Disclaimer: Dear Santa, for Christmas, I would like to own all this, but if that's too much to ask, could I just have the DVDs instead?
A/N: ECverse, a Christmas story taking place in 1994. Each chapter is a snapshot of a character on Christmas Eve. No, BWT, SAS & TQW haven't caught up to this yet. Yes, I'm terrible. Let's talk New Years' Resolutions, shall we?
Summary: . . . and presents, on the tree.
The fire was warm. Golden light flowed from the hearth, glowing in the dark common room of what had come to be known as Pevensie Tower. Curled on the couch under a thick afghan, Lucy yawned.
There was a small potted evergreen, lovingly decorated by Susan, beside her. Susan, back with her family for Christmas for the first time in years. It was a gift great enough that her heart's longing to be home at the Mansion was faint rather than sharp. The packages tucked beneath the tiny tree glimmered in the faint light thrown off by glowing embers.
Settled in the corner, their entirely Muggle clock ticked closer to Christmas, accompanied by the soft crackling of their Yule-log.
She was waiting.
It wasn't so very late, though the early darkness of winter made it seem so. Tonight her eyes were weighted with exhaustion from chaperoning Hogwarts' Yule Ball. The memories, only a few hours old, made her smile.
Peter, clad in burgundy and brown, golden hair shining in the candlelight as he twirled Susan about the floor, her forest-green gown sweeping across shining marble. Edmund dancing with her, his shirt a silvered blue that reminded Lucy of their coronation. Her own dress, white trimmed with gold for the winter around them, turning both her and Edmund into snowflakes whirling through the masses of brightly-colored children. And then, linking hands with her siblings and joining the chain made by all the people present – Susan pulling Severus into the dance as he tried to hide behind the teachers' table; Edmund urging Rolanda Hooch to join the fun; grabbing Hagrid's hand herself as Peter persuaded Madame Maxime to fall into step.
She felt the night ache in her feet and legs and arms, but Lucy held the memories close. Christmas was near, and she could stay awake a little longer.
A/N2: Next up, the Channesy Family. Is there anyone in the ECverse you'd like to see on Christmas? Prompt me! (Otherwise this little adventure's going to end in three days at a total of four short little chapter-snippets!) I'll pretty much write anyone you ask for except for a few characters whose 1994 Christmas is going to be dealt with in "Written in White Stone," another prospective WIP with actual plot.