Disclaimer: I wish.

A/N: Um… Hello. I'm sure you don't remember me, or what this story is about because FanFiction has been a meanie-crummy-poop head and not let me load. Now, the problem is solved… as you can see… by the update. I have been busy with AP life and 8 COLLEGE ACCEPTANCES! Go me! I'm exited for college next year and will hopefully not die trying to express myself creatively and be mathematic and such.

A/N: Concerning last chapter, I do apologize, but it needed to be done. Although the reader who galvanized the chapter is no longer reading this, I want to thank them. They have humbly accepted my request to stop reading and I hope that they are doing well and they have forgiven me for my outburst. You all probably don't know this but they are a professional editor who actually works in the industry. Yes, although not directly, they have instilled in me the confidence that I will never be a professional writer. And you know what? That is a-okay with me. I plan on saving the world through engineering, not writing (although that would be awesome).

To all the reviewers who expressed an outburst to the Anonymous reviewer of this story:

1. He/She a pro, so they know what they are doing. Don't bash 'em.

2. Yes, they did make me want to stop writing. But you know what? I have people who LIKE this story. I am writing it for you guys. Not them.

3. Yes, I will continue writing ALL my stories and no, even though I was critiqued by a professional, I WILL NOT STOP! MWAHAHAHA.

4. Yes. I am 18. Is it really so shocking?

A/N: Did I mention I wrote a one shot? Yes I did. Go read it.

Warnings: Dreamlike introduction. LEMON! YEAH! Let's be vulgar shall we? (We all love Edward).


The Finest Wine

Chapter 13: Found


'This is a strange place.'

Bella walked within the warehouse with unease. This place was familiar as it was foreign to her. Gliding through the infinite amount of rooms, she somehow knew exactly where she was going and where she was meant to be. Her feet lead her to an unmarked door that held all the secrecy and wonder of the world she had barely even come to know.

Or perhaps never knew at all.

Opening the door quietly, Bella walked inside, closing the door behind her and effectively locking her in, knowing that it would. Turning back to gaze at the room, she saw hundreds of standing people. A few she recognized, many whom she didn't. They were all beautiful and of pale completions, their faces blank and their eyes of a shallow depth. None of them moved. None of them talked. None of them breathed. There was a silence here, one that Bella had never heard before.

Gliding towards one of the standing figures, Bella stood face to face with a stout girl with a thick neck and glazed pupils.

She was beautiful.

Bella wondered why she was here, knowing that somewhere she had seen her. Turning away from the lifeless eyes Bella looked across both sides of the room, finding suddenly that the walls of this room could no longer be seen, the standing people stretching on infinitely with no end in sight. Bella had no evidence of how she came to her conclusion about all of the people, but her revelation shocked her.

'They are dead.'

All at once, the bodies fell. Bella covered her ears to muffle the thudding of lifeless corpses upon the ground but to her surprise, none came. Releasing her ears, Bella pivoted in her position, looking across the never ending landscape of bodies, all of whom were growing bite marks upon various parts of their bodies.

Bella herself felt a growing burning sensation upon her hand and genitalia, collapsing to the ground when the agony had become too much for her mortal body to bear. She closed her eyes and shook her head frantically crying to invisible beings for it to stop, and that she was sorry.

Suddenly the burning stopped, forcing Bella to look up and around towards the bodies. They were slowly disappearing, one by one, vanishing into the air, until all that was left was a pale boy standing in front of her. Shocked into silence, Bella could only climb to her feet, facing the boy whom she had known all along.

Or perhaps never knew at all.

He held in his hands white linens with the stain of red. Ever so carefully, he extended his arms and beckoned Bella towards him, the dead stare vanishing from his golden orbs.


His voice shattered the silence and broke Bella from her paralyzed state. More than anything she wanted to be in his arms, held in his protection and stolen against the embrace of evil.

"Now say no."


Edward's lips crashed against Bella's.

Bella understood now. This was what being denied was. Wanting something so fully, and so much with all your heart, that when you cannot posses it-

It drives you to madness.

Edward's hands maneuvered their way to Bella's lower back, clutching helplessly like she was his raft in an ocean he was drowning in. Desire was there, yes, but Bella sensed in the growing pit of her stomach the fear of pain and of inevitability. Bella's realization sobered her from her haze of desire.


Edward's hands stopped almost immediately.

Bella would not stand any more for being treated like a punching bag. She might smell like meat, but he could settle for a non-tenderized piece. Bella was sure of it. Softly, she ran her hands up his sculpted arms to his face, feeling his defined cheek bones beneath her finger tips.

"Please Edward. Give me this if nothing else."

His head fell to her shoulder, his powerful arms gripping her a little too tight. His voice was strangled and his words, nearly silent.

"I don't want to hurt you anymore."

"Then give me my first."

"You know I can't say no."

"Then don't."

Their lips found each other's once more, gently this time, but still instilled in the passion of their previous encounters. Edward's leaned and melded Bella's body to the wall, asking her silently for this private entrance, one that only he would ever know of her.

Edward carried her to the bed, placing her gently upon the mattress that only held the horrid memory of their past encounter here. He would take that memory away. Erase it and throw it too far into non existence that it would cease to be anything that they had ever shared.

Edward was beyond determined to do so.

Ridding themselves of all of their clothing, Edward lowered his head down to hers and kissed her softly. It strained his instinct to do so but he vowed that he would give Bella this, no matter what. Only until she sighed contentedly did Edward trail his lips to her ear breathing heavily and kissing wetly, making sure she knew that without a doubt-

He wanted her.

Not the blood.

Not the carnal domination of any surrendered object.

But her.

"I love you Bella."

"I love you too Edward."

Kissing down her color bone, Edward paused at the junction of her breasts and breathed in her scent, nuzzling the shallow valley her beautiful body had created. Licking a cold trail from her sternum to one rosy peak, he caught hold of the erect nipple, kissing and sucking gently with all of the will inside of him. Ever more clearly, her heart beat thudded in her chest, sounding louder and louder until it became a constant ringing in his perfect ears.

When Edward had first come to with the concept of being a vampire, he had become depressed in that because he was now immortal, he now had nothing to live for.

Search as he may for a century, he couldn't find the one thing worth protecting that wasn't already bound to the damnation of immortality.

If in this moment, Edward could cry tears of joy, he would have sobbed.

"I have found her."

Sliding his hand up her body and over her breast, he felt the heartbeat that had thudded Edward's life meaning into realization. It was a beautiful sound and feel to him.

Maneuvering his hand down her body, Edward twisted his hand and cupped her sex gently, pausing when her body stretched tight and seized suddenly. Resting his cold hand there, he felt the pulse of the blood beneath the surface, feeling the red liquid pound its way to the junction of her thighs, fueling the fire within both of them.

Relaxing slightly, Bella body began to move against its will, rocking gently against the cold hand she had come to know from pain and pleasure. Her mind doubled back into a haze of immense joy when she felt a slender digit separate her body from the inside. She felt his finger move slowly and gently, in and out forcing contractions and spasms to galvanize within her. Grabbing the headboard to stabilize herself, Bella thrust her hips up and towards Edward, a not so subtle invitation.

The next thrust of his hand was thicker, forcing a wild smile upon Bella's face when she felt the addition of fingers inside her body. Bucking wildly, her muscles convulsed and with a scream of joy Bella grabbed his wrist with both her hands and pulled him deeper, only stopped by the knuckles up against her lower lips. Laughing as the pleasure washed over her, Bella moaned and giggled joyously as her climax dulled and vanished.


Looking down her body, she saw his hand leading to her center with three of his fingers disappearing within her, and her hands wrapped very securely around the attached wrist. Instead of feeling embarrassed Bella felt in her lower belly, another spark of desire.

"I want you…"

Edward chuckled, which only sent electricity up her spine.

"You have me."

Bella blushed deep red and squeezed her inner muscles around his cold hard fingers.

"I want you inside of me."

Bella whimpered from the loss of something inside of her. She had never realized the emptiness she had lived with for all her life until they had joined. To be empty was incomplete. And to be full of him-

Was to be found.

Edward pushed past the outermost of her body and gently leaned forward. Taking their lovemaking slow was torture, a slowly dying death of pleasure in which he would never be granted the promise of death. Bella's breath hitched underneath him and she looked up at him lovingly, nodding.

Thrusting forward, Edward knew that this was what he was meant to live for. To be loved by this woman in this place without any threat of retribution. They belonged together. He was sure of it.

Their collective orgasm grew slowly, just as Edward had wanted. They virginal taking of his bride, Bella, the lovemaking that she had never had. They cried together in the end, shouting to the heavens that they were together, letting the world of a far off distance in the eyes of a petite woman with short hair know that they were found.


"There is always hope."-Arwen

Lord of The Rings The Two Towers


A/N: Did I loose you in the intro? I hope I did! I'll explain it in the next and FINAL chapter what it means but I want you guys to guess first. Ready? Go!

A/N: I did the one shot! Its called Bad Dreams! I want you all to go read and review it! Pwease and Danka!

Love you all!
