Author has written 15 stories for Rurouni Kenshin, Fruits Basket, Harry Potter, and Samurai Deeper Kyo.
Important Announcements:
May 31, 2008 -- The next chapter of "Mirror of Two Faces" is going to come out a little later than what I expected. Really, I actually thought I'd post in some time last week, but alas, my beloved PC (where all my original chapters, notes and plans are stored) has crashed. But that's not the worst news! No, my three beloved kittens, those cute little puffballs, thought it funny to jump on my laptop. They tore off half of my keypads. Suffice to say, when I finally found a way to write my stories on my laptop, they destroyed it. Now, I'm waiting for my dad to conveniently buy me a USB keyboard...
April 25, 2008 -- "Mirror of Two Faces" is going on a complete overhaul. The chapters will stay put until I edit them. I will just change their contents as soon as I've finished it. Some need only very little editing, like changing names. Others will be completely re-written. Thanks to all those who still review, even though it's been so long since I've posted anything! Prologue has been re-written and re-posted.
March 21, 2007 And I've been dead, for how many years? Gaaaah. Actually, I had lost my momentum and is lost in space on what to do. I have so many story plot in my head but I rarely write them down anymore. That is, I have stopped writing altogether. (Not entirely true, but has stopped posting.) So...that's my thing right now + tons of artworks and plates in college. Yeah.
I have abandoned my old journal but if you still want to see it, click here. My new journal is active, so if you want to read it, click here. I also put drabbles and short stories up in my journal because I don't think I like putting it up in , so you can check them out there.
NOTE: The stories listed on my "Favorites" tab are beautifully written fics that are currently on-going/in progress. If you want to read fics that are done/finished/complete, you can visit my C2 community.
List of categories harbored in C2 community and their pairings:
01. Rurouni Kenshin -- Kenshin/Kaoru/Battousai, Aoshi/Misao
02. Naruto -- Sasuke/Sakura, Itachi/Sakura, Gaara/Sakura, Neji/Tenten, Shikamaru/Ino
03. Full Metal Panic! -- Sousuke/Chidori
04. Peter Pan -- Peter/Wendy
05. Harry Potter -- Draco/Hermione
06. Inuyasha -- Inuyasha/Kagome, Sesshoumaru/Rin
07. SailorMoon -- Mamoru/Usagi
08. Teen Titans -- Robin/Starfire
09. Samurai Deeper Kyo -- Kyo/Yuya
10. Ghost Hunt -- Naru/Mai
11. Matantei Loki Ragnarok -- Loki/Mayura
12. Gundam Seed -- Athrun/Cagalli
13. Yu Yu Hakusho -- Yusuke/Keiko
14. Detective Conan/Case Closed -- Shinichi/Ran, Heiji/Kazuha, Kaito/Aoko
15. Fruits Basket -- Yuki/Tohru
16. Twilight -- Edward/Bella, Jasper/Alice, Jacob/Renesmee
Summary of Fics:
1. Night of the Vampires
2. If You're Not the One
3. Friend of Mine
4. Ironic Destiny
5. Contentment of Life
6. Scarlet Melody
7. One Beat, One Heart
8. Tohru no Tameni
9. Firewhiskey
10. Over A Cup of Coffee
11. Stargazing
12. Pain of the Heart
1. Mirror of Two Faces (In the process of overhaul/re-writing)
2. Gateway to Darkness (on-hiatus)
3. Poetry Collection (on-hiatus)
Favorite Pairings:
1.) Rurouni Kenshin: Kenshin/Kaoru/Battousai, Aoshi/Misao, Soujiro/Misao, Sano/Megumi, Akira/Tomoe, SLIGHT: Kenshin/Tomoe, Enishi/Misao, Saitoh/Tokio
2.) Card Captor Sakura: Syaoran/Sakura, Eriol/Tomoyo, Touya/Mirror Card, Touya/Kaho, SLIGHT: Syaoran/Tomoyo, Eriol/Meiling, Eriol/Kaho, Yue/Ruby Moon, Syaoran/Meiling
3.) Fruits Basket: Yuki/Tohru, Kyou/Kagura, SLIGHT: Kyou/Tohru
4.) Sailormoon: Mamoru/Usagi
5.) Harry Potter: Draco/Hermione, Harry/Luna, Harry/Ginny, Ron/Fleur, Ron/Lavender, Ron/Luna, Blaise(male)/Ginny, SLIGHT: Harry/Pansy
6.) Teen Titans: Robin/Starfire, BeastBoy/Raven, BeastBoy/Terra
7.) Yu-Gi-Oh: Kaiba/Anzu, Kaiba/Kisara, Yami/Anzu, Jonouchi/Mai
8.) Samurai Deeper Kyo: Kyo/Yuya, Kyoshiro/Sakuya
9.) Naruto: Sasuke/Sakura, Itachi/Sakura, Neji/Tenten, Gaara/Sakura, Neji/Hinata, Shikamaru/Temari, SLIGHT: Naruto/Hinata, Shikamaru/Ino
10. Full Metal Panic!: Sousuke/Chidori
11. Matantei Loki Ragnarok: Loki/Mayura
12. Inuyasha: Inuyasha/Kagome, Sesshoumaru/Rin
13. Ghost Hunt: Naru/Mai
14. Peter Pan: Peter/Wendy
15. Gundam Seed: Kira/Lacus, Athrun/Cagalli
16. Detective Conan/Case Closed/Magic Kaito: Shinichi/Ran, Heiji/Kazuha, Kaito/Aoko, Hakuba/Akako
17. Yu yu Hakusho: Yusuke/Keiko, Kurama/Shizuka
18. Twilight: Edward/Bella, Jasper/Alice, Jacob/Renesmee, Jacob/Leah