For selkieashore123, who wanted a story of how little Dean and Boogie first met/became friends and, odd for me, this became a story about Sam.

Word Count: 400


When Bobby's phone rang with Sam's number, he answered it immediately. Last he heard, Dean was still six years old with no way to return to his real age. "Singer."

"It's me," Sam answered.

Bobby could hear the panic in his voice. "What now?"

"Dean… he, I don't know."

"Spit it out."

"He might have befriended the Boogie monster."

Bobby stalled on the thought, then a chuckle slipped out.

"Bobby, this is serious."

"You said 'befriended'," Bobby reminded him.

"I told him to make friends, but with kids his age."

"Which age," Bobby shot back.

"Yeah, Dean said that too. He might have been born twenty-six years ago, but now mentally, physically, he's six. He should make friends with other six year olds."

"How'd he get mixed up with the monster?"

"I think he tried to make friends and one mentioned the monster in the closet. Dean decided to take care of it himself… and he ended up playing poker with it."

"What are the stakes?"


That was harmless enough. "You think they're friends?"

"The monster tried to shove Dean behind it for safety when I saw them together. Very protective."

Bobby chuckled again. Sam would have been a threat at that point.

"Not funny. What if it decides Dean is better as a snack than as a friend? How do I get rid of it?"

"I'm thinking. I'm reminded of another frantic phone call. When you were six."

"I never made friends with anything like that."

"Remember Fred?"

"I don't know any Fred." He paused. "Wait, you mean my imaginary friend when I was six?"


"It was an imaginary horse."

"It was the Headless Horseman's horse."

"You're shitting me."

"Kid you not. Dean was sure of its origin, but less sure of its danger level. He never said how he chased it away and I know he never told John. He didn't kill it because you were fond of the ugly beast. This sounds like typical Winchester kid shenanigans. I'll take care of paperwork and schools –Dean is registered here, by the way, if he's still six in the fall- but you are going to have to take care of his friends."

Sam hung up and Bobby laughed and laughed. If Dean –at ten- could chase off a ghost horse, Sam –as a full adult and experienced Hunter- should be able to chase off the boogie monster.