Author has written 33 stories for Sailor Moon, Gundam Wing/Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon X-overs, Dragon Ball Z/Sailor Moon, Harry Potter, xxxHOLiC, and Tsubasa Chronicle. Hello there! I'm estactic that you looked at this page! I'm not going to fill this page with rambling and babbles that I normally would. =) If you have a problem with what I write, feel free to tell me about it. If I don't like what you have to say, I have the right to ignore it. All good? Good! Happy reading, writing, editing, favorite-ing, commenting, reviewing, and everything else! Pairings I like/write about: Harry Potter: Harry x Draco, Harry x Tom/Voldemort, ... erm, yeah. Gundam Wing: Hiiro x Duo, Hiiro x Wufei, Wufei x Quatre Saiyuki: Goku x Sanzo, Hakkai x Gojyo One Piece: Luffy x Zoro xxxHolic: Watanuki x Domeki Tsubasa: Fai x Kurogane, Yukito x Touya Please read my lyrics at If you are looking for some of my ahem writing that is not disclosed on , look for it on the following websites, under the penname: Lilith Kushiel http:/// http:/// http:/// Thank you.All of my work is deciated to Rachel Harris (1989-1999). Thank you so much for entering my life, Rachel; I owe you my life, my world. Thank you for always finding ways to inspire me, even though you have departed from this life. |
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