Reviews for Elfenmärchen
volatilemess chapter 1 . 11/27/2018
This is one of the best fanfics about Sasuke and Sakura I've read
And I especially appreciate your take on Naruto and Sakura. Well done, as in the manga and anime, people don't just get over their love for years just like that, sure they get buried underneath but not not totally disappear.
Well done :)
Cassandra Echizen chapter 4 . 10/2/2016
:( I'm speechless... its beautiful
Eone chapter 2 . 4/27/2016
After reading and rereading the four chapters, I still don't fully know how to give you a review that doesn't sound like a back-handed compliment. The "idea" of this story is minor in intrigue, but stunted by your lack of understanding in emotional depth when coupled with dialogue, as well as and especially the inverse of that, and your lack of a clear vision burdens this as well. The second chapter scene where Sakura was saying that Naruto "doesn't understand", was repetitive and hollow. It sounded and read as overdramatic and forced, and I think that's because you haven't really built up enough foundation into the story itself, and your vision of the story. That brings me to my second point, while it's fine and interesting to have the characters know more than the reader, when you put this much emotion and ooc into a beginning, you have to make it somewhat realistic and just plainly plausible. It all feels so overplayed and disconnected. It is for this reason (the "foundations" and "vision"), I believe that you have stopped writing this story. The idea is mildly interesting, but the disjoint dulls it extremely, to the point that I think there's almost no hope or future for this story. I think you've realized that you'd have to write a damn good, succinct plot line that explains the reasoning and motives behind the characters actions and words, and I think you realize that it's too much. You've overwritten and now don't see where to go. I get it, and sincerely hope that this review doesn't leave you affronted or in bad spirits, I swear this is me being completely honest. Thanks.
jeez naruto chapter 4 . 8/13/2014
don't be so mean to hinata-chan! she's a sweet girl who loves you. but wy are you being so mean! thats not nice, she's the mother of your child.!
Guest chapter 4 . 8/11/2014
please continue this.
imeabby chapter 4 . 6/3/2014
I've been repeating on reading this story. This is sooo beautiful. I like it. Hopefully, you'll continue this please cuz it's been ages, tehee.
Rikka-tan chapter 4 . 2/8/2014
Argghhh this- this whole angst is so frustrating but amazing nonetheless. This spiral of feelings were so very very touching... I don't even know what to say...
Allie chapter 3 . 6/2/2012
Sakura was really annoying in never clearly implied why it was that she was leaving, and she just kept whining and crying to naruto telling him that she expected him to understand...
jowilleatyuh chapter 4 . 4/30/2012
Totally was expecting it to be her once we got to her having blue eyes and towards the middle of this chapter- huge twist in the story... please continue?
LovexxxSakuraUchiha chapter 4 . 4/11/2012
AlyssWonderland chapter 4 . 3/4/2012
Can't wait for next chapters. Great twist :)
Guest chapter 1 . 12/15/2011
I like to correct my review. Btw, I am the person who reviewed before this. What I meant to say is that grown-ups like to overcomplicate things. So sorry, I am reading fanfics in my ipod, kinda hard to type. Argh!
Guest chapter 1 . 12/15/2011
While I was reading reviews for this story. ( Yah, I have no life) I came upon a terribly, rude review. I know that person is merely stating his/her opinion, so I guess it was okay for me to disagree, after all I am merely stating mine. Peace!

It is perfectably undesrtandable to me that a 7 years old girl can have conversation like that in your fic. Children can be surprisingly perceptive and sensitive, maybe because everything are simple in their world and grownups like us to overcomplicate things.

More powers to your writing. I hope you make fics like this someday. (angsty and emoish) Unfortunately, I cannot stand your dark fics, but it was my shortcomings not yours.
Guest chapter 4 . 12/15/2011
I dunno why I had a sudden urge to read this again. Sana naman maawa ka at update mo naman to.
Guest chapter 4 . 12/15/2011
I dunno why I had a sudden urge to read this. Sana naman maawa ka at update mo naman to.
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