Reviews for Cutting The Wire
Bookwyrm chapter 1 . 9/30/2017
I liked the comparison between Hulk and the bots. Due to his work with AI it makes sense that Tony would have a broader definition of what counts as a person. However that kind of thinking can be hard to explain to others without going in deep with tecnical and philosophical questions.

Hulk strikes me as a personality with the potential intellect of an adult, but the real life experience of a small child who has only ever been either hated or feared. He likely gets his reputation partly from the fact that he only comes out in situations of imminent danger.
Shadowcat85 chapter 1 . 4/5/2017
This is one of my favorite Tony and Hulk stories I have read. I have read it several times and even have it favorited. I still have no idea what a slanket is though.
Percy-Jackson-is-the-best-ever chapter 1 . 5/20/2015
Awesome story! I am sharing this with a friend. This is so cute :)
kweandee chapter 1 . 5/25/2014 it :)
TheOneThatGotAway99 chapter 1 . 12/24/2013
Pinky and the Brain reference FOR THE WIN! Love it! xD My sisters love Animaniacs, I love Pinky and the Brain, meanwhile, both theme songs are now playing continuously in my head because of this. I very much enjoy this story. I love that Hulk likes Iron Man so much, that he is so protective of him and that Tony understands him so well. That Tony understands that while the Hulk may come from Bruce, he is not Bruce. There is a difference. And while Tony is friends with Banner, and trusts him, he feels the same about Hulk. Ugh, I don't know if that makes any sense like it did in my head. It is 4:40 in the morning so my brain processes are shot. Just thought I would drop you a comment since I liked this story so much. Have a good one! Oh, and Merry Christmas! (Eve, but really, same difference)

Maia2 chapter 1 . 12/20/2013
Aww, this was lovely. But darn, you made my eyes tear up with Hulk trying to get Tony to leave. And Tonys little speech, because NO. Hell, no! I love Tony so damn much.
And the both of them and it's just.. gahhhhh.
"Tin Man Hulk's friend," Hulk rumbles happily, like that is all that matters, and maybe it is.
Pretty much sums it up. It totally is.
InSilva chapter 1 . 9/3/2013
Firstly, ow, ow, ow for the wire. Ow. Hate the idea of it ripping and tearing and shuddering for the image of Hulk transforming back into Bruce and the pain involved. SIgh. S'nasty.

Love that they don't give up on Hulk. Of course not. And this feels like an important moment of friendship to make Hulk understand that he matters in his own right, that it's he's not ranked behind Bruce certainly from Tony's pov. I'd agree that Tony's relationship with non-human intelligences where he feels completely comfortable takes away even the question for him about Hulk. Absolutely deepens Hulk's ties of friendship too, I think.

Happy ending of happy with sushi and animaniacal injokes. Narf!
Resident Evil Lionhart chapter 1 . 8/26/2013
What's a slanket?
Linda-Nairika chapter 1 . 8/21/2013
This is wonderful in every aspect, thank you!
Stina Whatever chapter 1 . 8/17/2013
Very cute! I like the friendship you portray between Hulk and Iron Man.
VampireApple chapter 1 . 8/16/2013
That was fantastic and touching and I loved that they watch Animaniacs.
Harm Marie chapter 1 . 8/14/2013
Liked this lots.
light at last chapter 1 . 8/14/2013
Ugh, I think one of the best things to come out of the new Avengers movie is the abundance of Tony/Bruce/Hulk bro fics. Because I kind of love that Tony and Bruce can be science bros and Tony and Hulk can be smashing bros and it totally works. And I think Tony is uniquely placed to be friends with the Hulk, because he, as you point out, has a whole lot of practice being friends with people that others wouldn't necessarily consider people. Tony's definition of "people" is a whole lot more fluid than most of the population.

Also, Tony and Hulk having inside jokes will go a long way toward convincing others that Hulk is people, I think. And the best part of the joke is that Hulk is Brain and Tony is Pinky, which is pretty much the opposite of their actual roles. I love it. And more random hints at domesticity, with Clint teaches Hulk to be the Kool-Aid man and Tony and Hulk watches Animaniacs. Basically I like it a lot.
SupernaturalGeek chapter 1 . 8/14/2013
Aw, that was really sweet. I love Hulk's delight at having a friend of his own and I love Tony for seeing not only the good in the Big Guy but also that he *is* separate from Bruce. This was really touching but without being too sentimental and the typical Avengers-humour was a welcome touch.
Selene-of-the-Moon2 chapter 1 . 8/14/2013
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