![]() Age: 18 "Fantasy is a hell of a lot more interesting than reality" -me Hi! I'm a brand new freshman in college in a small town in Nowhere, WI. I absolutely LOVE reading, preferably fantasy. I discovered the wonderful world of fanfiction in July of '08, and have since become a little obsessed. I'll read almost anything, as evidence by my long favorites list. My favorite thing to read though, is crossovers. Especially crossovers between a show with supernatural elements and a cop/CSI type show. Despite my love of reading fanfiction, I just can't seem to write anything that flows like I want it to. Sure, I can come up with pretty decent story ideas until I'm blue in the face (see below), but I can't get the characters to stay true to form (OOC makes me cringe). While my friends share my love of reading, fanfiction is definitely not their forte, so I'm pretty much on my own. If someone wants to write (or help me co-write) one of my stories, I would be eternally grateful for the help and experience offered. For the meantime though, I will stick to just reading fanfiction. If I like what I read, I leave a review, simple as that. Sometimes I'll offer advice if I think it is warranted, but I try not to stick my nose where it doesn't belong. I can promise though, that I will never leave a flame! I know when I finally get my act together and come up with something decent, I don't want to receive them, so I will do my part and not send them to other authors! SMILES! =D Okay, I have a question... I am the only one who hears a song on the radio and automatically thinks "which fandom does this song most apply to?" Anyway, My Story Ideas! 1. Supernatural / The Mortal Instruments crossover - Castiel brings another angel over to his side on his quest to find God and Dean and Sam get a whole lot of help defeating Lucifer in the form of Raziel's Army. Set Supernatural Season 5 post Episode 8 and two weeks post "City of Glass" for Mortal Instruments. Pairings: Clary/Jace, Alec/Magnus, Simon/Maia, Simon/Isabelle, Luke/Jocelyn 2. Maximum Ride / In Plain Sight crossover - Tentative Title: "Clear Blue Sky" The heads of Itex are on trial, and guess who gets to go into witness protection? Mary has never had a witness quite like Max. Fang/Max (of course), Iggy/Ella, Mary/Raphael, Brandi/Peter, Set post StWaOES, disregards FW, MAX, & FANG (but the Flock will still get their new powers!), and somewhere in season 2 for In Plain Sight, after Jinx goes into rehab. 3. Twilight / NCIS crossover - "Hello, Leroy Jethro Gibbs? This is Caroline Brooks calling from the Forks' County Child Services. I am sorry to inform you that your half-brother Charlie Swan has died and left you with custody of his daughter, Isabella Swan and his ward, Jacob Black. If you would please give me a call back at..." AU New Moon, before Jenny died NCIS. Pairings: Edward/Bella, Jasper/Alice, Emmet/Rosalie, Carlisle/Esme, maybe some Jacob/OC, hints of Gibbs/Jenny. 4. Eragon / Stargate: SG1 crossover - SG1 is very good at one thing: overthrowing near-immortal psychopathic rulers with god-complexes, and the Varden can use all the help they can get. Of course, if the Varden get SG1, than Galbatorix gets a new ally in the form of Ba'al. Set post Brisingr and whenever Ba'al was the main bad guy for Stargate. Pairings: Eragon/Arya, maybe little bits of Murtagh/Nasuada and Daniel/Angela. 5. Mortal Instruments / Dresden Files crossover - Tentative Title: "Upper-Upper Management" Harry finally admits that he might need a little help with the Deniarians, and the Council sends a petition to the Clave. The Clave, still recovering from the battle with Valentine's Army sends help in the form of its war heroes. And Dresden thought Molly was a handful. Set after Small Favor and post City of Glass. Pairings: Clary/Jace, Simon/Isabelle, Luke/Jocelyn, Alec/Magnus, hints of Harry/Murphy and Thomas/Justine. 6. NCIS / Fullmetal Alchemist crossover - When a bright blue light appears in Gibbs' basement as he works on his boat and deposits a short, bloody, blond-haired boy with a metal arm and leg, life gets a whole lot more interesting for the NCIS team, especially when this boy has enemies the likes of which the team has never faced before. Set 1st Anime 'verse pre Conqueror of Shamballa and before Jenny dies NCIS. Pairings: Ed/Winry, Roy/Risa, and hints of Gibbs/Jenny 7. Special Unit II / CSI: Miami crossover - Johnathon's old life catches up with his new one when three familiar faces from his past show up at a Miami crime scene. No pairings, set anytime. This one would probably work best as an amusing one-shot. 8. Mortal Instruments / Charmed crossover - Chris has done a lot of stupid things in his life: thinking saving Piper's life might be more important to Leo than his Elder duties, telling the sisters Wyatt turns evil, but kidnapping Magnus Bane? Yeah, that has to rank up there as number one. Canon Pairings. Set Charmed season six and post City of Glass for Mortal Instruments. So yeah, I have a lot more ideas, but these are the only ones in my notebook with decent summaries. PM me if interested. I have lots of notes on each of these! Lol. So? Anyone interested? Please? My Pairings! Maximum Ride Max/Fang Iggy/Ella Nudge/OC Twilight Bella/Edward Jacob/Nessie Alice/Jasper Rosalie/Emmet Mortal Instruments Series Clary/Jace Simon/Maia Simon/Isabelle Isabelle/OC Luke/Jocelyn Alec/Magnus Harry Potter Harry/Ginny Harry/OC Ginny/Draco Draco/OC Draco/Luna Ron/Hermione Sirius/OC Neville/OC Neville/Hannah Remus/OC Remus/Tonks Tonks/Charlie Rose/Scorpius Charmed Piper/Leo Phoebe/Coop Phoebe/Cole Paige/Henry Chris/OC Chris/Bianca Wyatt/OC Kingdom Hearts Sora/Kairi Riku/OC Roxas/Namine Axel/Yuffie Axel/OC Percy Jackson and the Olympains Percy/Annabeth House House/Cuddy Chase/Cameron Leverage Nate/Sofie Hardison/Parker Eliot/OC NCIS Gibbs/Jenny Tony/Ziva McGee/Abby Supernatural Sam/Jess Sam/OC Dean/Jo Dean/OC Stargate: SG1 Jack/Sam Daniel/OC FullMetal Alchemist Ed/Winry Al/OC Roy/Risa Psych Shawn/Juliet Merlin Arthur/Gwen Merlin/Freya Avatar: The Last Airbender Aang/Katara Sokka/Suki Zuko/Mai Toph/Haru So there is me, at least my reading preferences. I like stories with plot, but quick, cute (or funny) oneshots are nice on occasion too. I do not like crack fics for the most part, but occasionally come across one or two that are good. Anyways, yeah. Once again, SMILES! ~Suz |