Cyborg Tears

Samurai Deeper Kyo/Twin Signal

By: Lazeralk

Standard disclaimers apply

Part 1

Author's note: I wrote this mostly because I really like Yuya and I'm sick of her looking like a total pansy next to all the kick ass fighters like Kyo and Yukimura. So I gave Yuya a stat boost and a dark secret, I get a kick ass Yuya and you get romantic angst, nice eh? I found out her brother's name so I'm changing it.


There was so much dust on the road, so much. It shouldn't have bothered her but it did. She was so lost in a world dramatically different from her own. Was she dead? Could robots die?

She smirked bitterly, wrapping her arms around her small frame. Her spandex leotard had holes in it, and the leather of her thigh holsters was beginning to chafe. How long had she been out here? It seemed like months. She was so hungry, she may have been created but even the latest bio-mech designs like her needed to eat.

She brushed a stand of her long blonde hair out her eyes, it was getting annoying. The road she was on never seemed to end, how far had she walked? Forty-nine point two seven miles, according to her CPU.

"Child?" said the voice of an old woman, a large box strapped to her frail back.

"Child, could you help me?" said the woman.

She blinked, unsure of how to respond. She scowled at herself; it wasn't as if she had anyplace to go. She didn't even know where she was. This certainly wasn't the Otoi Robot Lab.

"Sure, obaba, what do you need?"

"Can you carry this for me, just back to my house? These old bones are starting to protest my trips to the market."

"Of course obaba, it's no problem." She said. She took the large box and found that the weight was almost nothing to her superhuman body. She hoisted it onto her back and smiled at the woman.

"It's this way, dear."

She followed the old woman down the road, their progress very slow.

"Tell me child, why are walking around in that strange thing?" asked the woman, eyeing the tattered leotard.

"It's all I have." The girl replied.

"Well, we'll fix that. I don't have any daughters, just a son, Nozomu. I always wanted a girl to pass on my art to. I make kimonos you see. It would have been good to have a daughter after Nozomu was born, but my husband died. I always wanted a girl. Do you have any family child?"

"Yes, and no. I have two brothers, Pulse and Signal. And Professor Otoi is like my father, but I've lost them or perhaps they've lost me. I don't know. I can't find them." She answered quietly.

"Tell me your name girl."

"It's A-U Ultra, but little Nobuhiko said that was a bad name for a girl. He called me Yuya."

Yuya awoke abruptly, a slender hand pressed to her forehead. That dream, she hadn't had that dream in years. It was so long ago, yet she hadn't aged a day. She'd gone to live with the old woman and her son, watching as he grew. The old woman passed away and she and Nozomu became brother and sister.

They lived together for years, so happy, so peaceful. She almost didn't miss the life she'd left behind. And then he was gone, murdered on a whim.

Revenge became her purpose; she traded her own neo-tech guns for an ancient three-chambered revolver to remain inconspicuous. Then she'd begun her hunt, and now she was here.

Sitting on a futon somewhere in ancient Japan, traveling with a moody, angry, devilish, handsome, annoying, sexy killer. Signal would so be laughing at her. Come to think of it, so would Ontario.

She stood up, smoothing her kimono. Kyo was leaning against a tree; Benitora was completely out of it, sprawled on his back and snoring loudly on the floor beside her. They'd found a small abandoned shrine with a dusty futon stuck in one of the corners. Benitora had insisted that she sleep on it. Kyo hadn't said anything.

She watched him sleep, he was so handsome. But he was so cold and cruel too. Still, he protected her when she needed it, and for that she loved him. He'd never love her, not in a million years, not if he ever found out what she was. What man could love a machine?

She scoffed, running a hand through her bangs as she shifted to sit in a more comfortable position. It wasn't as if he was the cuddly type anyway, she didn't think he'd ever see her as more than a minor amusement at best. She sighed and stood up, stretching her legs and the MIRA neuro-fiber mech cables inside.

She was only half human, her head and torso had been saved from a vicious car crash that had severed her legs and damaged both her arms so badly that they had to be amputated. Professor Otoi had asked her if she would be his test subject, and said that if the test was successful she would have a full body again.

She agreed and was moved to his home and lab in the wilds of Japan. The crash had damaged most of her ribs and the doctor had replaced them with MIRA plating. She had artificial limbs with a layer of artificial skin and sensors. Professor Otoi had made her his perfect combat model, integrating the sensory organs of a shark into her biotech system.

A perfect killer. She almost laughed at the thought. Here she was playing the innocent human, traveling in the company of a true monster and she was supposed to be the perfect killer. She didn't like killing, it just wasn't right. Only in self-defense would she kill, or in the defense of others.

"What's wrong Yuya-han?" asked Benitora softly; she hadn't noticed that he'd woken up. Her body had, the chip implanted in her brain had, but she had turned off her combat program, so it didn't alert her to such things.

"Nothings wrong, I just." She cut herself off; she didn't want to have to explain.

"Just what?" he pressed, moving up beside her and resting his hands on her shoulders. He didn't notice where the flesh and bone stopped and metal began.

"I miss my family." She whispered, leaning her head to rest on his shoulder, as she'd done so many times with Pulse when she read to him, or had him read to her in a vain attempt to improve his eyesight.

Benitora, pleased beyond all doubt, slipped an arm around her waist. He leaned around her, moving his lips towards hers.

"Let's get moving." Barked Kyo, shattering the moment. Benitora jumped away from her, and Yuya growled under her breath at him.

"Benitora, you pervert."

"Hey, you can't blame a guy can ya?" asked Benitora sheepishly, one arm behind his head.

"Sure I can. Woman's prerogative." She answered hotly; folding the futon neatly and putting it back in the corner.

"Enough." Said Kyo, turning and walking down the path.

Yuya sighed at his abruptness and moved to follow him, Benitora falling into step behind her. She switched on her combat program, just the first level of sensory input. She had to use it every day just incase she had to activate it for a real fight. She couldn't afford to hesitate if she wasn't ready for the impact of the heightened senses.

The world just came alive suddenly as if she'd been walking around with a thick blanket over her head all her life and now it had been removed. Her eyes caught every movement; her ears heard every sound from the rustling of the grass to the birds in the trees. Her lateral line, a sensory organ taken from a shark, picked up the vibrations in the air caused by large things moving. She could literally feel the two men walking beside her.

She could smell Kyo's musky scent from where she walked, and Benitora's own strange smell. From what she knew of him, the red tiger was an adventure- seeking ruffian and sometimes mercenary, it didn't make sense that he smelled like fine tea and rice paper.

She glanced at him, watching him coyly from under her lashes, he grinned widely when he noticed her look and she felt his heart speed up. The aoL, ampullae of Lorenzini, was composed of tiny gel filled capsules under her skin that detected electrical discharges, such as the beating of an organisms heart or the power generator of any mech. All sharks had them. She smiled ruefully at the thought; she supposed she was something of a shark.

Kyo led them aimlessly for all she could tell, but she followed. Why, she didn't know. Just how had she become so entangled in this crazy adventure to find Kyo's body? Why did she care what body he had? Wasn't her purpose to find the man who'd killed her brother? It was, she'd find the man with the crossed-shape scar on his back and she'd put a bullet in his brain. Why was she even traveling with these people?

Kyo, for protection, even though she didn't really need it. Benitora had just shown up one day and decided to tag along. Even so, he had his skills and somehow possessed a vast political knowledge. That was useful, and sometimes Yukimura-san and Sasuke joined them and they were useful. She wasn't. She didn't do anything except maybe pay for their lodgings and sake every now and then.

She was just there and occasionally her hot headedness got the better of her and people tried to kill her, then Kyo had to come save her and insult her again.

-Face it Yuya, you're completely useless to them. You just weigh them down. You should give up and go home. –

Home. Right, some little hovel in the countryside somewhere with lots of mud. Mud was bad for her circuits so thank you, no. She didn't think she'd ever find the Otoi's again, what if she ended up malfunctioning like Erala had after no maintenance for a few years? Would she go crazy and not be able to do anything properly without having to be completely re-programmed? Could her brain function without a computer anymore? She didn't know, she never seemed to know anything these days. Besides, Kyo said the man with the cross on his back was actually Kyoshiro. The second time she'd seen him, she knew that fighting him and winning without revealing her true nature would be impossible.

She frowned and smoothed the skirt of her kimono. She was wearing her white leotard underneath, even though it was patched and dirty. It was the last piece of her old identity she had left besides her guns. She had twin Neoblazers, state of the art pistols that had automatic firing capability and a laser option. She hadn't fired a single shot since she'd arrived here in this strange pre-tech world full of clashing swords and psychic powers. Her clips were all full. The guns were tucked away in compartments in the hollowed out portions of her thighs, the clips were further down, the leather holsters were dismantled and shoved in with the guns.

She hated all this walking. Where were they going anyway? It all looked like the same damn trees to her. The sun had just reached its peak, had she been that lost in thought that she didn't notice? She checked her internal clock, the time had passed, but she'd somehow detached from her combat program. It was one of the imperfections of being a cyborg. A true android would have never had that problem.

"Is it time to eat yet Kyo-han?" whined Benitora, his stomach growling loudly.

"I'm hungry too." She said, touching her abdomen.

Kyo sighed but stopped walking and leaned against a tree. Benitora smiled happily and plopped down on the ground, pulling a small bag from inside his shirt. He gave one of the thin crackers inside to Yuya before munching on one himself. He offered the bag to Kyo, but the legendary slayer of one thousand men just snarled at him. Yuya ate quietly, staring at her hands.

"Let's go." Grumbled Kyo as he pushed himself off the tree and started walking again. He didn't even bother to look back and see if they were following or not. Yuya sighed and started off after him, her eyes downcast.

"Stop right there." Hissed a voice from the trees. A hideous kenyo dropped out of the branches in front of them and flashed fangs.

"I control these woods and if you want to pass you have to pay the price." The beast snarled.

"Get out of my way you pathetic excuse of a failed science project." Growled Kyo, not even bothering to take stance or draw his sword.

Yuya pulled her revolver out, but the caliber was so terrible on the damn thing that she didn't think it would do any good. Still, she was an excellent shot and something was better than nothing.

"You dare defy me worm!" roared the monster as he shot barbs from his mouth. Kyo calmly avoided each, drawing his sword and glaring at the fool that dared to oppose him.

"Well, he's a gonner." Commented Benitora from the sidelines.

"Yeah." Said Yuya, fishing in her obi for more of the archaic pellet bullets, trusting Kyo to keep her from harm.

"Will you shut up and die already?" asked Kyo as he carelessly batted a barb away with his sword.

"Die fool!" the kenyo growled launching yet another volley, this time from both hands as well as his mouth. Kyo dodged this way and that, knocking the projectiles aside as he focused on getting within striking range. This creep wasn't worthy of hearing the voice of the wind.

Yuya looked up just in time to watch Kyo's strike fall, cleaving his enemy in half with one graceful stroke. She didn't notice the single barb flying towards her at ground level until it was too late.

"Ow!" she cried as the needle sunk into her flesh and she fell heavily to the ground.

"Yuya-han! Are you ok? What happened?" asked Benitora frantically as he hovered at her side.

"My ankle..." she said, pulling the spine out. The tip dripped with red coolant fluid, which the others perceived as blood, and something clear and sticky.

"Poison." Whispered Benitora fearfully.

Yuya frowned, poison at this level wasn't a problem, there was nothing but neuro-cables and metal framework inside her legs. What bothered her was that Kyo hadn't protected her. Logically she knew it wasn't his fault, he couldn't possibly see every threat and even if he could she didn't mean anything to him so why would he bother? Still, he'd always protected her before.

Maybe he wanted her to die; maybe that's why he didn't protect her this time. Maybe this was his was of telling her to take a hike. Maybe...

"You guys keep going. I'll...catch up with you later." She lied, getting to her feet and heading back the way they'd come.

"Yuya-han? Where are you going? You shouldn't walk on that foot! Yuya-han!"

Yuya ignored Benitora and kept walking, consumed by her sadness. Where for art thou Kyo? Where for art I Yuya? If only they weren't the people they were. Would he care then?

"Where do you think you're going woman?"

Yuya stopped dead in her tracks. Kyo could do that to her. He filled her with joy just to hear his voice, but she feared what he might say. She feared him.

"Back to the town. Maybe...there's an herbalist there who can...cure me." She lied again. She wasn't going to the town. She wasn't coming back either. She wondered briefly if she cried, would it be water that flowed from her eyes, or would it be oil?

"Go then. We don't have time for your petty problems anyway." Snarled Kyo as he stalked away in to the forest. Benitora looked between the two of them, torn.

"Go with him Benitora. Keep him safe." She whispered, not daring to show her face for fear of her tears, her cyborg tears that might betray her.


"Go Benitora. Please." Yuya started walking again, not looking back.


End Part 1