Hiya! I looooove Denmark and Norway as a couple so I thought I might make a series of one shots about them and there relationship. This is a little different though. Each one shot goes in order they just don't all flow together. For example if one of the one shots say Norway buys a stuffed animal, the next chapter he would still have that animal. So yeah enjoy!
It was just about lunchtime and Norway was just about to enjoy the sandwich he had prepared. All he needed was a fresh cup of coffee.
He wandered over to the coffee pot in hopes of finding some supplies, but to his misfortune there was none.
Sighing he walked over to the cabinet and flung the door open. Good finally something good about today, there was a bag of coffee grounds calling his name on the top shelf.
Norway reached up but he could barely reach the second shelf. Maybe he was wrong; this day was just as bad as all the others.
He reached up again this time feeling his shirt rise slightly over his hips. Still no luck but he was getting ever so closer to his beloved coffee.
One more try he thought standing on his tip toes and reaching up as far as he could. He felt his shirt rise again but this time it was it was just over his smooth stomach.
His fingers just about grazed the package pushing it back ever so slightly, now further out of his reach.
He cursed a quiet "shit" before his heels hit the floor again.
Suddenly he heard the front door open and Denmark's voice ring throughout the house "honey, I'm home!"
Norway sighed deeply; he hated the fact that Denmark considered him his 'honey' or even worse his 'wife'.
Denmark strode into the house leaving his battle axe just outside the kitchen entrance before entering.
"Hi" Norway mumbled sourly as he continued to glare up at the coffee grounds package. "What's cookin' good lookin'" Denmark said claiming a seat at the kitchen table and resting his feet on the table.
"Don't call me that. Get your feet off my clean table and nothing is cooking for you, make your own lunch." Norway muttered not sparing a glace in Denmark's direction.
"What's up with you" Denmark muttered as he took his feet off the table. "Nothing… just go away I got it" Norway said blandly.
Before Norway knew what was going on he felt long, strong arms snake around his waist and a small kiss was placed on his neck.
"Go away" muttered Norway. "Nah, I think you could use my help" Denmark insisted. "What do you mean" Norway asked clueless.
"Oh come on Nogre your obviously a damsel in distress" Denmark said against Norway's tender neck. "And I'm your super hero come to save you"
Before Norway had time to protest he was being lifted into the air effortlessly by Denmark.
"Denmark put me down!" Norway scolded him. "What you don't want your coffee?" Denmark said with a devious smirk.
Norway sighed and grabbed the coffee grounds off the shelf with ease. "there ya' go!" Denmark said happily as he lowered Norway to the counter.
"What no thank you?" Denmark said raising an eyebrow at his lover. "Thanks" muttered Norway. "That's better, now give me a kiss" Denmark said stretching out the last few words and talking like an infant.
"You're so immature, and no" Norway said trying to lower himself off the counter. Denmark caught his wrist and brought him back to face him.
Denmark leaned up against the counter and put a hand on either side of Norway. "No? You're not going anywhere until I get my kiss" Denmark said pouting.
"No" repeated Norway trying to lift one of Denmark's hands off the counter. "Fine then it looks like I'll have to kiss you" Denmark said bringing hid face just inches away from Norway's.
The shorter nation tried his best to avoid the kiss but found he was truly trapped. Then just before Denmark was about to press his lips to his lovers he murmured something so soft only Norway could hear it.
"Oh come on Norge, you know you love me"
Norway thought about denying the fact but he figured he might as well make Denmark happy once.
"Your right" he said finally "I do love you, will all my heart"
At this the couple kissed. Passionately, each smiling into it. Maybe this day isn't all that bad Norway thought.
Ok so did it suck or was it ok? I need to know if I should continue these ok so yeah please review!