Crack Pairings (Like SuxAnyone but Fin, KakuTsu, HidaKona, etc.) USUK - I see them more as father and son and, personally, I don't see Alfred as gay or mentally old enough to be in a relationship. Turkey X Greece - Not only is it against my two Hetalia OTPs, but I see them more as father and rebellious son. Especially since Turkey had a thing for Greece's mom. Character X OC - Unless there's good reason for it... .' Which, really, there rarely is... That's all I can think of atm... Favorite Reference Sites: http:///language/phrases/langs.htm Jumping on the BandWagons: If you can read this message, you are blessed because over two billion people in the world cannot read at all: I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas toghuht slpeling was ipmorantt! tahts so cool! If If you've been on the computer for hours on end, reading numerous fanfictions, copy this onto your profile, and add your name to this list: danyan, Zutara Lover, Black'n'red'Butterfly, Enrica(real name)(i always change my penname)(tehehehe) PurpleBunniesWillRuleTheWorld, Roxxi-and-Ali, IsabellaMarieSwan123, EmmettCullenFan, Bella Masen Cullen, Me Love Edward Cullyou, SilverMoonArcher,forbiddenkitsunegoddess13, Howl To The Moon, Nayeli, mochiusagi, darkablino, Sabaku no Koneko, NarutoUno2, AkatsukiMemberWoolfy, Keono, YaoiPhox are obsessed with Fan Fictions. If you have ever been so wrapped up thinking about anime, anime fan art, or anime fan fictions that you zoned out and came back to reality 5 minutes or more later with no idea what’s going on, copy and paste this into your profile and add your name to the list. Athame Kunoichi, Sugarmonkey778, A Ninja Named Frank, shadow of the abyss, Narora, Catdemon-ninja, MissPinoyz, Lala Girl in Lala Land, akatsuki-cloude, Bri Nara, Kira Write, YaoiPhox 5 Truths of Life. 1. You cannot touch all of your teeth with your tongue 2. All idiots, after reading the first truth, try it 3. The first truth is a lie 4. You're smiling right now because you know you fell for it... (Idiot!) 5. You still have a stupid smile lingering on your face Now, if you fell for it (I KNOW you did), copy & paste this into your profile. {Phox: I ONLY DOUBLE-CHECKED AS I ALWAYS DO!} Took A Quiz: You're Itachi What will happen eventually... A random producer guy from DisneyXD is working on Naruto Shippuden until... BOOM! Jiraiya, Deidara, and Hidan crash into the room. "What is the meaning of this, un?!" Deidara yelled out. "You took out a precious moment of my art!!" "As much as I appreciate you getting rid of my nickname, you're going to take out the women!" Jiraiya shouted. "You took out the swearing... and the blood," Hidan growled as he walked up to him. "What kind of f_ing ninja show doesn't have blood in it?!" Hidan brought his scythe up to the guy's neck. "It was for the fans! I made it appropriate so even six year olds could watch!" the guy screamed as he... uh... gave himself a reason to look for new pants. "Who gives a crap about the freakin' six-year-olds?! The freakin' fourteen year-year-olds are gonna kill you for taking out the good parts!" There was another BOOM! Three ninja fans busted down the wall. Two jounin-level boys, and a chuunin-level girl. "GET HIM!!" Put this on your profile if you noticed what Disney took out of Naruto Shippuden, and you're mad about it. And add yourself to the fans invasion! If you have your own little world, copy and paste this into your profile. If you've ever had a conversation with yourself, copy and paste this on your profile. If you noticed that the Akatsuki members usually get defeated after they rip off their cloaks, copy and paste this onto your profile. (Don't take off your cloaks you guys! O_o) I solemnly swear that anyone who flames my stories will get a flame back. FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE! BEAT OUT THE FLAMES! If you agree (or hate flamers) put this in your profile. BANANA PHONE! HA.HA.HAHA! post this on your profile if you are extremely random If your profile is long, copy this onto it to make it even longer If you're against animal cruelty (horse slaughter, bear bating, dolphin hunting, chimp slavery etc. then copy this into your profile! I LOVE DENMARK (Country, not Character), SADIK ADNAN, and TARKAN! If you have ever just wanted to SLAP someone, copy this onto your profile |