Itachi stretched out on the bed, his body aching. He blinked then rubbed his unseeing eyes, sitting up.
'Where am I?'
The Uchiha threw back the covers and crawled out of the uncomfortable bed upon realizing Kisame wasn't at his side. He blinked fiercely, managing to get a blurred outlook of his surroundings. He made out bars—a cell; no wonder his body was sore. He recalled his partner's absence and snapped from his thoughts, worried for his comrade. There was the slamming of a door echoing in the dark, cavernous room. Then Itachi heard dragging footsteps accompanying strong, steady steps. A cell slid open besides him then slid closed after a thud—a large body hitting the floor.
Itachi willed his Sharingan to activate as he glared at a shadow passing his cell. He wondered why that person hadn't burst into flames. The door closing echoed through the room once more and it became impossible for the Uchiha to see. He sighed, making his way over to the wall separating his cell from the one that had been recently occupied.
"Kisame, are you there?" he called out steadily, voice with the usual emotionless mask.
"Kisame? Are you alright?" Mask breaking.
"I look hideous..." came the only reply.
"Stop saying shit like that." Itachi snapped.
It wasn't said often in front of the Uchiha. However the he often caught his partner scowling at any reflective surface. It aggravated the smaller to no end; especially when he heard anyone, not just the blue man himself, insult Kisame. Itachi sighed then placed a hand on the wall. He was surprised to find it was cold, smooth—a mirror. He scoffed, that would explain why Kisame would say such a thing, he must have a mirror in his cell.
"Kisame, did you hear me? You have to stop saying this." Itachi spoke in his usual monotone now.
"Easy for you to say." He heard the other reply bitterly, "You're blind and on top of that, you're..." He stopped himself from saying more.
"I'm not completely blind, fish-brain." Itachi rolled his eyes.
Rarely would one hear the young prodigy speak. It was only when alone or when with those he trusted. Kisame was one he had grown to trust almost immediately. Perhaps it had been his muscular appearance sending the teen a sense of protection. Maybe it had been his somewhat dry humor and good-natured personality that was opposite his own, cold, distant personality. Perhaps... Itachi mused, it was his odd appearance. After all, someone who sent an intimidating vibe was sure to have a reason. The man obviously didn't seem the type to receive many compliments or kind words.
Itachi suspected that they were the same somewhere inside. As the missions together increased, he came to believe he only loved a good fight. This was true, he was of the Bloody Mist—one of the Shinobi Seven Swordsmen. Kisame still had a gentle side, however. Itachi smiled to himself at a particular memory.
– Flashback –
Kisame turned, blood dripping from his beloved sword. At this time, I only believed him to be a bloodthirsty man. He sent me a lopsided grin, still proud of the kill. We had been attacked, caught off-guard, by a group of bandits with ninja abilities. I had been busy thinking of what made me so drawn to this man, basking in the glory of his fight. I shook my head, I was starting to feel tipsy.
"Did you see that, Itachi-san?" Kisame laughed, loping over to my side.
"See what, Kisame?" I took deep breaths upon realizing I had been wounded. Although when... I wasn't sure, nor where at that moment.
"That guy's head go roll—are you okay, Itachi-san?" He seemed to have noticed my toppling over... that's a good sign he's not completely brainless.
I blacked out, the wound no doubt struck by a weapon laced in a potent poison. I had thought it would be my end and that is when I came too. I assumed the other had left me or something else. After all, I never really liked to fight and that much was obvious to him. I would have been a burden. I was so occupied by my thoughts; I hadn't realized I wasn't lying on the ground, rather a comfortable bed. I heard a door being opened then closed and rose my head to see Kisame bringing a bag of goods.
"You're awake!" He sounded relieved as he set down the bags.
"Apparently." I replied dully.
"Heh. Yeah... Are you feeling okay? I managed to talk Pein into giving us some break time while you recover." Kisame pulled a pack of dangos from the bag.
"Where are we?" My mouth watered but I refused to let him know.
"At headquarters." He answered, bringing the treat to me, "Dango, Itachi-san?"
I said nothing, eying the delectable food. I admit, I was suspicious. Back then, I didn't become obsessed with those sticks. That was after this memorable day.
"Come on, Itachi, they're not poisoned." He laughed, holding it closer to my mouth.
I didn't budge and he shrugged. I was startled when he sat on the bed at my side. My curiosity increased as he went to pull off one of the dumplings. He set the rest down then, with his free hand, pried my mouth open. He proceeded to force feed me and once he had finished the first stick he explained.
"You had to eat something, Itachi." My breath caught at his smile.
Perhaps he was worried for me. Maybe he was a shark. At the smell of blood he's whipped into a frenzy. But... when the blood has gone... he can be quite peaceful and relaxed. Perhaps he was just a whale shark...
– End Flashback –
Itachi's stomach grumbled just then. That had made him have a sudden craving for the special treat. Kisame must have heard because he laughed halfheartedly.
"Well, Itachi, I wish I could find some food, but I'm a little tied up."
"They tied you up?" Itachi tried to imagine the situation.
He was grateful his partner was unable to see his face was red. He shook his head and thoughts.
"Yeah. You remember what happened?"
"Not really. How'd we end up in... wherever this is."
"Well, we were on a mission to raise money. Kakuzu's being a stingy asshole as usual. It was to collect a bounty. This bounty was prepared though. We walked straight into an ambush." Kisame gave a laugh, "I hadn't even realized you were gone until the bounty appeared right in front of me. I..." He trailed, Itachi thought he heard a dry sob, "I was scared... I suppose... when I saw your body limp in his arms."
"Hm." was the Uchiha's only vocal reply.
Silence stretched and Itachi's thoughts swam. Kisame had been scared. He rested his head on the mirror. It was hard to believe the strong shinobi could even register the meaning of fear. His thoughts were scattered when the door clanged open once more. Itachi rose his head, eyes portraying defiance. Footsteps stopped at his cell and the cage was opened. The footsteps approached him. Itachi tensed. This was not going to end well...