Reviews for Rag Doll Sakura
twinkies20 chapter 13 . 1/11/2019
You are undoubtedly one of my very few favorite fanfic authors! Honestly, when I was reading this I don't have an idea who wrote it but after I finished reading, you immediately came into my mind and TADA!I checked it and true enough I was correct. No other author writes as unique, dark, and insanely good as you! That's how distinct your writing is!

This is (again) another different and brilliant story w/ a plot that is definitely one of a kind. I've been reading fanfics for more than a decade now and no story has a similar or even a close plot as this one. IT'S REALLY GOOD AND DEFINITELY WOULD BE PUT ON MY RECOMMENDED AND FAVORITE LIST.

It's been almost a decade now since you last updated but I will still pray and hope that one day your love for writing will come back and you will have the time to finish all of your abandoned masterpieces. With that I will surely put this on my followed story so I'll be immediately notified if a miracle happens and you updated.
Guest chapter 13 . 11/10/2018
Wow. Your writing is incredible! I've been on a spree reading all your stories recently and your stories are insanely creative. You have a really unique writing style - it's so distinct and refreshing. Among other things, you are so gifted with mixing humor with darkness. I binged Rag Doll Sakura in a few hours and it was an amazing journey. Even though it's an AU everybody is so in character. The tension and plot twists are so fun to read and I know this is a story I'll be coming back to for years to come.

I'm really bummed that the story is incomplete but please know that if you ever get inspired to write, you have at least one very eager reader who will continually check for updates just in case! Thank you so much for writing and for sharing your stories!
Paprica Salt chapter 13 . 6/19/2018
this story has a wonderful refreshing twist which stays true to the charactors and the relashenship between them.

thank you for sharing this with us.

it is a shame that you didn't continue the story. i would have loved to see skura grow into life and sasuke learn how to handle sakure
KuroNekoInu chapter 1 . 8/2/2017
Six years, a once teenager has grown to an adult. But i never forget how good angel puppeteer's stories are. I will wait patiently for the rag doll and mad hatter... endlessly. :)
vampireprincess141 chapter 13 . 10/2/2016
This stiry has great pottentialand a really intrsiting plot,pleas continue it!
PrincessAkiraaa chapter 13 . 7/14/2016
Oh man, how can you live that clifhanger there for 7 years *criessss*

Still hoping you'll update one day :)
Guest chapter 13 . 12/10/2015
Omg what happens next what happens next plzz update i am soo in love with this story
Kitty b chapter 13 . 6/26/2015
Best fanfic ever you should really make a sequel
jean chapter 13 . 4/15/2015
Jst found it!i really liked the story development n i'm looking forward for nxt u'll update it soon!
Trisha chapter 13 . 4/12/2015
This was so good! Too bad you haven't updated in a few years . . .
redrowens chapter 1 . 2/7/2015
OMG! This story is amazing and how cruel of you to abandon this amazing fic :'(
Please update ne?
Guest chapter 13 . 9/9/2014
MaiaXXVI chapter 13 . 7/7/2014
I know you won't update no more seeing the date you last published but I followed it and favorites anyway just in case you made an update
TEAM-SHAKIRA chapter 13 . 10/31/2013
HEY GURL! I AbSOLUTELY love your story and I can't wait for the next chapter! Love the idea and GR8 JOB!
Christie chapter 13 . 9/8/2013
Haii! I luv ur fic! I wonder what'll happen between Sasuke and Itachi...? PLEASE update soon! )
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