A/N: Ello! This is our first fanfiction we ever posted, and we will continue to update it about every 1-2 weeks. We would appreciate it if you took the time to review our story. Also, if you'd like to see something happen in the story, we'll look into it. Thanks.

-David & Chance

aka Baka&Co

Norway sighed as he checked his watch; 3:00. Almost two and a half hours later than the time they had arranged. Norway sighed once more, He forgot again...

If you had ever had the chance to check the security cameras posed at the front patio of a small coffee shop, you would've been shown a blonde, fair man staring into a cup of coffee and waiting for his date for the past two hours.

Finally not able to take it anymore, Norway snapped out his trance-like state and pulled out his phone, not even needing to look at the keys he was pressing since he had remembered this person's number by heart.




Meanwhile in a nearby pub, Denmark's phone was ringing.

"Hulllooo..?" a very drunk sounding Denmark picked up.

"Den. Have you checked the clock recently?" Norway never spoke much or showed much emotion, but the tone of his voice would shock any drunk sober.

Denmark looked over a pile of beer bottles to check his watch. Crap.

"Uh...yeah. It's three…"

"Hey Denmark! Who's that on the phooone?" A drunken England could be heard in the background.

"Why in blazes are you drunk at this time?" Tears were wetting the corner of Norway's eyes, but he wouldn't let it show in his voice.

"Hey, Nor, babe. I'm sorry I forgot our date. The thing is that America and England had a fight, and England was pretty depressed, so I offered to take him out for a drink…"

"I see. Even though it was our anniversary."

"Crap…Hey Nor I'm so sorry. I really am! Please please forgive me-!" on top of forgetting their date, it happened to be their one year anniversary as well.

"No. It's fine, really. I'll see you at home. Bye…" Norway ended the call, cutting off Denmark's cries for forgiveness.

For a while he just stood in front of the café trying to interpret that Denmark had just chose England over him.

"…Well to hell with that!" He thrust his phone on the ground, shattering it to pieces. Passerby's hurriedly scurried around the Norwegian man.

Norway's tears landed with soft plops on the ground. Large rolling drops of salty tears slid down his cheeks. He reached up to feel them? Tears? When was the last time that I really cried?But instead of wiping them away, he let his tears drip off his chin.

Denmark forgot our date… "I would've been fine with him forgetting if he was hanging out with Sve or just slept in-" Norway thought to himself out loud, remembering past date experiences when that had happened.

Pulling his knit cap on tighter, he started walking towards a nearby park, his feet leading the way.

"-but he went out drinking…"

His steps became faster paced.

"-and with England of all nations!" suddenly stopping, Norway found himself standing in the center of a large field; the park he had been headed to.

A breeze ruffled the grass and flowers, also brushing his bangs away from his face. The field was entirely empty, save him and what few clouds there were in the sky. And Norway….felt
alone. More alone than he ever had in his life.

He sat down and wrapped his arms around his knees. Sweden and Finland were off somewhere, probably playing with that jerk England's kid brother, Sealand.

Norway pulled his knees in closer.

And Iceland, his own kid brother was probably hanging out with his boyfriend, Hong Kong. Norway chuckled. They're probably comparing firecrackers and volcanoes right now, he thought, recalling their fondness of explosives.

Closing his eyes, he spoke, "Everyone has someone to be with right now…on my anniversary."

Another sigh. "I bet that if I disappeared right now, nobody would really notice my disappearance…" Norway glanced up. "…Their lives would go on…" He stretched out and lay back in the grass. "So riddle me this-" he spoke out to no one in particular. "-what would life be like if I never existed? "

Another breeze past over him.

"I could probably use my magic right now to find out." Norway closed his eyes again. "It'd only take a minute or so in this world, but in some parallel universe where I never existed…? A few hours… a day at most I bet…" He placed his hands behind his head and exhaled deeply.


Opening his eyes, Norway could tell that his magic had worked. Shocked, he sat up and looked around. Where he had once been in a green field, tall, weed-like wisps of dead grass were shielding him from the dark, grey sky.

Norway had just expected his spell to cast him to a parallel universe, where it would be just like home except no one would know who he is. Terror struck his heart as he realized how completely wrong he was.

Shakily, and unsteadily, he stood up and looked around. More dead grass. An abandoned street.

"H- hello?" Norway cried out, not expecting anyone to answer.

"Hullo," a blonde head popped out of the grass, and cold brown eyes stared at him.

"Finland?!" Norway staggered back a step. Of course he had known that he would have to come upon his friends eventually, but he hadn't expected them to find him.

Finland glared harder. Something was wrong. Where was his bright, cheerful smile? Norway swallowed. This man hardly reminded him of Finland. His beret was placed slanted on his head like usual, but why was he wearing his uniform right now? Usually countries would only wear their uniforms in times of war.

Finland pointed the barrel of his rifle at Norway. "How do you know me by country name, sir?"

"It's me! Norway! I'm your fri-" loud screaming and gunshots could be heard in the distance, quickly coming closer. Finland pounced Norway, laying his body flat on the ground.

"Quick! Quiet soldier," Finland whispered through his teeth.

Getting up, Finland and Norway peaked over the top of the grass to get a look at the cause of the commotion.

In the distance two men were fighting; one with a giant axe and the other with a pistol. Denmark and Sweden.
"The enemy," Finland growled. Norway did a double take and stared at him in disbelief.

"The…enemy? But Sweden is your lover," Norway was overly confused now. Now it was Finland's turn to do a double take.

"L- Lover?" A mere shade of light pink crept onto Finland's face. "That's impossible! You are clearly out of your mind, soldier! It's true that that man raised me, but I gained my independence, and now all three of us are fighting over the Unclaimed," the pink remained visible to Norway. If he wasn't scared out of his wits right now, he probably would've chuckled. No matter what dimension, Fin would always have feelings for Sve.

Wait. The Unclaimed?

"What's the 'Unclaimed'?"

Finland smacked his head. "You're obviously new to northern Europe. The Unclaimed land is what we're all fighting for! And since you're obviously familiar with our country statuses, you should be of some high degree smarts. Just who are you exactly?"

Norway gulped. "I- I'm…"

Finland waved his question away. "Never mind," he pulled out a map of northern Europe and pointed at Norway. Or at least where Norway should have been. "This is the Unclaimed." Finland hurriedly scrawled "Unclaimed" over Norway's landmass. "Denmark, Sweden, and I have been fighting over control of it for as long as we can remember. We're at each other's throats every day."

Norway shakily reached out his hand to touch the map. With his spell he had just expected for someone else to claim his land, or for it to disappear from the map completely. Not this.

"Where is everyone? I haven't seen any humans around, have they all evacuated because of the war?"

Finland looked at him funny. "Humans? There haven't been any of those living in northern Europe for decades. They all ran away or died trying to. But it doesn't matter, because once I rule the Unclaimed I will be the strongest power nation in the world!"

Norway clutched his head. This can't be happening. It's like a terrible, terrible nightmare. A thought struck him. I never existed. No one's ever lived in the Unclaimed before…Norway was petrified.

"…So my people never went over to Iceland." He grabbed Finland by his collar and stood up, shaking him. "Where is he?! Where is my brother?!"

Try as he might, Finland couldn't escape Norway's grasp. "Hey, hey! Shush it will you? They'll hear us!"

Norway pushed his face closer to Finland's and emitted a low, menacing growl. "Where. Is. Iceland." His finger shot to the map, of the tiny island that should have been marked "Iceland" but was left blank.

"I don't know what the blazes you're talking about! That there is just another part of the Unclaimed!" Norway released his grip on Finland, dropping to his knees.

"It's all my fault…Iceland doesn't exist…" Norway trailed off while Finland gave him a confused look.

"Listen, I don't know who you are, but you look pretty strong. I'm gonna pounce Berwa- I mean, Sweden. You get Denmark, got it?" Finland gave a short salute before running off toward the two men fighting.

Sneaking up behind him, Finland jumped onto Sweden's back and gave him a choke-hold with his rifle.

"-Finland?!" Sweden choked out. Denmark stopped to stare a bit at the strange sight, and then burst out laughing.

"Nice one Sve! See you losers later!" Denmark cackled as he began to run off in Norway's direction, his long black scarf flapping behind him. Unfortunately his scarf became tangled with his axe and he tripped. Denmark lay struggling on the ground, twisting in his scarf as it choked him.

"AAAAGGHHH! Ahhh! Someone help! I can't ...breathe!" Denmark sputtered. "Goodbye cruel world! I- I can see it! I can see …the light-!"

Norway rolled his eyes, "Idiot." He ran over to untangle him.

"How can anyone be an idiot enough to choke on their own scarf?" Norway questioned, unwrapping Denmark from his lethal scarf.

Denmark tried to catch his breath. "Oh... the light is gone now. I think it went away...Hey! You just saved me! I could have DIED!" Denmark sat up and grabbed Norway's shoulders. "Thanks man, owe you big time," Denmark froze. "Wait... who are you?"

Norway gulped. "Uh... I- I'm... Davis." Norway lied through his teeth, making up a fake name for himself.

Denmark tilted his head, "Hey, have we met be-"

"Soldier!" Finland called from Sweden's back. "Quick! Fight or flight, attack the enemy or get the hell out of here!"

"Wait, what? You're on his side?" Denmark asked him, pointing at Finland.

"That's darn right!" yelled Finland, while choking Sweden, who was gagging and gasping for air.

"Dammit! I was gonna recruit him!" Denmark pouted, "Oh well. He will be mine!... As a prisoner" Denmark stood up and ran to retrieve his axe where it had fallen. He sprinted back and whacked Norway in the head with it.


Then everything went dark.

A/N Fact: The average Italian will drink up to 14.5 gallons of wine a year, with Americans right behind them.