Reviews for To be a Child
Shubhzie chapter 7 . 5/22/2018
I really like it... Waiting for the next chapter...
paradoxscx chapter 7 . 3/5/2018
waiting for the continuation for this
Tiffany19 chapter 7 . 1/21/2018
What a good story but I noticed that you said that you wouldn't go on hiatus on this story but you did sinds your last update was in 2009. So I was wondering if you were planning on finishing this story or not. Cause if you don't I think it would be better to erase or remove this story from the fanfiction site. Anyway good luck and I guess i will see what you decided.
Smiley-Nami chapter 7 . 8/1/2017
This is good. Continue when you can.
penguinsstar chapter 7 . 7/17/2016
I am internally squealing at how cute chibi Ran is!
Your story is amazing and I love it. The fluff is top notch and all the subtle messages just make it all so much better! For the most part, your writing is seamless and any errors are inconsequential.
I'm sure I am not the only reader that feels this way and also not the only follower that wants you to continue this fantastic story. The interactions you have created is just GOLD, its just too sweet :D
So it is with my sincerest wish that I hope you will be able to come back and finish this story!
Looking for that next update in my feed. (-_-)b *thumbs up*. 10/10
ps. I hope I'm that reviewer that will help you get that motivation back XD
ilovesunsetkisses chapter 7 . 3/22/2015
Hi. I'm wondering if you would still continue this fanfic.
This is the first time i read about Ran being shrunk by aptx and i can say it's not bad.
I hope you can finish this one. :)
Lilith Jae chapter 5 . 11/19/2014
Does Ran still know karate? It seems as if she doesn't here. Even with two years away from Japan, surely she still has it under her belt, figuratively of course.
Lilith Jae chapter 2 . 11/19/2014
I think it's worth telling you about honorifics, or at least what I know of them. '-san' is for strangers or people you aren't familiar with, usually adults. '-kun' is for those younger than you, usually male children, like Inspector Megure who calls Shinichi, Kudo-kun. '-chan' is for those close to you, usually girls or young children, for example Ayumi-chan, or Yukiko calling Shinichi, Shin-chan. '-sama' is for someone you look up to, like really look up to, or of higher status, like servants who call their master, and waiters typically who call their customers '-sama' or fans of a certain famous person or celebrity. Then we have '-niichan/niisan', which is used to address either an older but same generation male relative, such as older brother, or an older male, no older than youth, like how 'Conan' calls Shinichi as Shinichi-niichan. '-neechan' has a similar use as '-niichan', the only difference being the gender it is used for, whereby '-neechan' is for females under the same category.

What I'm trying to convey is that your use of the honorific in the earlier chapter is probably right, but Megure does NOT call Shinichi with the '-sama' honorific.
Krisaku chapter 7 . 7/24/2014
So Shinichi didn't capture the Black org. hmmm and Ran turn into a chibi! ohh so cute .Your story is interesting please continue! :D
zahraa chapter 7 . 4/5/2014
im a litle disapoited because he had not say that he love her but well im waiting for the next chapter
sherlocked.kudo07 chapter 7 . 1/5/2014
this story is really good... i would love to see a next chapter... you have gotta continue this story please.. :) :D
igeisha chapter 7 . 1/17/2013
If you don't continue this story, I'm going to kill you. This is so damn good! I'm even reading this during the time im supposed to do my hw to read this ya know!
midnightsolitaire chapter 7 . 11/1/2012
"It's alright Ran. I know…"

This is my favorite part :) I don't know, it's simple but, just that, it captured me.. So simple yet very sweet, that's Shinichi for you :) Please update! Really looking forward to know what will happen next! Make it a happy ending please :)
RanMouri82 chapter 7 . 8/5/2012
Got to say, I'm really liking this story. There are a number of fics where other characters get shrunk, but I like how this one works with a slightly older cast. It lends the story a different, bittersweet vibe without entirely leaving the realm of the familiar. Hope you decide to take it up again someday!
Anime Lady PIMP chapter 7 . 11/6/2011
please please please updateee.
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